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スコア: 2.59
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種類 Player » Slashsnakepit
Date Submitted 2009-02-07 20:55:39
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コメント (7)
Fairy.Aleya[Report] スコア: 7
lol so I'm assuming the "smart" people would be the ones bending down to lick your nuts over your gear? "I can do w/e i want" what a damn cry baby lol. Your post made me laugh though so thanks for that.
2009-02-08 13:29:50
Seraph.Kep[Report] スコア: 4
private server is all dont get excited
2009-02-08 15:24:46
Unicorn.Emirii[Report] スコア: -4
with changing the dat files on the icons, and the model its self, it's possible.
2009-02-08 15:00:36
Bahamut.Vitrolant[Report] スコア: -5
thats a burtgang
2009-02-08 01:45:42
Fairy.Cycloptux[Report] スコア: -6
ever heard of ProjectXI?
2009-02-08 10:04:42
Caitsith.Slashsnakepit[Report] スコア: -7
i post this pics to see what smart people say and what dumb ppl say, i will keep putting pics like this, its not fake, is just a dif server and i can do w/e i want.
2009-02-08 10:11:25
Pandemonium.Abiathar 表示 スコア: -12
I would say a better question is what isnt this about. Full Valkyrie's Breastplate set , Aegis , Defending ring , Shadow ring and maybe cape also and to top it all of Burtgang. So congrats all around.
2009-02-07 22:49:36