ATTN: Smokers, I Have A Question.

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ATTN: Smokers, I have a question.
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サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-11-09 21:55:31  
Diabolos.Aurawnt said:
I just quit smoking last week, after reading this thread I lit up. Thanks Why'd you start this thread anyway, shaman?

Then you didn't quit.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 42
By Carbuncle.Noobozaurusrex 2009-11-09 22:23:04  
Ifrit.Kungfuhustle said:
1). Smoking doesnt make you look cool( The Fonz proved that one)

2). Your breath will reek of *** and ash

3). Girls who smoke are very unattractive

4). Every time someone lights up around me, I yell out "SIX MINUTES!"


1) Smoking does make some people look cool, its just happens to be subjective. What some people find cool others may not.

2) It's called brushing your teeth, flossing, and following up w/ mouthwash. It's called mints or chewing gum, and it freshens ur breath. and lastly, It's called Alcohol, and when you and your lady friend have had a good amount of it, I guarantee ciggy breath isnt gonna stop her....I've proven this one countless times.

3) LOL, this just makes you sound bitter and now proves that you don't get laid, by female smokers or otherwise.

4) I'm guessing you aren't a very social person, because the type of people that would react to your "SIX MINUTES" comment don't hang out in places you like to hang out, i.e., the mall, at the under 18yr old pool hall/arcade, WalMart, Libraries, School, etc...

サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-11-09 22:36:00  
Carbuncle.Noobozaurusrex said:

1) Smoking does make some people look cool, its just happens to be subjective. What some people find cool others may not.

Obviously he doesn't find it cool.

2) It's called brushing your teeth, flossing, and following up w/ mouthwash. It's called mints or chewing gum, and it freshens ur breath. and lastly, It's called Alcohol, and when you and your lady friend have had a good amount of it, I guarantee ciggy breath isnt gonna stop her....I've proven this one countless times.

How many smokers carry toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash with them? Gum and mints are just cover-ups.

3) LOL, this just makes you sound bitter and now proves that you don't get laid, by female smokers or otherwise.

Maybe he doesn't want to get laid by a smoker.

4) I'm guessing you aren't a very social person, because the type of people that would react to your "SIX MINUTES" comment don't hang out in places you like to hang out, i.e., the mall, at the under 18yr old pool hall/arcade, WalMart, Libraries, School, etc...

ad hominem is such a great way to argue, isn't it?
サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 156
By Titan.Guenhwyvar 2009-11-09 22:38:24  
I smoke just to piss people off.

I also ***in urinals, blast my music to max volume in my apartment then leave, leave used gum on hand railings, lfp on my pld for hours in whitegate while I'm away at work on a double shift, I never use my directionals when driving, I park in handicapped parking spaces while I go jogging, I date my friends ex-girlfriends, then i never call them back, I end every cell phone conversation with "hey, one last thing" then abruptly hang up.. while driving, I make all my posts incredibly long to make you sit there and read.

I idolize Dennis Leary, he even wrote a song about me.

Get over it.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-11-09 22:43:19  
Titan.Guenhwyvar said:
I smoke just to piss people off.

I also ***in urinals, blast my music to max volume in my apartment then leave, leave used gum on hand railings, lfp on my pld for hours in whitegate while I'm away at work on a double shift, I never use my directionals when driving, I park in handicapped parking spaces while I go jogging, I date my friends ex-girlfriends, then i never call them back, I end every cell phone conversation with "hey, one last thing" then abruptly hang up.. while driving, I make all my posts incredibly long to make you sit there and read.

I idolize Dennis Leary, he even wrote a song about me.

Get over it.

Although I know your post was deliberately over the top, this sort of attitude is why the majority of smokers are disliked by non smokers. Not saying this applies to you specifically, but the majority of smokers really couldn't give a ***about those who don't. The only reason most people don't light up in bars is because it's now illegal, not because they're thinking of everyone else's health.

