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防130 HP+59 MP+44 STR+30 DEX+35 VIT+26 AGI+30 INT+25 MND+25 CHR+25 命中+15 攻+15 魔攻+25 回避+49 魔回避+64 魔防+6 ヘイスト+4% トリプルアタック+2%
LV 99 モ シ 狩 忍 青 コ か 踊 RUN
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コメント (3)
Sylph.Oraen[Report] スコア: 14
Rank 15 augment paths
Path A: DEX 10 / STR 7 / INT 7
Path B: HP 50 / ACC 15 / EVA 20
Path C: ACC 15 / Pet ACC 15 / Pet DA 3
Path D: HP 50 / Subtle Blow 7 / TA 2

Huge thanks to Decimus from Sylph for letting me know the augment paths.
2015-05-24 19:27:20
Sylph.Shadowlina[Report] スコア: 10
Drops of Vidala, T1 NM in Escha.
2015-05-23 04:35:18
Odin.Suminagashi[Report] スコア: 0
Vidala in Escha - Zi'Tah will cast Break on you as its first action before you can engage in melee. If you can buy Mirror Tonics, use those, but I couldn't find any info on how to unlock them. I made a rundown of Jobs that, from my observations, *might* be able to survive the first minute solo with Trusts against this jerkbag tiger, but had to cut it short to fit.

The short version is: BLM Stun and NIN Utsusemi, or any Job as /BLM or /NIN, are probably the safest options. Others include PLD: Fealty; RUN: Barstone+Barpetrify+Flabra x3+Pflug; BRD: Nightingale+Troubadour+Foe Lullaby II; RDM: Spontaneity+Sleep II. A couple of iffy ones are PUP: Provoke (pet) and DRG: Super Jump, because you still get petrified while your automaton tanks for a minute and the timing is too luck-based for Super Jump.
2017-06-16 18:16:22
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