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DPS: 2737 D104 隔228 命中+6 攻+5 片手剣スキル+162 受け流しスキル+162 魔命スキル+126
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コメント (5)
Phoenix.Belgaer[Report] スコア: 25
Hey, cool. Now all SE needs to do is give us gear at 99 that looks like Beetle gear and I'll feel like I'm off to do mission 2-3 all over again. lol
2013-05-07 10:43:16
Phoenix.Michiiru[Report] スコア: 4
Tetanus, it's a killer alright.
2013-09-21 23:33:54
Valefor.Surivere[Report] スコア: 2
It looks pretty neat actually. Took some getting used to, but it's a red-ish rusty recolor of the Kaiser/Ancient sword. It's actually quite decent looking once you've held it for a bit.

That said, you can still just go .dat this away~
2013-05-08 12:05:35
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] スコア: 1
Well, Always did like the Kaiser/Ancient Sword.
2013-05-06 22:58:46
Siren.Danita[Report] スコア: -4
Neither Sword nor Parry skill will take effect if this is in your off-hand.
2013-08-21 04:04:51
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