I wanteth to bid thee the tale of a bard with so much charm, his songs couldst melteth the panties off any maiden. His songs so pow'rful their notes couldst saturate the crevice of ev'ry moth'r; and fath'r in vanadiel. So righteous nay evil shalt beest did bid. So delectably delicious nay sir, planteth, galka, taru, 'r child couldst intermit his vast robust flute.
F'r his dagg'r couldst quench the thirst of 't be true a blood thirsty giant. His flute couldst penetrate the devils c're. His tale so we'll known the toads of vanadiel humeth his tunes. That gent can stand ho the raineth with his glaze, and stand ho the sky from moving
Kano, can I come over after school?
We can hang around by the pool
Did your mom get back from her business trip?
Is she there, or is she trying to give me the slip?
You know, I'm not the little boy that I used to be
I'm all grown up now
Baby, can't you see?
Kano's mom has got it goin' on
She's all I want
And I've waited for so long
Kano, can't you see?
You're just not the girl for me
I know it might be wrong but
I'm in love with Kano's mom
Kano's mom has got it goin
Kano's mom has got it goin
Kano, do you remember when I mowed your lawn?
Your mom came out with just a towel on
I could tell she liked me from the way she stared
And the way she said
"You missed a spot over there"