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サーバ: Asura
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By Asura.Otomis 2023-10-22 15:22:29  
Asura.Bluespoons said: »
Asura.Otomis said: »
Speaking of MLs: Does Kupofried work with MLs or only Exp/JP?

The only thing that helps with exemplar points is corsair's roll.

How unfortunate. Thank you.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1754
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-10-22 21:54:12  
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
SE nixed no-cooldown when people maxed out on content within the first week of release and deactivated for 4 months.

SE done a lot of dumb things, but thats not one of them. Blame the no-lifers. That doesnt excuse the reversed trend of inability to store a couple KIs though.

Cooldowns are fine, and your point is exactly why. But in terms of runs per month, Omen would allow the same number as the current Sortie system, it just allows the players to create time for it in their lives, vs sculpting their lives around a game.

That's a bad move, folks. Listen to someone who did move his social life for a game a decade+ ago, and lost the important stuff in his life because of it. Giving adults flexibility to balance their home and game is what keeps them in the game.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2252
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-10-22 22:39:16  
The idea of the Ruspix plate is great, but the balance is off. Storing percentages of KIs is brilliant and something they should've done ages ago, and being able to spend percentages of a tag to reset the tag is also nice.

They should've just made it give you %s of a Ruspix plate after two or three tags were saved up, instead of after 1 tag is saved. Would resolve a lot of these complaints.
サーバ: Siren
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user: BruHouse
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By Siren.Bruno 2023-10-23 01:24:02  
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Can you kill a level 9-10 NM with a level 1 character with only Indi-Poison? Are you just kiting for 15 minutes until it dies from Indi-Poison, hoping it never catches you? What is your preferred subjob for this endeavor? How often do you feel the need to do this that we should redesign the game for this?

I have...so many questions...

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By Felgarr 2023-10-23 04:20:25  
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
SE nixed no-cooldown when people maxed out on content within the first week of release and deactivated for 4 months.

SE done a lot of dumb things, but thats not one of them. Blame the no-lifers. That doesnt excuse the reversed trend of inability to store a couple KIs though.

Cooldowns are fine, and your point is exactly why. But in terms of runs per month, Omen would allow the same number as the current Sortie system, it just allows the players to create time for it in their lives, vs sculpting their lives around a game.

That's a bad move, folks. Listen to someone who did move his social life for a game a decade+ ago, and lost the important stuff in his life because of it. Giving adults flexibility to balance their home and game is what keeps them in the game.

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if SE deliberate withheld stacking KIs from us. I mean, Sortie is in Outer Ra'Kaznar (U3), which probably shares the same instances as Odyssey Sheol A, B, C, Gaol, Lilith, etc. If it doesn't then Sortie's U3 is probably 3 new instances of outer razkanar for Sortie-content.

It's probably unlikely that the server instances can handle, say 3 groups doing 3 sortie runs in a row back to back? Or maybe SE is just lazy and wants to keep server costs down by gimping how much we can play in a single day :/

Edit: It would be nice if removed the "location restriction" on earning gallimaufry, where members have to be in the same area as a boss being killed or a chest being opened. It would let people split up more, but of course, it would enable "easier" merc'ing, where folks can AFK at the start and earn muffins. (It's not following someone around is much more difficult, so why not just let people spread out more?)
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2023-10-23 04:54:51  
Ymora said: »
Job Point Stars over their head - on or off
Based, I've never seen someone with an IQ above 98 who uses them.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 573
By Asura.Melliny 2023-10-23 08:02:48  
i don't really think there's anything inherently wrong with any of this, the hardest content in the game shouldn't be accessible to a brand new character, this is a progression based game.. but the combination of the steep barrier to entry and lack of new players willing to work their way up is still a recipe for disaster

you straight up can't carry bumba v25, and only the best groups in the game can carry t3 v25s

There is a serious problem with Odyssey veng 20 and especially 25. Participation is dropping across the board faster than a lead baloon. The barrier to entry is extremely high, and there just aren't enough players willing to band together to get new clears. The ship has sailed at this point. Either you've cleared the highest tiers of oddy vengences already, or you have a group capable of doing it now and are working toward it with a static. There aren't new statics being formed anymore. The people who have already gotten their clears have mostly given up on the event forever, and the ones who haven't cleared everything have mostly given up trying because they can't get over the wall they've been faced with.

