Mages Vs. Brainless DDs

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Mages vs. Brainless DDs
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サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15064
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-04-23 15:05:25  
Well there you go
サーバ: Asura
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user: Parhelia
Posts: 485
By Asura.Despayn 2010-04-23 15:05:56  
Sylph.Spency said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Sylph.Spency said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Counterstance depends on the mnk. W/o appropriate gear or food, do me a favor and don't use it.

What gear would I need? Usu is out of the question
Counters can miss, just like melee attacks. It'll just not counter instead of saying counter missed. That being said, can use what you please, but if your acc is slacking then eat crab sushi or get better acc build (w/o sacrificing haste) or don't use it.

I'm a cook, I can full time pizza 1

No worries here! This *** can cook!
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 6969
By Sylph.Spency 2010-04-23 15:08:13  

DD's are lazy!
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
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By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-04-23 15:10:17  
If I didn't care about EXP so much I'd stop fishing every time I see a DD is AFK.

I doubt we'd get chain 3's.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33978
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-04-23 15:12:48  
Yeah I don't merit with bad DDs so the monk always had good accuracy.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
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By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-04-23 15:13:50  
Bismarck.Dracondria said:
Yeah I don't merit with bad DDs so the monk always had good accuracy.
Well outside of sushi and full usu, mnk is gonna have pretty ***acc in a haste build. And sushi is meh.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33978
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-04-23 15:14:29  
It is but he was still better than a lot of the DDs on Bismarck :/
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 6969
By Sylph.Spency 2010-04-23 15:27:13  
Bismarck.Dracondria said:
It is but he was still better than a lot of the DDs on Bismarck :/

I'm better than most DD on Sylph, I still wouldn't invite me to merit on MNK lol
サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: TBMC
Posts: 60
By Diabolos.Obliterate 2010-04-23 19:54:21  
From my experiences it is true that DDs are more "brainless" than mages. Now I have pld and nin 75, sam drk

and mnk 75 and rdm 75 and have viewed the whole lvling process from every point of view(except brd). And while it is

true that there are more dd jobs than anything, its the attitude and mentality of the players that pick dds that make them

brainless. A dd that knows how to moderate their damage and ride the hate line and if needed do other things besides

just deal damage are by far not the majority of dds. Instead we get players that were the old rngs -> war/nins -> Sams

and the new generation where all they care about is doing the most damage possible to either satisfy themselves or to

try and outdo other dds even at the expense of knowingly hurting the party. A few examples being drks popping last

resort SE anything to see high numbers, rngs pulling with barrage and startingof with slugwinders, any sam or /sam job

that refuses to use seigan TE under any circumstance. Now I understand that you dont need seigan TE in any good merit

pt but seigan and hasso dont share a timer so you could easily pop up seigan TE if you take hate mitigating at least one

hit then simply pop hasso up again. Now there are certain situation where dds will need to go all out of course, but again

its up to the dd to know when and when not to do that. I have seen my share of bad mages as well, but most of them

are actually blms that are guess what, dds that have the same mentality. For someone to actually pick whm, rdm, sch, or

even brd as their MAIN job they have a different mindset, they usually honestly want to play a support/healer role in the

game and just do their part, they dont want all the glory like dds do.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15064
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-04-23 19:56:01  
what's wrong with last resort?
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33978
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-04-23 20:24:14  
He meant Souleater + Last Resort I think, not LR on its own.
サーバ: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Akeda
Posts: 1698
By Kujata.Akeda 2010-04-23 20:24:23  
Diabolos.Obliterate said:
From my experiences it is true that DDs are more "brainless" than mages. Now I have pld and nin 75, sam drk

and mnk 75 and rdm 75 and have viewed the whole lvling process from every point of view(except brd). And while it is

true that there are more dd jobs than anything, its the attitude and mentality of the players that pick dds that make them

brainless. A dd that knows how to moderate their damage and ride the hate line and if needed do other things besides

just deal damage are by far not the majority of dds. Instead we get players that were the old rngs -> war/nins -> Sams

and the new generation where all they care about is doing the most damage possible to either satisfy themselves or to

try and outdo other dds even at the expense of knowingly hurting the party. A few examples being drks popping last

resort SE anything to see high numbers, rngs pulling with barrage and startingof with slugwinders, any sam or /sam job

that refuses to use seigan TE under any circumstance. Now I understand that you dont need seigan TE in any good merit

pt but seigan and hasso dont share a timer so you could easily pop up seigan TE if you take hate mitigating at least one

hit then simply pop hasso up again. Now there are certain situation where dds will need to go all out of course, but again

its up to the dd to know when and when not to do that. I have seen my share of bad mages as well, but most of them

are actually blms that are guess what, dds that have the same mentality. For someone to actually pick whm, rdm, sch, or

even brd as their MAIN job they have a different mindset, they usually honestly want to play a support/healer role in the

game and just do their part, they dont want all the glory like dds do.

my eyes hurt from trying to read that
サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: TBMC
Posts: 60
By Diabolos.Obliterate 2010-04-23 20:26:54  
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
what's wrong with last resort?

