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スコア: 5.27
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種類 Player » Reeve
Date Submitted 2009-07-21 04:59:56
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コメント (10)
Bahamut.Reeve[Report] スコア: 3
It's an old SS I must have taken absolutely ages ago, I just found it edited like this whilst browsing through some pic's. It's a bit of a mystery, it gave me a giggle :)
2009-07-21 09:27:55
Bismarck.Verace[Report] スコア: 3
2009-07-21 10:12:39
Seraph.Octaviusc[Report] スコア: 1
You'd be frustrated too if you went 0/15 on that. I had a friend camp this thing and finally gave up and bought the one off the AH...
2009-07-21 08:49:56
Ragnarok.Fireflame[Report] スコア: 0
weired how come some ppl r like 0/10 with this NM >.>

im 1/1 15 min camp no ToD
and the next day went with friend also 15 min camp and drop 1/1 for him and the 3rd day the same 15 min camp 1/1 for him 2 >.>;;;;

i think SE hate u :P
2009-08-10 11:30:42
Fenrir.Hellknight[Report] スコア: -1
took me 16 kills to get one.
2009-07-21 12:30:51
Alexander.Chronos[Report] スコア: -1
Ahhh~ The things people do when the FF servers are down for maintenence
2009-07-21 13:40:12
Asura.Vespera[Report] スコア: -1
Hehe, although ranger pretty much is shooting away gold thingies considering how much it costs to play in general >.>
2009-07-21 11:47:59
Siren.Qeldroma[Report] スコア: -1
I'll never understand why people don't use TH for impossible nm's like this.
2009-07-21 13:39:07
Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate[Report] スコア: -2
just take the gold thing on the floor...
2009-07-21 11:48:28
Alexander.Meeeeeep 表示 スコア: -16
Am I... Supposed to laugh at this?

I'm confused.
2009-07-21 08:10:18