Windurst 8 | Dynamis-Jeuno Interloper
And having no further concern, he and his companions sought adventure in the West. Many wars and feuds did Cliamain fight. Honor and fear were heaped upon his name and, in time, he became a king by his own hand... And this story shall also be told. |
経験値合計 |
レベル合計 |
1787 |
経験値合計 |
33,707,200 |
Maatジョブ |
12/15 |
Maatキャップまで |
1,351,600 |
レリック所持一覧 |
エクスカリバー (119)
ブルトガング (119)
ラグナロク (119)
アポカリプス (119)
オハン (99)
イージス (99)
カラドボルグ (90)
アルマス (85)
リンクシェル |