Nothing is wrong with last resort alone as long as the drk knows when to use it but seeing how it draws enmity close to provoke when used with SE + a ws, yeah you see what im gettin at.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33978
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-04-23 20:35:31  
In a party it doesn't matter much with Dread Spikes for when you take hate, two forms of stun and two drain spells. Mob shouldn't be alive for too long either, even in an EXP pt.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: FireDeath
Posts: 108
By Fenrir.Fdeath 2010-04-23 20:42:10  
@Diabolos.Obliterate good there still ppl with brain.

@Kujata.Akeda why true hurt?

Big number, is all what you can hear nowday from SAM, DRK, RNG, and BLM.

What is that big number anyway? is it the 2K Freeze II that caused 8~10 MELE to loose 200+ TP? [~12k dmg lost] or is it the 1.3k Gekko that destroyed the MB x5? (5x 2.5~3k) Or is it the noob lol-drk doing all his HATE ability (that no one care bc is a fail job ) to get 2k DMG and die right after?

And sorry for the DRK/THF with BRAIN using they hate ability BEFORE engaging mob and then SA/TA WS for high DMG not causing any trouble. That the way, but too bad not all drk are smart..

i love this post, it clearly show how DD are lmao. Funny to see is not only on fenrir.
サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: TBMC
Posts: 60
By Diabolos.Obliterate 2010-04-23 20:42:41  
Yes you are right in some situations it doesnt matter but in some it does, dread spikes will protect you and actually will benefit from LR but if you eat a pecking flurry after you draw hate it'll hurt. in merit pts its not as much of an issue because as you said the mob shouldnt last long enough for it to matter but at lower lvls with kills not being as fast it does matter. If you are fighting birds a reflected drain II hurts so again it is up to the dd to make a competent decision.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33978
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2010-04-23 20:55:03  
Birds, Crawlers or Imps shouldn't last long enough for it to matter.

@Fdeath It hurt because of how he wrote it.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
Posts: 650
By Fairy.Basilo 2010-04-23 21:00:05  
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Bismarck.Dracondria said:
Yeah I don't merit with bad DDs so the monk always had good accuracy.
Well outside of sushi and full usu, mnk is gonna have pretty ***acc in a haste build. And sushi is meh.

Mine isnt ***, you sent me parse info yourself.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Parhelia
Posts: 485
By Asura.Despayn 2010-04-23 21:57:14  
I have a pretty standard MNK when it comes to TP. MNK/WAR using pizza, my accuracy isn't bad whatsoever. Of course, I could be wrong. TP gear looks something like this:

Destroyers/---/---/Tiphia Sting
Walahra Turban/Peacock Amulet/Brutal Earring/Minuet Earring
Shura Togi/Bandomusha Kote*/Rajas Ring/Blood Ring
Forager's* Mantle/Black Belt/Byakko's Haidate/Fuma Sune-Ate

* = What I could improve on. Forager's could definitely change out into a Cuchu mantle. Bandomusha Kote, I was thinking about swapping these for Noritsune Kote (Acc+ 10) considering even with 8/8 Hand-to-Hand merits on birds, I'm pretty sure I'm not sitting on capped accuracy, though it may seem like I am.

Regardless, I don't even merit anymore. Summoner burns sup. And when I do merit, I merit on either RDM or lazy COR.

Honestly there are only two conditions where I can see someone having to "pay attention" in a merit party.

1) Puller. BRD or COR have to keep those mobs coming, so I can see why they always have to pay attention and always have to be on the ball. A mob being even a second late to camp could mean the entire chain goes down the drain, and clearly people don't want that to happen. I know I'm not the only person who feels demoralized when they see their chain 200 break. When this happens, I really don't even want to merit anymore honestly >.>;

2. When DDs are constantly taking damage, which in any good merit party, this should be happening. On top of keeping DD's healed, your RDM or whoever your healer is, should be hasting/Dia'ing. Dia makes a huge difference; if you don't Dia, you should start.

