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被ダメージ時に敵対心が下がりにくい リフレシュ
LV 80 ナ
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コメント (7)
Cerberus.Mitsukai[Report] スコア: 16
Dropped from Chukwa in Abyssea - Tahrongi, an Adamantoise NM.
2010-07-04 07:14:33
Bahamut.Aeronis[Report] スコア: 0
While Arcon's comment isn't completely true, something like this -would- be useful for things that need to be blood tanked like Yilb and... well Yilb. >_>

Not that this piece needs justifying anyways, the refresh 100% of the time alone makes this awesome.
2010-09-23 14:53:42
Phoenix.Spawn[Report] スコア: 0
Really great tanking piece. I use this most of the time if i can afford it (at or close enough to -dt caps for content) and as everyone said before, refresh all the time is awesome~
2014-12-01 22:32:17
Bismarck.Hisagi[Report] スコア: -2
Dont drop parade gorget.. is lv 50 also drk can use it this is lv 80.
2010-07-23 14:05:14
Midgardsormr.Berto[Report] スコア: -3
Yeah you can toss your Parade Gorget in the can next to the door on your way out.
2010-06-22 08:18:11
Phoenix.Durahan 表示 スコア: -12
easily one of the best pld necks. wonder how to obtain it.
2010-06-30 21:41:20
Leviathan.Arcon 表示 スコア: -29
Blood tanking is very efficient these days. With PLD/WAR Defender, Phalanx, DEF food, Shield Def. Bonus, Crit. Def. Bonus, and higher level and shield skill, many dangerous mobs hit for ridiculous amounts of damage, especially if you use Versa Hauberk too.

Considering that, this piece is almost better for its reduced Enmity loss. Otherwise, Parade Gorget would be almost as good, since PLD are usually kept at nearly full HP anyway.

Nonetheless, very desirable piece. 0/5 on it so far, and haven't heard of many others who got it, even though I see Chukwa's Eggs all around. Guess that means drop rate isn't all that good..
2010-08-02 06:30:42
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