Considering most people who don't smoke made the choice not to, they have a simple education on the risks of smoking; when smokers show they really couldn't give a ***for this choice, it's hard to really fault people for getting pissed off at smokers.

Good post either way, I lol'd at multiple parts.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-11-09 22:44:40  
Titan.Guenhwyvar said:
I smoke just to piss people off.

I also ***in urinals, blast my music to max volume in my apartment then leave, leave used gum on hand railings, lfp on my pld for hours in whitegate while I'm away at work on a double shift, I never use my directionals when driving, I park in handicapped parking spaces while I go jogging, I date my friends ex-girlfriends, then i never call them back, I end every cell phone conversation with "hey, one last thing" then abruptly hang up.. while driving, I make all my posts incredibly long to make you sit there and read.

I idolize Dennis Leary, he even wrote a song about me.

Get over it.

サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 42
By Carbuncle.Noobozaurusrex 2009-11-09 22:44:52  
Titan.Guenhwyvar said:
I smoke just to piss people off.

I also ***in urinals, blast my music to max volume in my apartment then leave, leave used gum on hand railings, lfp on my pld for hours in whitegate while I'm away at work on a double shift, I never use my directionals when driving, I park in handicapped parking spaces while I go jogging, I date my friends ex-girlfriends, then i never call them back, I end every cell phone conversation with "hey, one last thing" then abruptly hang up.. while driving, I make all my posts incredibly long to make you sit there and read.

I idolize Dennis Leary, he even wrote a song about me.

Get over it.

サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 156
By Titan.Guenhwyvar 2009-11-10 00:33:52  
I never got into details what I smoke.

weed, hash, pcp, crystal meth, cloves, crack, cocaine, cigars, drain-o and the occasional rack of ribs.. cigarettes were never mentioned.

I hate: death, taxes, suffering, arrogance, liars, cheaters, morons who post excessively on the internet, rainforests being burned, war, HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE polititions, and the fact that i havnt won a lottery to make me richer than Donald Trump.

what do all of these things have in common?

we have absolutely no control over them.

as people we all have our vices, we all have our habits. what if suddenly tomorrow you wake up and learn the entire planet overnight decided that posting on just about every topic on FFXIAH is wayyyyyy uncool and so bad for your health (because it is you know). Those who did would instantly be looked down upon.

Wooooody would be pissed off. I would giggle. Korpg would be out of a job.

Noone likes being called out for their own vices.

mine? this damned MMORPG. those of you who still play may agree, those of you who have quit and moved on may preach seeing the light and the err of their ways.

Garuda.Wooooodum said:
Titan.Guenhwyvar said:
Although I know your post was deliberately over the top, this sort of attitude is why the majority of smokers are disliked by non smokers. Not saying this applies to you specifically, but the majority of smokers really couldn't give a ***about those who don't. The only reason most people don't light up in bars is because it's now illegal, not because they're thinking of everyone else's health. Considering most people who don't smoke made the choice not to, they have a simple education on the risks of smoking; when smokers show they really couldn't give a ***for this choice, it's hard to really fault people for getting pissed off at smokers. Good post either way, I lol'd at multiple parts.

I really am glad you got a chuckle out of it, but you cant say in all honesty that you speak for all non-smokers. some people deal with it, some people dont mind it, some tolerate it, and others are just plain beligerant about it. I dont even have to guess which catagory you fall into.

I say enjoy the things you do, and do the things you enjoy. a bus could smack you crossing the street tomorrow. can you blame that on smoking?

/proceeding with being a badass now
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2009-11-10 07:10:56  
Shiva.Darkshade said:
Smoking makes you smell like ***, and that axe spray you cover it up with also smells like ***.

サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: uematsi
Posts: 60
By Unicorn.Uematsu 2009-11-10 07:18:54  
Sylph.Beelshamen said:
Why do you smoke? What is the reason for you smoking and what is the motivation of you continuing to smoke?