サーバ: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: dascorp
Posts: 1051
By Seraph.Rafik 2010-04-24 02:10:26  
I have seen some lazy mages. Some mages *** when you ask them for haste or you need erase/para etc. While doing end game events looking and seeing them have full mp just makes me upset. When I look and see you have no mp, I shut up. Asking them several times just makes you ignored.

Not all dd are brainless. Doing limbus with 5-6 people, and me being on sam. I end up tanking and if you dont haste me and erase/para when I ask can result in wipes.

From my own experience doing lots of kirin zergs. Asking the mages to haste all the dd before we start and get bitched at most of the time. Having to explain to them why hasting dd every time gets old.

If you got a rdm to 75, expect to refresh/haste people. If you dont like it, dont level the job.

Some mages check your gear before they decide to haste you.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: krazyrs
Posts: 716
By Fenrir.Krazyrs 2010-04-24 02:44:35  
Seraph.Rafik said:
Some mages check your gear before they decide to haste you.

dont understand this part since haste from spell and haste from gear are totally different caps

i do find tho that DD that have other jobs lv like support/mage/tank etc tend to play DD better then someone with just DD jobs lvd, might just be me tho

i tank in meripo as SAM/WAR so i really cant afk since birds are dropping every 20~ seconds or so, or if no CORs are looking ill flag up as that
サーバ: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: dascorp
Posts: 1051
By Seraph.Rafik 2010-04-24 03:16:36  
Fenrir.Krazyrs said:
Seraph.Rafik said:
Some mages check your gear before they decide to haste you.

dont understand this part since haste from spell and haste from gear are totally different caps

I asked some of them why. What I got was that they check to see how well geared you are and if they see something they dont like. They say not haste for you, waist of my mp.

I tanked on nin, and the rdm was like why you need haste, stop bugging me, then hasted the rng lol
Posts: 3
By Xpolak 2010-04-24 03:16:55  
DD's are meant to do dmg. They aren't meant to have brains for spells, stop hating on DD's cuz mages can't do ***without them and other way around. BLM cast big spells MNKs hit nonestop and ws, whm heals, PLD tanks, SAM nonestop WS, DRK is eh... All u DD haters stfu. u don't play it, don't judge it. some people just don't like playing with magic.
サーバ: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Ezekryu
Posts: 5
By Midgardsormr.Ezekryu 2010-04-24 03:17:27  
Sylph.Spency said:
If you're in a merit party where they need mad, gtfo :P

I need Madrigal when I go to birds as a Polearm SAM with only 4 Polearm merits :<

I whiff so much without it that I generally just pull out the GKT if I don't have two support (BRD/COR).
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Paulus
Posts: 619
By Bahamut.Paulus 2010-04-24 04:35:19  
Xpolak said:
DD's are meant to do dmg. They aren't meant to have brains for spells, stop hating on DD's cuz mages can't do ***without them and other way around. BLM cast big spells MNKs hit nonestop and ws, whm heals, PLD tanks, SAM nonestop WS, DRK is eh... All u DD haters stfu. u don't play it, don't judge it. some people just don't like playing with magic.

I don't think it's an issue of people not understanding their jobs entirely. I see it more in an end-game perspective. Some folks just don't know how to apply their skills at the right time or in coordination with others.

For example you've a KS99 going. Your PLD goes in and claims the enemy. He starts building hate. Right away two, no three JSE SAMs rush in and dump their tp. They also continue to hit it repeatedly and cause more breath attacks while your mages are moving into position. Oh now some mages are dead. And things just fall apart all because someone jumped the gun and never let hate get established.

Or say when BLMs decide that they will start using AM II 25 seconds into the fight. Causing everyone else to get drawn in. It causes healers to panic, over cure and the PLD never gets hate back until all that hate is wiped by the deaths of everyone.

Sometimes unexpected things happen where the situation needs to be contained after things are well under control. Average melee will lack the situational awareness to back off till someone who actually knows what their doing has to screem MELEE's GET OFF! or BLMs HOLD DAMAGE STOP NUKING!

サーバ: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: dascorp
Posts: 1051
By Seraph.Rafik 2010-04-24 05:02:42  
Bahamut.Paulus said:
Xpolak said:
DD's are meant to do dmg. They aren't meant to have brains for spells, stop hating on DD's cuz mages can't do ***without them and other way around. BLM cast big spells MNKs hit nonestop and ws, whm heals, PLD tanks, SAM nonestop WS, DRK is eh... All u DD haters stfu. u don't play it, don't judge it. some people just don't like playing with magic.

I don't think it's an issue of people not understanding their jobs entirely. I see it more in an end-game perspective. Some folks just don't know how to apply their skills at the right time or in coordination with others.

