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スコア: 1.59
Votes: 17
種類 Player » Sneaker
Date Submitted 2009-07-22 04:13:03
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コメント (6)
Valefor.Lilbusta[Report] スコア: 2
wish there could be a 0 rate...
2009-07-22 09:33:32
Asura.Sneaker[Report] スコア: 0
so keep in mind ppl,like sinuzi said:
90% of u guys(including myself) are noobs and Osode is crap!
btw just4info sinuzi: for every 2 dex u gain 1 acc if u are dualwielding.
or do u think the mirke wardecors with ra att and snapshot would have been better? lol
and like u see -> sinuzi is rly acting like a pro player,lol
the good thing is: people now see what kind of player and human u are, thx for the info!
say /farewell reputation sinuzi lol
2009-07-24 12:33:46
Asura.Lior[Report] スコア: 0
TPing in Osode is bs. Correct.
But this *** Tokuzi aka Sinuzi has no right to talk at all. Every oh so little sky ls is still better than lolRMT'ing toons like he does. Gotta love how he lost Tokuzi for scam lolol. Gtfo from Asura.
2009-08-02 09:25:03
Asura.Vuha[Report] スコア: 0
There's no cure for idiotosis I'm afraid. D=
2010-05-25 03:03:57
Phoenix.Cittykat[Report] スコア: 0
lol wow. reminds me of some person in dunes.
"I'm rank 10. I have 2 complete relic weaps! Crabs link on the oasis!" lmfao.
2010-06-12 01:20:55
Asura.Rinkydink[Report] スコア: 0
"I can use plenty better english than you" - DERP!!
2010-12-22 07:01:45