Just a small correction to Vegetaspride's explanation of Martial Knife's TP bonus. The TP bonus doesn't double your current TP.. it adds 100 to it. So if you do a WS at 100 TP, it will have the power of a 200 TP ws. If you WS at 150 TP, it will have the power of a 250 TP ws, and so on and so forth.
"TP Bonus (found on weapons such as the Martial Knife, Martial Scythe, Martial Anelace, etc. along with the Shamo and Hagun) allows a weaponskill to use 100% additional TP from what you have when the skill is actually used. For example, using Tachi: Yukikaze at 100% TP with a Hagun (Martial Great Katana) would have the same effect as though you used it at 200% TP with a non-martial weapon. It does not allow the user to gain TP any faster, that's what the "Store TP" Job Trait and effect on certain items does.
TP bonus only works if the weapon is equipped in the main hand; a TP bonus weapon in the off hand has no effect, and a TP bonus ranged weapon will not affect a melee weapon and vice-versa.
Any weaponskill performed at 200% or greater will only apply a TP% of 300. So performing a 300%TP attack with a TP Bonus weapon is pointless."
Because the way it is stated in Wiki as being a percantile "100%tp"
it can be looked at both ways, but u may be right Tryst.
While I do not condone paying 1.5mil for an Aeolian Edge "burn" piece for Gold Casket farming.. what with being able to do it on MNK+Pluto's Staff and Cataclysm, or plain Fell-Cleave on WAR... Some people only have THF so This is a good weapon for them.
Now those of you who don't want to spend 1.5mil(Current Asuran Price) can always do the Magian Trial Dagger for "TP Bonus +100", it takes a while but you save the gil, and as Aeolian Edge Burning is generally something you do to farm pop-sets for Empyrean-Item NMs (Glavoid/etc) You'll likely be using it for quite so time... a worthy investment.
I have read, and accepted wrong information on this. The truth is that TP Bonus weapons do not work in the offhand. However, from what others have said, the TP Bonus +XXX weapons DO work in the offhand. I have confirmed this using Uzura +2 TP Bonus+100 Katana works offhand with this dagger for maximum TP damage with minimum TP.