By Asura.Sechs 2024-01-10 01:56:08
Tachi: Jinpu is a Hybrid WS.
Hybrid WS are made of, at least, 2 parts.
The first is a physical hit, subject to all physical hits rules.
The second part is a magical hit of a specific element. The damage of this part follows rules similar to those of magical WS, being that MDmg and Mab heavily affecting the final damage of this part, but its core damage is based on the damage performed by the first part, the physical hit.
This means that while Mab will always affect this second part's damage, the more damage the first part will do, the more "base" damage the magical part will do.
I'm trying to simplify things of course.
As such you could say that physical stats (attack etc) will directly affect the first part and indirectly affect the second part.
Magical stats will only affect the second part.
Now do not fall under the error of thinking, because of what I just said, that physical stats are more important than magical ones.
In truth you kinda need both. Which one you need most probably depends on your overall balance and the enemy's stats, but you're gonna need both for your Jinpu damage to really reach those juicy 99k damage.
Now about which bubbles to use: I would avoid Precision. Physical Accuracy is of course very important, arguably the most important, but you should reach the cap through other means, not through bubbles. Would be a waste to use bubbles for precision.
Since we're talking about regular Mobs and not NMs with specific geomancy resistances, I'd say the most important bubbles for Jinpu are probably Frailty and Malaise.
Given how they are "debuff" bubbles, it means each new target that gets pulled will have to be "tagged" by the GEO for the bubbles effect to apply (alternatively the GEO can cure the SAM after the SAM performed an action on the target)
Jm2c on which bubbles to use.