(Pot doesn't count. >.>;)

Why does pot not count. And i have a question for you. *** off stupid thread starter. Oh guess that was a statement.

Now to answer your stupid *** question.
-Why?-I smoke cause i do.
-Reason- I enjoy it.
-Motivation- ^
Is that a good enough answer?

Oh now tell me why pot doesn't count, or are you only bright enough to figure out why people smoke pot?

サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: uematsi
Posts: 60
By Unicorn.Uematsu 2009-11-10 07:20:56  
Bahamut.Stanflame said:
Shiva.Darkshade said:
Smoking makes you smell like ***, and that axe spray you cover it up with also smells like ***.


Does it really smell like ***? I and many others <non smokers included> i know enjoy the smell. But i guess if your use to smelling *** <you> then ya it stinks.
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Ignasio
Posts: 152
By Unicorn.Ignasio 2009-11-10 07:48:08  
Unicorn.Uematsu said:
Sylph.Beelshamen said:
Why do you smoke? What is the reason for you smoking and what is the motivation of you continuing to smoke? (Pot doesn't count. >.>;)
Why does pot not count. And i have a question for you. *** off stupid thread starter. Oh guess that was a statement. Now to answer your stupid *** question. -Why?-I smoke cause i do. -Reason- I enjoy it. -Motivation- ^ Is that a good enough answer? Oh now tell me why pot doesn't count, or are you only bright enough to figure out why people smoke pot?

Coming from an ex-smoker, I agree with this. I smoked because I liked to smoke. I quit because of money. I now do not smoke because I do not want to smoke. Common theme: personal prefrence.

Unicorn.Uematsu said:
Bahamut.Stanflame said:
Shiva.Darkshade said:
Smoking makes you smell like ***, and that axe spray you cover it up with also smells like ***.
Does it really smell like ***? I and many others <NON included smokers>i know enjoy the smell. But i guess if your use to smelling *** <YOU>then ya it stinks.

I somewhat agree with this, as there are some that like the smell and some that do not like the smell. Going along with the previous common theme: personal prefrence.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3663
By Sylph.Beelshamen 2009-11-10 08:31:22  
Unicorn.Ignasio said:
Unicorn.Uematsu said:
Bahamut.Stanflame said:
Shiva.Darkshade said:
Smoking makes you smell like ***, and that axe spray you cover it up with also smells like ***.
Does it really smell like ***? I and many others <non included="" smokers="">i know enjoy the smell. But i guess if your use to smelling *** <you>then ya it stinks.

I somewhat agree with this, as there are some that like the smell and some that do not like the smell. Going along with the previous common theme: personal prefrence.</you></non>

This is stupid. It has nothing to do with personal preference. It smells like ***.

If you like the smell of *** you like the smell of smoking.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Thoraeon
Posts: 2215
By Siren.Thoraeon 2009-11-10 08:44:15  
Also, most people around you wish you would go away.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-11-10 09:19:41  
I hope all you smokers die by getting your pubes set on fire by a lit cigarette...

Drinking is not better than smoking, but at least my breath will reek of whatever alcohol I've been consuming(Hennessy mostly).

Meh, there are so many PRODUCTIVE stress relievers out there, but most of you gullible fiends chose smoking.

Sad part is, the reason why you picked up that first cigarette was because all the other kids were doing it.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Byrne
Posts: 2
By Fairy.Byrne 2009-11-10 09:46:19  
I'll just skip all the flaming and useless (and regularly sensible) arguments. I smoke cause I enjoy doing it. Full stop.

Does it increase my chances of lung cancer, sure, I don't care. So does walking in the sun, and I sure as hell ain't gonna stop doing that. I sunbath, I eat greasy food, I smoke, drink WAY too much coffee, sleep at irregular times and variable lengths, at times consume too much alcohol and never use condoms.

