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コメント (7)
Fenrir.Nightfyre[Report] スコア: 15
Regen effects from gear stack, always have, but the -movement on this is awfully disappointing.
2011-05-26 02:12:58
Bismarck.Altar[Report] スコア: 5
Drops from the Voidwatch NM Akupara. Regen effect is +2.
2011-07-29 22:54:06
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] スコア: 4
Theres also Regen+3(Kaiser)Feet, Lycopodium Sash, Regen+2 on Kirin's Osode, and Bloom Buckler to Consider for Regen.

And the Regen+2 Ring added the 90-95 update.

I'm sure I'm even forgetting more.

thats an Additional 9hp/tic to add to Javelinx' Post. (For the correct jobs)
2011-10-20 17:18:55
Bismarck.Alana[Report] スコア: 3
At Javelinx

Shadow/Valkirie brests regen is 2 HP tick
2011-10-20 10:59:50
Odin.Javelinx[Report] スコア: 3
um, wow JackieO...

regen4=39 hp/tic from any decent whm

adaman barbuta= 3hp/tic
orochi nodawa=1hp/tic
shadow/V.breastplate/dusk body=1tic
herc ring=3hp/tic when below 51% hp
scuta cape=2hp/tic

and a few others that are day or dependent on other stuff, but with just the stuff listed there that's

49hp/tic...nothing to scoff at if you're healing, it's certainly more effective that the BEST hHP back piece. regen+2>hHP+2, always

Edit @Alana thanks, wasn't sure on that...so 50hp/tic if u dont want to both with day and or buffactive gear, more if you do...

@Karbuncle yeah i reember the ring after i posted, and hadnt seen the feet augments on kaisers/koenig...but yeah regardless, tons of regen and it all stacks and is super useful, he!! ad ochain or aegis pld with max regen gear pretty much doesnt need any1 but a whm, and for regen only lol
2011-10-22 08:59:56
Lakshmi.Reddwarf[Report] スコア: 2
this is a Back Piece, Odowa is a Neck, i assume the effects Stack.
2011-05-11 00:12:07
Fenrir.Mesic[Report] スコア: 1
this is for getting charmed on leojum sanction salvage for when your friends are running from you as you're eating -25hp per tic
2012-11-01 00:52:04
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