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スコア: 5.84
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種類 Player » Twistedangel
Date Submitted 2009-02-18 18:59:54
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コメント (8)
Shiva.Artemicion[Report] スコア: 9
Uh oh, hopefully this doesn't make a trend of BLM/THFs.
2009-02-18 22:53:02
Lakshmi.Easykill[Report] スコア: 8
well you know maybe they are on ps2/360 and can't screenshot text?
2009-02-18 22:58:31
Carbuncle.Twistedangel[Report] スコア: 5
FYI; it was a -phone-, off a -Television- from the -Playstation 2- version of the game. *shakes his head* And I'm singular, I'm not 'ppl'. :x
2009-02-18 23:31:56
Carbuncle.Shokox[Report] スコア: 3

Can't believe you posted eet.
2009-02-18 23:35:13
Asura.Malekith[Report] スコア: 0
You can't SS chat conversations off a ps2, I know because I've tried... unless someone knows something that I don't...
2009-02-19 12:47:32
Leviathan.Edane[Report] スコア: 0
"I know because I've tried" has never been a substantial argument... for anything :S
2015-01-23 14:31:11
Ragnarok.Holyman 表示 スコア: -18
srsly my eyes are bleeding T_T ... geez ppl! don't you have better ways to get SCREENSHOTS!
2009-02-18 22:17:49
Shiva.Tigris 表示 スコア: -21
When are people going to learn to take real screen shots and not take pictures of their monitors with crappy digital cameras...
2009-02-18 22:05:34