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DEX+3 VIT+3 AGI+3 命中+3
LV 75 戦 モ 白 黒 赤 シ ナ 暗 獣 詩 狩 侍 忍 竜 召 青 コ か 踊 学 GEO RUN
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コメント (9)
Carbuncle.Professorchaos[Report] スコア: 35
5.25 Acc for 2handers 4.5 for 1h
2008-11-23 19:57:12
Diabolos.Umbramortis[Report] スコア: 16
EinherjarPrice: 15,000 Ampoules of Therion Ichor

Name - Kilusha Location- Nashmau (H-7) Einherjar Merchant
2008-08-21 20:40:07
Sylph.Zyogi[Report] スコア: 2
Going out on a limb.. Haven't done any testing on this what-so-ever... But it does look like one of the better rings for NIN Blade: Jin. As Professorchaos said 4.5acc for 1h. Possible means you can jiggle some gear around and get more STR or DEX in other slots to either try and break a crit tier or get higher fStr.
2010-02-21 08:09:33
Gilgamesh.Onepenny[Report] スコア: -1
Imo this is a good backup ring for my pld/nin... for those times i cant use jelly nor BQ... No!!! I dont do kings.

I also use it for thf WS.

Might not be top gear, but imo its a very useful piece.
2009-05-29 06:16:59
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] スコア: -1
It's not the best accuracy you'll get on a ring, no. However, the fact that it's free instead of millions is a very nice factor. Good WS ring for crit-based multi-hit WSs (Vorpal Blade, Rampage, etc.)
2010-01-10 11:18:09
Remora.Princealex[Report] スコア: -2
this ring would of been so nice if it gave str instead of agi.
it would of atleast been even with the mage ring
2009-04-18 01:07:04
Garuda.Midnightmemory[Report] スコア: -3
one of the easier to obtain and FREE better accuracy rings in the game, especially for MNK and PUP with the extra VIT mods to pump up those hand-to-hand WS
2008-11-30 12:51:29
Remora.Nhahagolah[Report] スコア: -8
Either 4 or 5 ACC for onehanders, either 5 or 6 ACC for twohanders, depending on your other DEX.
2009-05-05 10:50:52
Seraph.Tankjr 表示 スコア: -29
The new in thing to wear for complete idiots
2010-02-05 22:55:57
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