Newer Players Need To Step Up Their Game

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Newer players need to step up their game
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サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2302
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-09-27 17:20:20  
I don't bother with any of this stuff precisely because of how difficult it is to manage in vanilla FFXI. The fact that you think it's easy convinces me that you've absolutely never done it in vanilla FFXI at all and are pulling ***out of your ***.

Here's another fun one for you, how do you lay out your COR macros?

Shooting: High vs low acc
Shooting: white dmg vs max STP
Melee: Dagger vs Sword
PDL: Low vs High
MelAcc: Low vs High
Melee: Single vs DW
DT: High vs low
Shots: How many elements do you have macros for?

You can use shorthand if you want. Show me your 20 macros (what they do) and then how you're going to use your 10 macro pages to cover these toggles. I'll wait for your easy solution.

I'll make it easy, just make sure to include:
Savage, Flat, Burning for Sword
Evis, Aeolian, Viper for Dagger
Hot Shot, Leaden, Wildfire, Last Stand for Gun

Oh, I also forgot: where are your macros for rolling, in this scenario?
How do you equip your movement speed gear?
Do you have an idle set? How do you equip it?

I forgot to include triple shot toggles as well, sorry. I don't mean to make this homework assignment more difficult, but if you could throw that in as well, I'd appreciate it.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2302
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-09-27 17:41:04  
Phoenix.Gavroches said: »
I’m confused because sometimes I feel maletaru can’t stand non-vanilla folks and sometimes he proves the point why people use lua and s h i t. I could be the confused one as the ESL dude here. But at least he brings conversations, I give him that.

I don't mind non-vanilla people as a general matter of course. Basically every person I play with (certainly all my closest friends) use addons, luas, etc. Most of them use a whole pile of other third party tools also.

I take issue when people make statements about how these tools are just "QOL" or when people say "Um, ackchyually, you can do that in vanilla" as if these things don't provide an advantage or that the advantage is some minor convenience. Especially when it comes from people (not this guy necessarily, I don't know him) who haven't played Vanilla in 15 years and don't know what the *** they're talking about.

Most people who make comments about the gameplay differences between vanilla and modded FFXI haven't seen vanilla FFXI in years and have so much ***installed they have no idea what the differences are.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Khajit
Posts: 437
By Quetzalcoatl.Khajit 2024-09-27 18:28:47  
At this point I half suspect this is an idiotic trick to get me to make your cor macros.
Row 1: STP low acc.
Idle set, Shooting macro, Melee set, 10 slots for ws even though one can easily plan ahead and combine those macros together by adding a // at a line, ohshit, dark/light shot(stnpc to combine into a single macro), current planned MB element shot. Bolter's roll with double up stnpc, Random deal, triple shot shooting set if that's separate from your normal shooting set,Snapshot gear if your can't fit it all in your shooting macro EMPTY SPACE (for phalanx +gear, Utsu Ni, or absorb tp. IDGAF what)
Row 2. Stp high acc
repeat easily because the game has copy/paste for macros
Row 3 White dmg
row 4 White dmg high acc
Row 5. JA row. You do not have 20 regularly used JA nor will you be using all 8 elements reasonably. Several of those JA do not have associated gear and can be manually activated like berserk if /war or cutting cards. Crooked cards can be baked into whatever roll macro you deem most important 3-4 Phantom roll macros at most. 2-3 stp shot macros . Another 2-3 for raw damage. 2 more macros for copy/paste pregame setup to switch out your expected shots/phantom rolls if you were lazy and didn't just comment out what you don't use to save macro space. 4 remaining JA that actually use gear swaps on cor to use with macros. Shot and ws macros that change into your relevant tp/idle set to use in between your JA/rolls in the remaining 4-7 spaces.

Row 6-10 Repeat 1-4 for PDL if so desired and you didn't just remove triple shot, random deal,etc, or combine one of the sword/dagger ws macros so that you didn't even need these rows to be filled out.
Alternatively these are your hybrid sets with 1-4 being your glass cannon sets if you included PDL ws in sets 1-4 and haven't reached a stage where having high -dt in your standard sets is trivial. If you have PDL sets you should have high -dt/MEVA in regular sets and vice versa at your gear progression point.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2302
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-09-27 18:41:17  
OK but you missed the entire point of the exercise.

Every single macro needs to be different if you have a different toggle. For example:

You have a macro for WS. This macro will look something like:

/equipset WS gear
/ws "ws name" <t> <wait 1>
/equipset TP gear

If your WS gear changes (because of PDL toggle) then this macro needs to have a different equipset in "WS gear". If your TP gear changes, you need a different equipset in "TP gear".

This means that every time your DT option, accuracy option, or PDL option changes, all of your WS macros have to change.

What's a shooting macro? What kind of shooting? High acc STP shooting? Low acc, low PDL, white damage shooting?

When you Triple shot, is it using Triple shot + white damage, or triple shot + STP? Low accuracy triple shot white damage, or high accuracy triple shot STP?

After you finish your shot in triple shot macro, is it swapping back to low PDT or high PDT?

When you do your elemental shot, is it using your STP set, or your elemental damage set?
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Khajit
Posts: 437
By Quetzalcoatl.Khajit 2024-09-27 18:46:23  
You are literally too illiterate to understand this conversation. Good night.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2302
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-09-27 18:49:43  
I'll spend the rest of the night trying to find your high melee accuracy, low ranged accuracy, high PDL, Triple shot up, single-wielding shooting macro. Don't think I can find it though because I'm illiterate.

Here's the map of your sets:
STP, low acc, low PDL
STP, high acc, low PDL
white damage, low acc, low PDL
white damage high acc, low PDL
STP, low acc, high PDL
STP, high acc, high PDL
white damage, low acc, high PDL
white damage high acc, high PDL

Afraid to say you forgot to include DT toggles at all, and don't have any different macros for single-wielding vs dual wielding. You also don't have any way to differentiate your shots in all 9 of these pages between max damage quick draw and max STP quick draw. Unless you meant that to do a fire shot you're meant to hit: Ctrl + shift + 5, then alt + whatever macro for the shot, then remember what page you were on and hit ctrl + shift + # for that page. Seems a bit more cumbersome than a lua.

I also personally find it quite difficult to use because you have to ctrl + shift + 5 to get to your rolls, then remember what page you were on and ctrl + shift + # back to that page for every roll, but I guess fair's fair, you did implement over half of what I asked for without going over 10 pages. Unfortunately I think it's rather important that you have DW and SW sets at a minimum which means another 8 pages. Different DT sets will double that again so...maybe 3-4 books should cover it.

You can, as you said, just go without DT sets since we've advanced past the need for that. On the other hand, if you had a lua you could have both sets and just hit F7 to toggle between them.

I guess you're right though, in-game macros are much easier than luas.

You say ***like this:
Quetzalcoatl.Khajit said: »
Shot and ws macros that change into your relevant tp/idle set to use in between your JA/rolls in the remaining 4-7 spaces.
but umm, excuse me sir, which TP set is it going to switch to? If it's on page 5, how does it know if it should go into a DT set, acc set, SW set, DW set? It's not on any of those pages. Speaking of which, after you finish rolling, which TP set is your roll macro going to switch back into? The shot macros on page 5, which TP set will they change back into after they finish their shot?
Posts: 102
By Kaffy 2024-09-27 20:38:35  
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
I'll spend the rest of the night...

How about instead just giving it a rest and not arguing every little vanilla vs. chocolate debate that comes your way.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 3485
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-27 21:08:03  
No respect for strawberry whatsoever smh.
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