Pulling friends into V25 for RP farm is one thing, but actually getting the clears is another matter entirely. The difficulty and luck factor on the highest vengences is too high for most to handle, and without the clears the RP is useless beyond rank 15. The event is rapidly dying. And I figure sortie will go that rout within a year or so. Once people have one or two ranked up primes they'll realize how long the grind is and decide they don't want to do any more weapons. The game's longevity is on borrowed time.
By 2023-10-23 23:45:00
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サーバ: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10016
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-24 00:47:51  
Asura.Melliny said: »
There is a serious problem with Odyssey veng 20 and especially 25. Participation is dropping across the board faster than a lead baloon. The barrier to entry is extremely high, and there just aren't enough players willing to band together to get new clears. The ship has sailed at this point.[cut]
Granted I personally think you're absolutely right on this, let's emphasize we're talking about a feeling of ours, not necessarily "facts".

I mean, we don't have unbiased statistics in our hands, we can't really know 100% for sure wether or not this feeling is real or not.
I mean, what are we using to tell it? Number of shouts? Friends who are bothering with it or not?
It's... a little unreliable then?
I'm sure SE could tell it from their server logs judging from the average number of people attempting them, but us? We don't really have any reliable unbiased data other than our "feelings".

And I'm saying while also admitting that if I were to judge on how I feel about it, then I 100% agree with you.

Dubaiii said: »
I saw in Asura a guy with Sakpata R15, but somehow got R30 Nyame, so everything is possible with Asura Mercs these days.
I'm afraid this means nothing.
First and foremost I don't think any merc atm is able to "sell" Bumba V25.
The thing you mentioned is most likely something else.
It could be that that guy has Kalunga V25 kills but he's low on segments because he spent all of it to R30 Nyame, R30 Bunzi, R30 Ongo and R30 Ngai, just to name a simple example.
Or it could be that that guy has been missing both times when his static killed Kalunga V25 and it's the only kill he's missing and he doesn't care that much because he has so many jobs that Sakpata is very low priority for him.

I mean it could be any number of different and very explainable things.
I wouldn't go as far as to assume the things you did, honestly.
By 2023-10-24 03:09:08
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サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 110
By Ragnarok.Creaucent 2023-10-24 04:41:46  
Dubaiii said: »
he was on he's DRK and he had Prime Scythe stage 4 and Sakpata hand r15 not sure how he missed to rank best TP piece of the set for DRK.

good justifications you provided for a guy who defiantly bought the win or been carried.

my point is nothing impossible in Asura and the content is just about luck nothing more, and good practice.

Bit of a stupid take on it. The only static I've joined for Ody were only doing Bumba so I've got Nyame at r20-25 and hardly anything else for the rest.
By 2023-10-24 04:50:46
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10016
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-24 05:20:44  
I fail to see how setting up a static and working hard on Bumba V-whatever because you like that set and ignoring most/all other tiers because you couldn't care less about them is "getting carried".

I personally did all the stuff with my static (which died because people stopped playing) up to Bumba V20 simply because *we had no other options*, because back then Odyssey got just released and nobody we knew had clears.
I would've gladly skipped lotsa tier if I could.