Oh the last time I had to visit a doctor and/or actually got sick was 18 years ago. I don't even know what my current doctor looks like, I never met him. I have a lot of bad habits, but also a lot of good ones. Oh, that was just an extra explanation, the full stop still goes, I can die tomorrow knowing that I lived, instead of being scared.

You don't date girls that smoke, fine. I don't date girls that are vegetarian. Idiots.
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Ignasio
Posts: 152
By Unicorn.Ignasio 2009-11-10 09:48:51  
Sylph.Beelshamen said:
Unicorn.Ignasio said:
Unicorn.Uematsu said:
Bahamut.Stanflame said:
Shiva.Darkshade said:
Smoking makes you smell like ***, and that axe spray you cover it up with also smells like ***.
Does it really smell like ***? I and many others <NON included="" smokers="">i know enjoy the smell. But i guess if your use to smelling *** <YOU>then ya it stinks.
I somewhat agree with this, as there are some that like the smell and some that do not like the smell. Going along with the previous common theme: personal prefrence.</YOU></NON>
This is stupid. It has nothing to do with personal preference. It smells like ***. If you like the smell of *** you like the smell of smoking.

When I smoked, I liked the smell. Now that I do not smoke, I do not like the smell. Prefrence. The only way that an *** eminates stench is if A) One does not shower, which at that point it would be concidered body odor. The next time that you walk by someone that reaks of a bum and think, "hey, he/she just smoked a cigarette" send me a PM. B) One farts or poops. The next time that you fart and think, "hey, that smells like a cigarette" send me a PM.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-11-10 09:51:36  
oh well, soon you smokers will be breathing through holes in your throats and sounding like John Wayne with a cold.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Byrne
Posts: 2
By Fairy.Byrne 2009-11-10 09:52:46  
Hey no messing with the Duke :D
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-11-10 11:19:49  
LOl smokers there are like 0 benefits to doing it and millions of reasons not too yet you defend your lol addcition
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 32
By Gilgamesh.Darktrance 2009-11-10 11:45:53  
Garuda.Wooooodum said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Well really though I mean drinking is bad for you people do that. Caffiene is all kinds of bad to yet most this country is friggin hard core addicts. People want there fix

Actually, it's been scientifically proven that caffiene on its own will have no negative effects on your body asides from causing over alertness and possibly hyperactivity. Healthwise it does nothing long term.

Sorry to chime in late. That's incredibly inaccurate. There is a reason why people with congestive heart failure and heart problems have to get off caffiene.

Caffiene is a drug like anything else, you can overdose and die, you can have withdrawals, you can become dehydrated, it can cause miscarriages in pregnant women, I could go on.

Regardless of the fact that it's use is widespread and it's heath risks are smaller than say smoking, It can still affect your health negatively, you can still become addicted, it could still harm your health.

Oh... and don't say that "My Grandpa has been drinking 2 pots of coffee a days since he was 13 years old".... the smoker's beat you to that one.

~DarkTrance RN :P
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Lodo
Posts: 133
By Carbuncle.Lodo 2009-11-10 12:07:16  
Ramuh.Annabelle said:
If you believe taxes on tobacco outweigh the burden placed on the national healthcare system by smoking-related illnesses, you are most definitely smoking something stronger than tobacco.

Actually, the revenue from cigarettes alone more than doubles the burden. A good lesson in life- the government rarely does anything that isn't in it's best interest, and that is to allow people to smoke and keep increasing the tax in order to make up the money for the people who have quit.

Garuda.Wooooodum said:

Not saying this applies to you specifically, but the majority of smokers really couldn't give a ***about those who don't.

Sweeping generalizations, one of the first signs of propaganda.

Garuda.Wooooodum said:

The only reason most people don't light up in bars is because it's now illegal, not because they're thinking of everyone else's health.

Ahh, bars- those bastions of health conscious individuals. And hey, alcohol is attributed to 100,000 US deaths each year, let's demonize drinkers as well. After all, 60% of homicides list alcohol as a contributing factor.

