Cappie - Fenrir

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PM Fenrir.Cappie

取引履歴 (25)
嫉まれた鱗股当Feb. 15, 2016GillbartCappie45,000
ワイバーンヘルムNov. 16, 2015CappieKamali9,000
常夏の腐肉汁 x12Nov. 14, 2015CappieBirgit19,000
嫌われた裙子Nov. 14, 2015DevinryCappie2,800,000
嫌われた袖飾りNov. 14, 2015RoughCappie2,000,000
常夏の腐肉汁 x12Nov. 14, 2015CappiePipie19,000
セシャーケープNov. 5, 2015HonxiaCappie1,350,000
夢神の指輪Nov. 5, 2015KeiriceCappie460,000
結氷の指輪Sep. 22, 2015CappiePinchbeck10,000
ネポテベルSep. 21, 2015PootietangCappie1,000
コメント (4)
Fenrir.Kytrill[Report] スコア: 4
watch out for this *** on Fenrir

single coins for 100's price
2012-06-09 22:43:05
Fenrir.Arziet[Report] スコア: 0
Son of a Bish, I just fell for the single price @ 100's price. 10 freaking years and finally slipped up. 20M gone.
2014-02-20 23:08:34
Fenrir.Shznittle[Report] スコア: 0
Yea, now i'm a fellow idiot that just fell for her traps! Betrayed by late night shopping...ridiculous.
2014-04-30 03:06:48
Fenrir.George[Report] スコア: 0
Don't even check this person's bazaar. If you do, you have a chance of running the risk of getting cheated.
2014-06-11 21:33:01
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