For instance the problem we had in my static and I assume several other statics had to face, was that we all needed/wanted different things, RP-wise.
Some people wanted to get RP on X and couldn't care less about Y, for other people it was the exact opposite.
In a different world we all would've taken turns and slowly get a bit of everything for everyone.
But in a world where you're struggling to just do even a couple of attempts with a fight because every attempt costs Segments and you're low on segs and every time you want to do Gaol you need to spend at least 30mins doing sheol C... well, in a world like this Segments is extremely "precious" and it feels extremely frustrating to be wasting it on something you couldn't care less for.
By Dodik 2023-10-24 05:26:24  
If "being carried" means joining a static/party and contributing to a clear with a job you have geared up to the point it can contribute to that fight and not be afk for the entire time then I guess everyone everywhere is being carried.
Posts: 1346
By Mattelot 2023-10-24 05:43:41  
Dodik said: »
If "being carried" means joining a static/party and contributing to a clear with a job you have geared up to the point it can contribute to that fight and not be afk for the entire time then I guess everyone everywhere is being carried.

99% of the time when someone claims they carried someone, they didn't. It's just something dorks like to use to make themselves feel superior in video games. See this crap in FFXIV often where someone will be the top DPS but by only 1-2% and say they carried the group.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2652
By Shiva.Thorny 2023-10-24 06:23:46  
The sakpata15/nyame30 example is just stupid. For one thing, there isn't anyone openly selling a Bumba25 clear. For another, the guy has a stage4 prime scythe(which would be pretty difficult to buy since you have to go daily to farm galli).

If you have a Bumba V25 clear, you can certainly spend a few mil on the T1-T2 clears and get some T3 v20s so you can farm your own RP on the rest. Even if you assume he bought the clear (somehow?), there's no reason he couldn't RP the sakpata if he wanted to. So whether or not the bumba clear was bought, and it almost certainly wasn't, the Sakpata just isn't top priority for this person or his group.

If anything, it makes more sense that he was in a static that spends all their segments together. Everyone wants Nyame ranked up, only 3 jobs use sakpata. They're obviously going to prioritize Nyame.
By 2023-10-24 06:31:02
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10016
By Asura.Sechs 2023-10-24 06:35:01  
Dubaiii said: »
so not ranking Sakpata all this time is weird thing
It is partially weird, but also perfectly explainable just like I said in my bost and Thorny did in his.

It's not something you can do on your own and you're limited by time and gating in how much segments you can farm.
If your static is spending all the segs on Bumba attempts and/or nobody but you wants to get Kalunga wins, then it's not so strange that someone, as much as he would like to get Sakpata RP, is lacking the win before Bumba.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2652
By Shiva.Thorny 2023-10-24 07:09:45  
Dubaiii said: »
its locked on r15, r30 not opened.

aug shows blue whether you have the clear or not, until you actually trade it to the ??? and spend RP post-clear.. so unless you talked to the dude you don't know what clears he has, just that he capped it at 15 in the past

Dubaiii said: »
everything is possible to be Merced in Asura, RMT shout for V25 v20 Clears all the time.
they don't shout for bumba v25, but this whole dialogue just sounds like you're envious of someone's nyame30
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 110
By Ragnarok.Creaucent 2023-10-24 07:31:12  
Dubaiii said: »
Ragnarok.Creaucent said: »

Bit of a stupid take on it. The only static I've joined for Ody were only doing Bumba so I've got Nyame at r20-25 and hardly anything else for the rest.

the definition of being carried to it, congratulation on getting it bro without doing any of the pervious tiers.

It was a friends static and I had a bunch of jobs that they needed and I wasn't last on the dps by any means. Its also super difficult finding a static when you are late to Ody NMs. I did it at the start with the incredible lag then took a break for like 6 months and people were done with it.
By 2023-10-24 07:56:43
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サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2252
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-10-24 08:34:06  
Lot of good points above but I wouldn't call Ody "content based on luck". There's definitely luck involved, but to even have a chance at "being lucky" and getting a win you need to have very strong skills, tons of gear, and excellent coordination among your team, so it's not like some dumbass just rolled a nat 20 and got his gear. Especially not for Bumba V25.