Garuda.Wooooodum said:

Considering most people who don't smoke made the choice not to, they have a simple education on the risks of smoking; when smokers show they really couldn't give a ***for this choice, it's hard to really fault people for getting pissed off at smokers.

And most smokers that I know who display such an attitude do so as a reaction to the no-smoking zealots, some of my favorite claims are those that state that second hand smoke is more dangerous than smoking.

A person's right to not be around smoker's doesn't trump a person's right to smoke, and a person's right to smoke doesn't trump the rights of a person who doesn't. Making a blanket policy to outlaw smoking in establishments is asinine. If the owner of a given establishment wants to allow smoking it should be their right to do so, as it should be if they didn't, it would boil down to the point that you brought up, and that is choice. If you didn't want to be around smokers you could choose to go to an establishment that didn't allow smoking, if you wanted to smoke, go to a place that did. It would be very easy, and not infringe upon anyone's rights.

Under the current circumstances though, walking outside to have a cigarette really doesn't bother me, what bothers me are the people throwing temper tantrums about people smoking outside. It would be doubtful that walking by smoker's on a regular basis would have any effect on your health, and even if it did, lifelong smoking only cuts 10 years off of your life, and only a quarter of smokers die before the age of 70, so the likelihood that it would have any significant impact (especially because everyone only do things that are healthy, of course) are improbable.

Posts: 119
By Alaik 2009-11-10 12:21:00  



サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Desert
Posts: 8
By Valefor.Desert 2009-11-10 12:26:49

I found this interesting in how it could apply to smoking habits, if it can reduce more addictive drugs cravings it's worth looking into.

My only problem with some smokers is when they cannot afford their own and continually "bum" cigs from other people ;o
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kiowa
Posts: 126
By Asura.Kiowa 2009-11-10 12:34:35  
In the laid back California town of sunny San Raphael

Lived a girl named Pearly Sweetcake,

You probably knew her well

She was stoned 15 of her 18 years

And her story was widely told,

That she could smoke 'em faster

Than any dude could roll

Well her legend finally reached New York

That grove street walk up flat

Where dwelt the Calistoge Kid,

a beatnik from the past

He'd been rolling dope since time began

And he took a cultured toke and said

"Jim, I can rollem faster than any chick can smoke"

So a note gets sent to San Raphael

For the Championship of the World

The Kid demands a smoke off

"Well bring him on" sayz Pearl

"I'll grind his fingers off his hands,

he'll roll until he drops"

Sayz Calistoge "I'll smoke that chick 'til she blows up and pops"

So they rent out Yankee Stadium

And the word is quickly spread

Come one come all, who walk or crawl

Tickets just two lids a hit

And from every town in Hamlet

Over land and sea they speed

The Worlds greatest dopers

With the Worlds greatest weed

Hashishes from Morocco

Hemp smokers from Peru

And the Shashnicks from Bagoon, who smoke the deadly Pugaroo

And those who call it 'Light of Life'

And those that call it 'Boo'

See the dealers and their ladies

Wearing turquoise,lace, and leather

See the narcos and the closet smokers

Puffing all together

From the teenies who smoke legal

To the ones who've done some time

To the old man who smoked reefer, back before it was a crime

And the 'Grand Old House That Ruth Built'

Is filled with the smokes and cries

Of 50,000 screamin' heads, all stoned out of their minds

And they play the National Anthem

And the crowd lets out a roar

As the spotlight hits the Kid and Pearl

Ready for their smokin' warrrr...