For example you've a KS99 going. Your PLD goes in and claims the enemy. He starts building hate. Right away two, no three JSE SAMs rush in and dump their tp. They also continue to hit it repeatedly and cause more breath attacks while your mages are moving into position. Oh now some mages are dead. And things just fall apart all because someone jumped the gun and never let hate get established.

Or say when BLMs decide that they will start using AM II 25 seconds into the fight. Causing everyone else to get drawn in. It causes healers to panic, over cure and the PLD never gets hate back until all that hate is wiped by the deaths of everyone.

Sometimes unexpected things happen where the situation needs to be contained after things are well under control. Average melee will lack the situational awareness to back off till someone who actually knows what their doing has to screem MELEE's GET OFF! or BLMs HOLD DAMAGE STOP NUKING!

or rngs go nuts move the mob before people get to sata ; ;
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ashjin
Posts: 40
By Bismarck.Ashjin 2010-04-24 06:20:19  
or Blm nuke the ***out of your store tp mob before a pop boss fight...duhhhhhhhhhhhhhswgdjasgdhagshhdsh
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15064
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-04-24 08:40:15  
Midgardsormr.Ezekryu said:
Sylph.Spency said:
If you're in a merit party where they need mad, gtfo :P

I need Madrigal when I go to birds as a Polearm SAM with only 4 Polearm merits :<

I whiff so much without it that I generally just pull out the GKT if I don't have two support (BRD/COR).
You're eating the wrong food. Don't gimp ppl who don't need madrigal for you. Use crab sushi.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-04-24 08:48:29  
Xpolak said:
DD's are meant to do dmg. They aren't meant to have brains for spells, stop hating on DD's cuz mages can't do ***without them and other way around. BLM cast big spells MNKs hit nonestop and ws, whm heals, PLD tanks, SAM nonestop WS, DRK is eh... All u DD haters stfu. u don't play it, don't judge it. some people just don't like playing with magic.

Way to miss the point COMPLETELY.

No-one has problems with DD who do their jobs, it's when your a brd for example continuously fishing, and the DD's are using illogical food, or are saving up to 200%+ TP as a SAM. (or any DD for that matter)

If I'm putting my all in, why should DD's get away with being lazy.

If your an attentive DD and not doing illogical things (I have no problem with gear unless again, it's illogical) then more power to you.

There's a difference between gimp gear, and stupid gear.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
Posts: 650
By Fairy.Basilo 2010-04-24 10:29:26  
Asura.Despayn said:
I have a pretty standard MNK when it comes to TP. MNK/WAR using pizza, my accuracy isn't bad whatsoever. Of course, I could be wrong. TP gear looks something like this: Destroyers/---/---/Tiphia Sting Walahra Turban/Peacock Amulet/Brutal Earring/Minuet Earring Shura Togi/Bandomusha Kote*/Rajas Ring/Blood Ring Forager's* Mantle/Black Belt/Byakko's Haidate/Fuma Sune-Ate * = What I could improve on. Forager's could definitely change out into a Cuchu mantle. Bandomusha Kote, I was thinking about swapping these for Noritsune Kote (Acc 10) considering even with 8/8 Hand-to-Hand merits on birds, I'm pretty sure I'm not sitting on capped accuracy, though it may seem like I am. Regardless, I don't even merit anymore. Summoner burns sup. And when I do merit, I merit on either RDM or lazy COR. Honestly there are only two conditions where I can see someone having to "pay attention" in a merit party. 1) Puller. BRD or COR have to keep those mobs coming, so I can see why they always have to pay attention and always have to be on the ball. A mob being even a second late to camp could mean the entire chain goes down the drain, and clearly people don't want that to happen. I know I'm not the only person who feels demoralized when they see their chain 200 break. When this happens, I really don't even want to merit anymore honestly >.>; 2. When DDs are constantly taking damage, which in any good merit party, this should be happening. On top of keeping DD's healed, your RDM or whoever your healer is, should be hasting/Dia'ing. Dia makes a huge difference; if you don't Dia, you should start. Blah.

You wont be sitting at capped accuracy with that setup on birds I assume you dont use pizza for those even though you said mnk/war using pizza then you talk about colibri >.>.

Either way mnk with that tp setup and no madrigal will get much more use from nortisune kotes than they will with bandos. I only use my bandos / rajas / cerb+1 and faith torque when focus is up, otherwise ill tp on birds wearing cuch mantle, ancient torque, 2 toreadors and usu gote. This is ontop of the tp gear you use as well as black tathlum and usu feet, rest is same.

Theres yout question answered although im curious as to why you ask about the usefulness of nortisune kote then say you dont really care cos all you do is smn burn anyway lol.
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