Useless GM's

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Useless GM's
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-03-23 15:33:05  
Odin.Kalico said:
Shiva.Flionheart said:
Pro tip, just say you're farming and don't reply to anything said by the smn burners. It's how I always get away with it. Ruined about 25-30 smn burns been jailed once, the first time I did it because I admitted to griefing (in a round about way) Though saying that I can't be bothered to ruin smn burns much anymore, skill less people will be skill less.

ha ha nice way to go *** ^^

Thanks, I try my best to produce nerd rage.

It sells like hot cakes.
サーバ: Valefor
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By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-03-23 15:34:21  
I see your point about the GMs.. One says it's okay while another does something about you ruining their SMN burn..

Still a jackass though.
サーバ: Sylph
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By Sylph.Beelshamen 2010-03-23 15:40:15  
Shiva.Weewoo said:
Just because you think it's illegitimate doesn't mean it is. Fact is you harassed other players and faced the consequences. Nuff said.

I hardly think that can be considered harassment. I'm not supporting the OP here but this thread backfiring so hard is a little unexpected.
サーバ: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Xandor 2010-03-23 15:43:43  
Sylph.Beelshamen said:

I hardly think that can be considered harassmant. I'm not supporting the OP here but this thread backfiring so hard is a little unexpected.


Just because you make a SMN burn dont put your name on every mob in a zone.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-03-23 15:44:43  
Carbuncle.Xandor said:
Sylph.Beelshamen said:

I hardly think that can be considered harassmant. I'm not supporting the OP here but this thread backfiring so hard is a little unexpected.


Just because you make a SMN burn dont put your name on every mob in a zone.

Just because a mob is unclaimed doesn't guise one's intent. He was blatantly grieving other players and thus had repercussions.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3663
By Sylph.Beelshamen 2010-03-23 15:48:18  
Shiva.Weewoo said:
Just because a mob is unclaimed doesn't guise one's intent. He was blatantly grieving other players and thus had repercussions.

This is not true. I for one have done many farming trips in korroloka, farming elementals and jellies for alchemy.

And yes, I've disrupted their burns at some times, yet I wasn't doing so out of grief or hatred. I was just only doing so for pure personal gain.

However the people doing the burn didn't seem to think so, I got /tells sent my way for almost half a day.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: zangada
Posts: 249
By Ramuh.Zangada 2010-03-23 15:48:23  
Good for u, if they keep crying and trying to own the entire zone eventually something will be done about them.

Also if your farming and their train links to yor mob u can call for attmepted mpk. Just say ur farming and ignore them, nothing they can do but harass u and be reported for it.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-03-23 15:49:25  
I used to fight the spiders too, every smn burn I came across wouldn't let me have them.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-03-23 15:50:49  
Sylph.Beelshamen said:
Shiva.Weewoo said:
Just because a mob is unclaimed doesn't guise one's intent. He was blatantly grieving other players and thus had repercussions.

This is not true. I for one have done many farming trips in korroloka, farming elementals and jellies for alchemy.

And yes, I've disrupted their burns at some times, yet I wasn't doing so out of grief or hatred. I was just only doing so for pure personal gain.

However the people doing the burn didn't seem to think so, I got /tells sent my way for almost half a day.

That's how it started with me, If I want to farm enemies in a zone I will do so. Just because there is a smn burn down there doesn't make the zone locked out to you. Until the mob is claimed it's fair game.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Nomad
Posts: 236
By Bahamut.Nomadikhan 2010-03-23 15:58:07  
Asura.Dameshi said:
Phoenix.Kojo said:
You *** up their XPing.. and a GM jailed you.. how is that useless?
Sounds to me like the GM did his/her job by jailing someone who was harassing other players. Kudos to a job well done GM.

サーバ: Hades
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user: wormholeX
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By Hades.Viv 2010-03-23 15:58:17  
We never touch jellies during the burn, except the one by altep side. If somebody REALLY wants to farm that one jelly, I would just pay them >.>
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: preluder
Posts: 47
By Ifrit.Preluder 2010-03-23 16:16:06  
I thought mobs could not be held? Wouldent the puller for smn burn be subject to gm jail for this? Also the smn burn was taking his farming mobs why where they not jailed? and if its not claimed its free game thats the whole point of the claim system and why you can only have one mob claimed at a time. I would have been very upset if this happen to me.
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Moldtech
Posts: 611
By Unicorn.Moldtech 2010-03-23 16:35:39  
Ifrit.Preluder said:
I thought mobs could not be held? Wouldent the puller for smn burn be subject to gm jail for this? Also the smn burn was taking his farming mobs why where they not jailed? and if its not claimed its free game thats the whole point of the claim system and why you can only have one mob claimed at a time. I would have been very upset if this happen to me.