At a table piled up high with grass, high as a mountain peak

Just tops and buds of the rarest flowers

Not one stem, branch or seed

I mean a Maui, a Wowie, a Panama Red, Alcopoco Gold

Keef from East Afghanistan, and that rare Alaska cold

And there are sticks from Thailand, Games from the Islands

And Bangkok's bloomin' best,

And some of that wet imported ***, that capsized off Keywest

There's Wahaukan tops, and Kenya bang, and Riveria fluors

And that rare Manhatten Silver that grows down in the New York sewers

And there's bubbling ice cold lemonaide, and sweet grapes by the bunches

And there's Hershey bars, and Oreos in case anybody gets the muchies

And the Calistoge Kid he smiles

And Pearly she just grins

And the drums roll low, And the crowd yells 'go go go'

And the Worlds first Smoke Off begins...

Well the Kid he flicks his fingers once, ZAP that first joints rolled

Pearl takes one toke with her famous lungs, and WHOOSH that roach is cold

Then the Kid he rolls his superbomb that would paralyze a moose

And Pearl takes one mighty hit, that bombs diffused

And then He rolls three in just ten seconds

And she smokes 'em up in nine

And everybody sits back and sayz "This just might take some time."

See the blur of flying fingers,

See the red coal burning bright

As the night turns into morning, and the morning fades to night

And the Autumn turns to Summer

And a whole damned year is gone

And the two still sit, on that roach filled stage

Smokin' and rollin' on...

With tremblin hands, he rolls his J's

With fingers blue and stiff

She coughs and stares

With bloodshot gaze and puffs through blistered lips

And as she reaches out her hands for another stick of gold

The Kid he gasps "Damnit ***, theres nothin' left to roll"

"Nothing left to roll!" screams Pearl, "Is this some twisted joke.

I didn't come here to *** around, Man I come here to smoke."

And she reaches 'cross the table, and grabs his boney sleeves

And crumbles his body between her hands, like dry and brittle leaves

Flickin' out his teeth and bones, like useless stems and seeds

And then she rolls him in a Zigzag, and lights him like a roach

And the fastest man, with the fastest hands, goes up in a puff of smoke

In the laid back California town of sunny San Raphael

Lives a girl named Pearly Sweetcake,

You probably know her well

She been stoned 21 of her 24 years

And her story is still widely told,

How she still can smoke 'em faster

Than any dude could roll

Way off in New York City

On a street that has no name,

There's the hands of the Calistoge Kid

In the Viper Hall of Fame

And underneath his fingers,

There's a little golden scroll

That sayz:

"Beware of being the roller, when there's nothing left to roll.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-11-10 16:07:28  
that was the biggest waste of wall space.. ever!
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: phatspade
Posts: 4580
By Ramuh.Lilbusta 2009-11-10 16:39:18  
Ifrit.Kungfuhustle said:
that was the biggest waste of wall space.. ever!

I snort white powders for my stress relief.

PS- How good did I do on wasting space?
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Wardens
Posts: 679
By Lakshmi.Wardens 2009-11-10 16:40:40  
Titan.Guenhwyvar said:
I smoke just to piss people off. I also ***in urinals, blast my music to max volume in my apartment then leave, leave used gum on hand railings, lfp on my pld for hours in whitegate while I'm away at work on a double shift, I never use my directionals when driving, I park in handicapped parking spaces while I go jogging, I date my friends ex-girlfriends, then i never call them back, I end every cell phone conversation with "hey, one last thing" then abruptly hang up.. while driving, I make all my posts incredibly long to make you sit there and read.

I idolize Dennis Leary, he even wrote a song about me.

Get over it.

LMFAO that was so amazing. I started laughing in the middle of my class. Thank you.

I want to breath fire. Not Smoke..
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8
By Ramuh.Annabelle 2009-11-10 16:46:00  
Fairy.Byrne said:
I can die tomorrow knowing that I lived, instead of being scared. Idiots.

Being responsible and respecting one's body does not make one "scared".