If you've never cleared a single mob in Gaol and someone brings you in to a V20 or V25 of T3/T4, you may not have been "carried" through that clear, because you participated and brought a good job, but you were "carried" in the sense that you skipped hundreds of thousands of muffins and hundreds of hours of progression. You weren't carried through that fight, you were carried through the hundreds of fights BEFORE that fight.

w/r/t it's difficult "finding" a static when you're late to Ody, maybe you should make a static instead of trying to find one. Instead of trying to make a static where you find someone with V20 clears to skip straight to the end, make a static of people with the same clears you have and make progression together towards your goals.

Finally: If you have 0 T3 V20 clears and you're going into V25 fights, I find it hard to claim that you're not being carried. You have R0 on all of your odyssey gear. You're gonna tell me you're not being carried because what...you made a REMA and some JSE or something? You're still missing crucial pieces of gear. I can't think of a single job (maybe GEO, depending on fight) which doesn't benefit from having several pieces of Ody gear at max rank.
Posts: 3498
By Taint 2023-10-24 08:52:25  
It all comes down to precious segments.

Why risk PUGing V25s? Some of them take dozens of tries to get the luck right and thats with a dedicated group. Its even more segments to try 2 KI runs.

Double the segments from Sheol. Let 1 KI do all 3 attempts in Gaol. Do something.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2252
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-10-24 09:04:34  
Still not sure what the ask is here. Are people upset that they can't easily PUG T3/4 V25s?

If you have a static you're getting 10-12k segs/day. That's 3-4 NM attempts every day, or 20-25 attempts/week. I feel like that's plenty? If it takes dozens of attempts per NM, that's an NM clear a week, you'll be done in a month, maybe 2.

If you're doing easy stuff like T1/T2, you could make it through all of T1 from scratch in 5 days (V5, V10, V15, V20, V25) and then get through T2s in ~8 days (all vengeance levels, from scratch). Throw in a few losses here and there while you refine your strategy, maybe it takes 2-3 weeks. I really don't think this is too much to ask or some herculean effort that's being requested by SE.

Then once you have your clears, every day you can do a full 3-phone RP farm with an amp (10.5k segments), so ~9k RP a day on the thing you want, plus a few hundred on the other two things you're filling in. You'll have your accessories done in a few days each.

I just don't see how the segs are that bad. If you're just randomly hoping for PUGs to do segs with, randomly hoping for PUGs to RP, then randomly hoping for a PUG to get the clear with, sure. But if you put in even a modicum of effort, organize a group and play for an hour or two a day, you'll be caught up in less than a month.
Posts: 3498
By Taint 2023-10-24 09:27:22  
Static vs PUG is the difference and the static ship has sailed.

Once you clear a v25 why go back? Its 4500 segments per attempt, 9000 if doing a 2 KI run.

Its always Seg positive to use an Amp on v25 whether you need the RP or not.

Its doable for sure its just getting harder to find help. We are working on T3 v25s with a 3 person static and 3 fill ins, sometime we just bring alts since they are better than lots of PUG players.

It just needs a change IMO. I'll personally be fine but I know for sure its getting harder and harder to truly attempt Gaol.
By 2023-10-24 11:06:17
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サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2252
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-10-24 11:17:01  
Dubaiii said: »
Really The Players that has Finished their V25, should Fill the 3 slots of your static, but mostly they rather use their time to Sell Bumba RP for Profit, and less people selling Bumba V25 is better of course for them.

I'm sorry, what? Jesus the entitlement of people is *** astounding. You mean to say that people who spent 2 years completing this content should go back and donate their time and segments to help out other people, because they can't be bothered to find people who need the clears to join their group?

Not meaning offense to specific people (Taint, in this example) but in what world is it normal for people to join a static to grind progression on content they've just finished?

Just find 6 human beings who need the NM you're trying to kill and do it together, rather than complaining that people who've already cleared it won't come back and help you kill it.