Correct on all point, technically the OP didnt have to kill anything, coulda just GM'd the burn party for mob holding. As GM #1 said, there is nothing wrong with him killing the unclaimed mobs as they are free to everyone not just a burn party.

I wouldn't do it myself but looking at the weird grey line of it all smn burn parties are more susceptible to being jailed that he is. All he has to do is not say anything then it is not harrassment. Their looking at jail from the word pull when holding the zone hostage.

Just imo. GM's do go both ways too, think they all bi
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: klikevil
Posts: 33
By Bismarck.Klikevil 2010-03-23 17:07:19  
Phoenix.Kojo said:
Hades.Neheyiama said:
So, after my dyna run yeserday night, last dyna run in hades -cry- well, i decided to go to bastok to get the op just b4 merge, and i encounted a smn burn. seems that hades #1 ls, has been smn burning, which explain their massive 75's. Soooooo i destoryed their first run and used escape so i can get to bastok faster, then i remembered i forgot package -.- DUH! so i went got it and came back and saw them smn burn so i was going to kill so i can get some stuff to craft with as well. and pooF GM jail : ) check it. Excellence = Bunch of wussy who smn burns. wait scratch that, Piker = wussy.

You *** up their XPing.. and a GM jailed you.. how is that useless?

Let's stay on topic here, the GMs apparently don't know their own rules or GMs are giving a double standard for astral burners, period. I myself have been told if they're not killing something within a reasonable amount of time and it's not claimed you can run up and take it, so I don't think you're wrong to '*** with their xp' at all, in fact they shouldn't be hogging all the mobs. How would you all like it if you were in a bird merit party and were on the bottom and some *** from the top were sitting there pulling all the birds from your area, you'd be pissed right? He's just trying to farm and it's like they're taking everything in the tunnel and calling it theres. That's another good point though, they can easily steal gusta from bastokaners that are against the burns like I am. GMs banned me too for "griefing" a while ago but i admitted to killing them I just plain don't like them they cause too many problems and are just cheap as hell.
サーバ: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Hades.Rafleshiaa 2010-03-24 00:13:06  
Ignore this post i completely eff'd up my quoting!
サーバ: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Hades.Rafleshiaa 2010-03-24 00:13:48  
Ifrit.Preluder said:
Also the smn burn was taking his farming mobs why where they not jailed?.
Because we weren't taking his mobs he wasn't even farming. We always leave Slimes.

Edit: Also what annoys me, is the OP sat in Altep for a good 15-25minutes after he aga'd the first lot of mobs,(It wasn't many but that's not the point). We then syced our levels, and poof not even 5 minutes later he popped in the zone.
Where the GM then must have moved him to jail, as he was watching him.
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Moldtech
Posts: 611
By Unicorn.Moldtech 2010-03-24 10:29:33  
I think smn burners *** more of smn burning then the people who kill the mobs tbh ^^
By 2010-03-24 10:40:41
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サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-03-24 10:50:10  
Fairy.Kray said:
They just need to patch this and move on. Problem solved.

Don't like leveling the way it was intended? Don't level anymore jobs. There, another problem solved.

Man, solving problems is fun.

It's funny how intended is such a subjective term. By your logic, manaburns, smn burns, rng burns or anything of the like shouldn't exist. After all, a balanced party with skillchain and magic burst was "intended" amirite?

Not doggin on anti or pro astral burn, but just silly logic is all.

Also this hasn't been patched for the simple fact that there really is nothing wrong with it to begin with. If it was a serious issue, it'd be taken care of already.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Patriclis
Posts: 389
By Asura.Patriclis 2010-03-24 10:51:39  
Why are all these weird people in my server D:
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Patriclis
Posts: 389
By Asura.Patriclis 2010-03-24 10:55:54  
Shiva.Flionheart said:
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 705
By Gilgamesh.Andras 2010-03-24 11:40:05  
Shiva.Weewoo said:
Fairy.Kray said:
They just need to patch this and move on. Problem solved.

