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Jan. 1, 2025PouletLuyen300,091
Dec. 29, 2024BanananekoLunawisp300,000
Dec. 26, 2024DiprosPenjamin300,000
Dec. 23, 2024UjrujrLalatinax300,000
Dec. 21, 2024BarimenChrystabella300,000
Dec. 18, 2024LukelandIcorah300,000
Dec. 11, 2024KodomogDragonfang300,000
Dec. 8, 2024BlackstabbethTuefie100,000
Nov. 28, 2024KiritokiryuExavil300,000
Nov. 21, 2024TakamachiElathriel300,000
Shiva.Verfionki PM200,0001Ru'Lude Gardens10 minutes ago
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
コメント (21)
Carbuncle.Magistrella[Report] スコア: 187
Every WHM who doesn't have this.

Go work and buy it. Even the relic body can not reach the usage of this.

Discussion between relic body and this is old-fashioned. Just have both.

Greetz Magi ^.~
2007-05-21 01:26:37
Phoenix.Hannahry[Report] スコア: 89
I know this may sound silly, but for anyone whos unsure like myself I can say that the Refresh on this top does stack over us WHMs who sub SMN, thus 2mp per tick :). Its a gorgeous top too ^^
2007-05-30 07:47:12
Diabolos.Whetstone[Report] スコア: 63
Was a lot of hard work and dedication to afford my Noble's but it was well worth it. Blessed Tunic was doing a fine job- but the auto-refresh really allows you to focus on other things as a WHM.
2007-06-22 12:44:13
Fenrir.Mirae[Report] スコア: 47
The thing that makes this tunic so good isn't only the Refresh. the Cure potency is what especially makes this an awesome piece to have, as it stacks with Light Staff's cure potency. The Refresh is just icing on the cake. Recommended for all of you fellow WHM out there ^^
2007-09-08 15:17:05
Remora.Syraphin[Report] スコア: 45
refresh isnt the main reason to get this top, 20mp a minute is ok, but its nice to stack with other refresh/ballad/smn sub/sanction etc...the 10% healing is the best peice. this + lightstaff are a great mix.
2008-01-06 13:31:53
Odin.Solicia[Report] スコア: 32
This is by far the best Purchase I have ever made! I can not believe how handy this little beauty has been. WHM of the world, buy one! You will not regret it.
2007-08-09 07:43:51
Quetzalcoatl.Bigbroon[Report] スコア: 28
It isn't really a case of Cleric's Briault Vs. Noble's tunic, or even Blessed Briault for that matter. I have all 3. I have blessed briault on when i'm about to start whatever i'm doing, as it easily outweighs the other two on mp, and you don't need refresh if your mp is capped.

Once i've casted buffs (the most likely thing to cast when beginning something, other than reraise III), i'll switch to Noble's. My mp won't be capped, so i have no need for the +mp from blessed, and a great need for refresh. When standing, expecting to cure, Noble's > Cleric's.

I have Cleric's Briault macro'd in for my regen macro, and Noble's macro'd in on my healing macro, for all +mnd/healing magic + gear.

Once you get your Cleric's, there's no real excuse not to have all 3 of these, i'd advise owning them all.
2008-07-17 10:34:16
Midgardsormr.Clyde[Report] スコア: 23
The usefulness of this piece of armor cannot be expressed. It puts every other piece, even relic to shame. While Blessed Body is a decent cheaper alternate piece for the "less wealthy" crowd, Refresh and the extra cure boost will surely be missed.

My advice: don't have it? Get it.
2007-09-02 01:43:24
Fairy.Mystress[Report] スコア: 15
the refresh on this body is not why it is good. "Cure" potency +10% is why it is better than blessed/errant.
the af2 body is simply a macro swap for regen. you should not main heal in it. Cure in noble's/aristocrats onry
2008-08-30 20:51:24
Fairy.Budoukiba[Report] スコア: 9
Almost a -must have- for WHMs of this level, the body does wonders wit the extra Cure Potency. Added with a Light Staff or Templar Mace on an average healing magic skill takes your basic cure to just under 40HP heal. Anyone who can afford this must buy it. I highly recommend it!
2008-07-25 18:57:23
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