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防30 HP+3 MP+11 STR+5 DEX+5 VIT+5 AGI+16 INT+8 MND+9 CHR+17 回避+13 魔回避+59 魔防+1 ヘイスト+3% 戦闘スキル上昇率+1
LV 99 戦 モ 白 黒 赤 シ ナ 暗 獣 詩 狩 侍 忍 竜 召 青 コ か 踊 学 GEO RUN
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コメント (3)
Cerberus.Noirin[Report] スコア: 3
Obtained by trading in 2000 Sparks, from the Records of Eminence quests.
2013-12-11 13:25:30
Sylph.Carmelita[Report] スコア: 1
What Razallmighty isn't considering is how hard it is to get a party that *isn't* in Abyssea or Gusgen and more skill gear is really necessary for newer players to have a chance.
2013-12-14 20:31:44
Sylph.Razallmighty[Report] スコア: -2
It seems as though SE is trying to make it easier for people that Abyssea pt'd up from 30.... People used to take pride in a capped skill. But FFXI is becoming more of a come and go game than before... Any math whiz's wanna take a shot at the % of increase on these?
2013-12-10 23:22:43
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