Don't like leveling the way it was intended? Don't level anymore jobs. There, another problem solved.

Man, solving problems is fun.

It's funny how intended is such a subjective term. By your logic, manaburns, smn burns, rng burns or anything of the like shouldn't exist. After all, a balanced party with skillchain and magic burst was "intended" amirite?

Not doggin on anti or pro astral burn, but just silly logic is all.

Also this hasn't been patched for the simple fact that there really is nothing wrong with it to begin with. If it was a serious issue, it'd be taken care of already.

there's a difference between killing every mob in the zone, or a lot of them, and killing mobs 1 or 2 at a time, i dont think a manaburn or rng burn can do what a smn burn does
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3323
By Shiva.Weewoo 2010-03-24 11:42:19  
Gilgamesh.Andras said:
Shiva.Weewoo said:
Fairy.Kray said:
They just need to patch this and move on. Problem solved.

Don't like leveling the way it was intended? Don't level anymore jobs. There, another problem solved.

Man, solving problems is fun.

It's funny how intended is such a subjective term. By your logic, manaburns, smn burns, rng burns or anything of the like shouldn't exist. After all, a balanced party with skillchain and magic burst was "intended" amirite?

Not doggin on anti or pro astral burn, but just silly logic is all.

Also this hasn't been patched for the simple fact that there really is nothing wrong with it to begin with. If it was a serious issue, it'd be taken care of already.

there's a difference between killing every mob in the zone, or a lot of them, and killing mobs 1 or 2 at a time, i dont think a manaburn or rng burn can do what a smn burn does

The only thing that makes SMN burns remotely questionable is the lvl 75 pullers. Everything else is simple mechanics that function as they always have. But really, I've seen 75s pull a *** of mobs for melee burn parties in the dunes. Not much different in method.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Branwen
Posts: 377
By Bahamut.Branwen 2010-03-24 11:51:05  
Just by the way the OP speaks you know he was doing it to piss people off.
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サーバ: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: tidis
Posts: 43
By Hades.Tidis 2010-03-24 11:58:32  
I am not a huge fan of Astral Burn pts but I recall someone making a good point about SMN and this was it:

"When was the last time you PTed with a SMN?"

It's the most efficient way for a SMN to level right now, although I don't agree with the way they merc and sell leech spots to others for a ridiculous amount they are still able to do this and if people are willing to pay that...w/e.

Honestly sounds like the OP was just trying to piss off the Astral Burn under the false pretense of farming and has looked for mob support...which backfired.
By 2010-03-24 14:45:29
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By Lordjecht90 2010-03-24 17:12:33  
Pandemonium.Shinbi said:
Hades.Neheyiama said:
EDIT:: TO ALl you guys down there, since i CRAFT i i was going kill mobs for items, theres like 4 other ss which didnt load, but according to GM 1 i can do that. And if anyone who got most crafted leveld up, they would know that cave have all items needed for craft.

As you have every right to farm mobs down there, they have every right to be SMN burning, unless you're the King of Korroloka or something and you've deemed all the mobs yours, lol.

And what? when the smn go down there and have a 75 hold all of the mobs they are instantly the kings of korroloka?

And actually they are breaking the ToS, gm's are just to thick to realize it. Next time you see a burn going on go down there and see who is holding the mobs, odds are it will be a level 75 paladin and sometimes a rdm.

These 2 people are not in the party that is going to be killing the mobs, and as everyone should know holding mobs with no intention of killing them is against the ToS.

So you tell me which group is in the wrong? The person who wants to go kill some mobs regardless of intention, or the lolsmn's and a couple people who hold the zone while smn's spam AF while learning 0 about the job.

Yes smn burns piss me off, but do what you must. Dont *** when people come down and kill a couple of "your" mobs which are unclaimed.

/end rant
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Eron
Posts: 28
By Lakshmi.Eron 2010-03-24 17:16:26  
Just because they aren't in pt with them does not mean they aren't a part of that collective group of people.For all you know they could be running 2 systems and its the same person. Go QQ somewhere else and leave your butthurtness there.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-03-24 17:19:30  
Lakshmi.Eron said:
Just because they aren't in pt with them does not mean they aren't a part of that collective group of people.For all you know they could be running 2 systems and its the same person. Go QQ somewhere else and leave your butthurtness there.

Regardless, it's against the ToS to hold yellow mobs.
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