I wish you could edit comments instead of having to delete/make it again to write more.
I posted these screenshots a few months ago on the windower forums when I actually did this and I don't think anyone screamed "HACKER!" . . . Why not just get the amusement out of it that I did? I only did this party two or three times because it was honestly too much work. http://forums.windower.net/index.php?showtopic=13942
Every program or plugin I used I got directly from windower.net forums. Nothing I did is more "illegal" then windower itself. Some things (automatically using weapon skills, doing /follow on the monster then automatically stopping when close enough) just took some creativity with making loops in Spellcast and triggering Spellcast with Autoexec.
I completely automated the 4 melee jobs (3 SAM, NIN) besides engage and Utsusemi using ONLY autoexec and spellcast. For engaging and casting Utsusemi, I used my G15 keyboard to send /attack <bt> to each melee character,