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スコア: 7.20
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種類 Player » Xenogelion
Date Submitted 2009-02-22 16:16:35
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コメント (6)
Hades.Triet[Report] スコア: 4
haha! Windy prevails. (It's a secret San d'Orian plan. Farewell ye little people of Windurst. Your ending is nigh).
2009-02-22 16:52:17
Valefor.Seiken[Report] スコア: 1
Well, last week i got finally Windy op and i'm fron Sandy lol
2009-02-22 20:14:10
Titan.Azarasi[Report] スコア: 0
Sandy needs to return the favor, it would be nice to have a tele to the outpost over in windy
2009-02-22 17:36:48
null.null[Report] スコア: 0
When this happened on Bahamut, a while back, Windy had Ronfaure + Gustaburg, Sandy had Saruta. ;D
2009-02-22 23:27:06
Bismarck.Graciel[Report] スコア: 0
Haha.. the fun of taking over other countries' starting area OPs. I got all outposts possible and better yet, I'm from Bastok. :)
2010-02-11 12:35:45
Asura.Xenophire[Report] スコア: -1
The same thing happened to Bastok around the same time, but in Asura.

Windurst had Gustaberg.
2009-02-22 19:35:00