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Date Submitted 2009-04-23 21:04:50
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コメント (10)
Remora.Hackstealandbot[Report] スコア: 4
the one thing ive learned from looking at the scores of screenshots uploaded to ffxiah: people love screenshots of wipes
2009-04-24 01:59:21
Remora.Narrubia[Report] スコア: 2
This is a Dobson Fly run, you can see them off in the distance.
2009-04-24 03:02:33
Ragnarok.Erikthecleric[Report] スコア: 2
lvl 40 cap CoP area x: lol not very end-game ish
2009-04-23 22:09:33
Lakshmi.Rylis[Report] スコア: 2
Handled like end-game? You mean infused with drama, deaths, and everyone trying to swing their e-peen around in the most dramatic fashion?
2009-04-24 08:46:14
Kujata.Seranos[Report] スコア: 0
Dobson Fly run...? Or just one of those, "be careful... oh crap" moments? lol
2009-04-23 22:26:50
Sylph.Breakdown[Report] スコア: 0
This is Riverne Site A. You need to complete CoP 2-3 to gain access.
2009-04-24 03:44:36
Ramuh.Haseyo[Report] スコア: 0
CoP is serious business. It should be handled like endgame. :P
2009-04-24 07:37:59
Bahamut.Vindale[Report] スコア: 0
Mentor status did nothing D:
2009-04-30 01:27:50
Bahamut.Leonelf[Report] スコア: -1
lol wearing all high lv equips and go to lv40 cap area ... that's the price for being cheap ***
2009-04-24 07:07:16
Garuda.Kaden[Report] スコア: -1
j/w but what area is this? i've never done any of the endgame stuff if that is where this is at. nice pic tho. :D
2009-04-23 21:57:39