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スコア: 8.13
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種類 Player » Aclariont
Date Submitted 2009-05-22 02:46:48
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Siren.Aclariont[Report] スコア: 4
I was inspired to try this guy once I heard a story of a RNG soloing it.

I've also had a substantial amount of messages asking how it is done:

Prep -- 4 pineapple juices, 5 yag drinks, selbina milk, emergency hermes quencher. I recommend extras.

Getting there -- Easy as RDM/NIN, need ability to access the tactics pearl quest so you can call your NPC. Fight the MR's and let ~4 strays build up , clear them out, go back to the MR. Don't bother with shadows.

The fight -- The fight takes ~2 hours. Bio him and kite around the zone while avoiding links because they will never deaggro. I kited around the 'lake' at G-6. Recast shadows when he uses Spirit Absorption, gain ground during Promyvion Barrier.

Notes: Save agony and bring a friend & bounce hate!. If you want to solo this you MUST perform 'blink-casting' flawlessly, and gain ground always using terrain advantages. Poison partial resists. Bio needs ~60 casts to kill. Gravity works but consumes MP...

Good Luck!
2009-05-22 14:58:22