By all the bitching on the forums of people who can't find a static, you can rest assured there are plenty of people out there willing to join your group.

I understand "Hey bro, I need a leg up, can you bring my group into XYZ NM once so we can clear it and unlock the augs" as a one-time thing, I've done that countless times, but asking people to join a static is a complete farce.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 780
By Asura.Iamaman 2023-10-24 11:34:02  
The issue is that between players quitting and finishing v25, the number of players capable and willing to do the content is dwindling, many of those that remain are already in long established statics, but with the content being out for 9 months or so already, people are either finished with it, burned out with trying, in existing statics already, or quit. It's easy to say "make a static", but pulling together a group of players with some of the niche jobs/setups required, the experience needed, etc wasn't trivial 9 months ago when there were more people willing to do it, with people in various states mentioned above, it's getting harder to do and will only get harder as the population dwindles. Eventually there just won't be enough people to do it. I think this is what Melliny was pointing out.

I've been in PUGs for Ngai, Kalunga, and Xevioso with some success or close wins depending on boss. We had problems with people not knowing how to use their gear properly, quitting after one run, etc, but I think these are puggable if you are patient. I doubt the other 3 could be PUGed though.

Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Lot of good points above but I wouldn't call Ody "content based on luck". There's definitely luck involved, but to even have a chance at "being lucky" and getting a win you need to have very strong skills, tons of gear, and excellent coordination among your team, so it's not like some dumbass just rolled a nat 20 and got his gear. Especially not for Bumba V25.

There is a major luck element to winning. Yes you need the gear/skill/jobs/group/etc, but you have to contend with more random factors than just the aura. You won't win based on luck alone, but you sure as hell will lose based on it.

Most failed runs I've been a part of failed because we rolled poor TP moves near the end of the fight, almost consistently every failure for the harder T2s and all T3s was because the mob or its adds decided to spam TP moves near the end for which there is no solution or mitigation.

Gigalorum spamming dispel over and over. Kalunga spamming Lahar, I had numerous (probably 6+) runs where he spammed Lahar for 5-6 minutes straight near the end, we'd have him down to 15% or less and spend the remaining part of the fight weakened unable to beat his regen. Sometimes you get unlucky and his adds full dispel the DDs, something we had happen several times. Ngai spamming Tidal will eventually KO someone and some failed runs, he spammed that near the end, and we had others where he spammed Puncture repeatedly, hate resetting off the entire party. Xevioso spamming Incisive, the list goes on for all of them. There is little you can do to mitigate a lot of this, just hope you don't get some moves back to back or hope you get a run where they uses weaker TP moves below 20%. Sometimes you get lucky and have no issues, sometimes it's the same problem over and over again. Looking back, I was lucky with some of them and really unlucky with others. Admittedly, some losses are due to mistakes on my part or others, that just happens, but we had a lot of perfect, smooth runs end due to the TP moves mobs spam near the end.

I don't think much should change, it's supposed to be difficult, frustrating content. If they changed anything, I'd like to see multiple runs emphasized or made more permissible by resetting procs between runs.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1754
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-10-24 11:37:58  
they want to join, they want to work....they don't want to lead or don't know how to in those situations.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2252
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-10-24 11:52:39  
Agree with all your points on luck in the fights Iam, I just meant it's not just luck but includes a lot of skill, equipment, and coordination, so acting like people got lucky and got a win is not right. It's more like being determined, skilled, putting in loads of hard work, and then NOT getting unlucky.

Dubaiii said: »
Dont over hype a content based on luck

I wouldn't call it content based on luck, I'd call it content based on skill, preparation, coordination, and adaptation with a couple elements of luck.

That luck will absolutely *** you over, but you only get the privilege to get screwed over by the luck if you're doing all the other things exceptionally well. It's not just a blind roll of the dice. Maybe everyone realizes that, but wanted to put a finer point on it because comments like these are dismissive of the level of effort that goes into getting the lucky (not-unlucky) run that results in a win.
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