Also, regarding the burden of smoking-related illness on the healthcare system: the burden I speak of goes far beyond the financial aspect. Our hospitals are frequently overcrowded and patients are constantly forced to discharge sooner. While smoking-related illnesses are not solely responsible for this, they *are* a major factor. Doctors and other medical staff are invaluable resources for our nation, and their time and energy could theoretically be better spent if people didn't chose to give themselves preventable illnesses by smoking.
I garauntee the government would gladly give up tobacco taxes in order to eliminate smoking-related illnesses from the population. There would be less manpower days lost, less disability claims, less Medicare fraud, etc ... ultimately meaning more money available to the government.

To the current smokers in this thread. We get it, it's a "personal choice". No one (or at least not I) is disputing your right to make decisions for yourself. The point is, it's incumbent on you all to at least attempt to realize/accept that your choice has far-reaching chronic consequences, and not just for you. It's rediculously selfish to smoke, when you are armed with the knowledge of how it will inevitably ruin your health (no matter how "healthy" you feel right now today), and how you will burden the society that granted you freedom and rights when you become older.

Smoking is an addiction. It's *really* difficult to overcome and quit smoking. And while the withdrawl symptoms and urges might seem like the biggest challenge ... they aren't. The hardest part is wising up to the fact that you're ruining your health and adversely affecting your life ... and the lives of others. Overcoming denial is the first stage of recovery.

Posts: 17
By Byrne 2009-11-10 17:52:55  
Ramuh.Annabelle said:
Being responsible and respecting one's body does not make one "scared".

People that don't sit in the sun, always check what they are eating, if they should be eating it, don't drink alcohol, excercise everyday to stay in shape (and only for that reason), that only use 'light' products and eat call it responsible, I call it forgetting to live the life you have. Or as my granddad put it 'If you are always on the lookout what is best for your body, you will the miss the best things for your mind". He was a wise man *sniff* Oh and he smoked three packs of smokes a day, reached 93 and died in his sleep.

Also, regarding the burden of smoking-related illness on the healthcare system: the burden I speak of goes far beyond the financial aspect. Our hospitals are frequently overcrowded and patients are constantly forced to discharge sooner.While smoking-related illnesses are not solely responsible for this, they *are* a major factor. Doctors and other medical staff are invaluable resources for our nation, and their time and energy could theoretically be better spent if people didn't chose to give themselves preventable illnesses by smoking.

Well this is - as you already say - not exclusive to smoking. If we wouldn't do all the stupid things we do (including smoking) half of the hospitals could close.

To the current smokers in this thread. We get it, it's a "personal choice". No one (or at least not I) is disputing your right to make decisions for yourself. The point is, it's incumbent on you all to at least attempt to realize/accept that your choice has far-reaching chronic consequences, and not just for you. It's rediculously selfish to smoke, when you are armed with the knowledge of how it will inevitably ruin your health

Everything I do is selfish. I also put some quotation marks around "inevitably" as that is only part of media indoctrination. I am not disputing that smoking will never improve your health, but me smoking does not 100% mean I am getting cancer, it improves the odds, just like sitting in the sun and having breasts. Or breathing. Breathing leads inevitably to your death.

and how you will burden the society that granted you freedom and rights when you become older.

Right. Listen, it is not up to "the society" to grant me freedom, I am not indebted to "the society" for breathing the air. I chose to be part of "the society" because I want to, like everything in life is a choice. Your own choice. The person who said death and taxes was a moron. Maybe you find me a bit overly anarchistic or even simplistic in my thinkings, but seriously, if you chose to live as healthy as possible and prevent any unnecesary risk to yourself and the people you love, I respect that. Just realise it IS your choice, it's not 'how it is supposed to' cause that just doesn't exist.

Overcoming denial is the first stage of recovery.

Still it is mainly a mental addiction, physical withdrawel isn't really that bad, at least not in my experience and I quit for a year twice. I am flying to the States saturday, that's a 12 hour flight, got no problem with that. I am not in denial, I know the risks, and I find them worth it. Anyone can find that stupid, and there are many valid arguments for your opinion. They just don't change mine.

And the argument of my smoking damaging others around me unwillingly. You can bring that up if you stop driving your car :)
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