Why won't you main WHM
By SimonSes 2023-12-29 14:51:37
What would you solo on DD in 2023 that can't be done on WHM?
Sure if you have been a WHM for a long time and have MAB/TP/WS sets. As a WHM you have to go out of your way to gear for soloing, while likely still being worse than about any other job that isn't really trying.
I am sure a WHM could solo a lot of content without gearing for it but there is no way that is an enjoyable experience.
WS set is really mostly the same, which is Nyame. Depends on weapons, you can use Nyame/Bunzi (just hands if R0, head if high rank) or Empy+3/Bunzi for TP. Accessories are also pretty universal for cape, rings. Oshasha ammo, Cornelia belt for WS. TP belt kinda depends if you have Lehko's Ring or not. Gazu Bracelets +1 R15 are also an option.
Not gonna lie, Kraken Club makes melee WHM both stronger and way more enjoyable, but R15 Yagrush AM3 with TP bonus offhand or Maxentius with TP bonus offhand are also good options. I think really the only problem would be R15+ Nyame, because WHM doesn't really have good alternatives for WS.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 224
By Lakshmi.Sahzi 2023-12-29 15:01:57
I have basically every single job properly geared, all of them with appropriate REMA. I enjoy playing every single one of them...
That said, what do you think I need to play 80% of the time? Yes, NEED. If I don't? Simply, the static cannot operate. Either I play whm or we can't go. THATS my annoyance with whm. Spending your time working on jobs you never get to use because of being typecast. Boring.
Pile on with a static dd who flat out refuses to come COR cause he wants JPs for his WAR? It's these thoughts that honestly keep me from even logging in sometimes.
That said, I actually like playing whm. I'm good at it. Would just prefer some variety.
By drakefs 2023-12-29 16:08:25
Pile on with a static dd who flat out refuses to come COR cause he wants JPs for his WAR?
In sortie? JPing? You need to replace the war (seriously,JP on your own time) or find a new static. I would talk to the WAR and explain why that's not acceptable.
I put up with a lot of "Having to make it work" because others do not have a viable job load out but at least they are trying to build a COR so others that are a better DPS option can not play COR. My static is not the same 6 people every day but we do have 3 people who can WHM, 2 who can RDM, 2 who can BRD and 5 who can COR.
Also, it may be time to make friends with another WHM that hopefully has a good job load out too.
What would you solo on DD in 2023 that can't be done on WHM?
Sure if you have been a WHM for a long time and have MAB/TP/WS sets. As a WHM you have to go out of your way to gear for soloing, while likely still being worse than about any other job that isn't really trying.
I am sure a WHM could solo a lot of content without gearing for it but there is no way that is an enjoyable experience.
WS set is really mostly the same, which is Nyame. Depends on weapons, you can use Nyame/Bunzi (just hands if R0, head if high rank) or Empy+3/Bunzi for TP. Accessories are also pretty universal for cape, rings. Oshasha ammo, Cornelia belt for WS. TP belt kinda depends if you have Lehko's Ring or not. Gazu Bracelets +1 R15 are also an option.
Not gonna lie, Kraken Club makes melee WHM both stronger and way more enjoyable, but R15 Yagrush AM3 with TP bonus offhand or Maxentius with TP bonus offhand are also good options. I think really the only problem would be R15+ Nyame, because WHM doesn't really have good alternatives for WS.
The point is that a perfectly geared WHM is no where close to any other job in the game, in regards to soloing. I would argue it is not a good experience for the effort you have to put into getting there.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 370
By Asura.Crevox 2023-12-29 16:22:33
When I started, I was playing summoner, but quickly came to the realization that almost nobody wanted a summoner for content. This is when they were still releasing high-tier battlefields and we didn't even have job points / rhapsody yet. A few merc groups got to know me as a summoner and brought me to use Perfect Defense, but that's about it.
So, I leveled and geared WHM, and that is what got me invited to groups. Despite liking summoner, I spent almost all my game time outside of soloing as a WHM. I wasn't super geared, but since I was always able to keep parties alive, people would know me and accept me regardless of gear. I enjoyed it, so it wasn't too bad, but it was a bummer that I couldn't play SMN. I came to the realization that I need a Nirvana if I want to try to push SMN, so I pretty much mained WHM and GEO in all party content to make gil. I considered a mythic weapon pretty much unobtainable, but decided to buckle down and just go for it.
Near the end of my time in FFXI, I almost stopped playing WHM entirely, because I just preferred playing other jobs. It's still fun, but other jobs were my priority and also strong enough that people wanted them. I also reached a point where I didn't feel like I was dragging down the group by bringing my SMN to content.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2284
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2023-12-29 17:27:12
White mage white mage,
What cha gonna do!?!
When nobody wanna heal for you!!!!
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 136
By Bahamut.Mhysa 2023-12-29 18:36:16
I am a main WHM, and I can say that it is my favorite job. I remember solo healing Omen 18 people, and solo healing Dynamis D, but with all that praise and love from other people, also came the "abuse" of:
Anyway, I love WHM, and I will continue to put through with the abuse, but I understand why so many people dislike it.
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サーバ: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Agerine 2024-12-31 00:33:52
I know I'm replying to this a while in the future but I love your breakdown here. WHM was my main first job when I came back to XI in 2016 and it lead to soooo many people getting clears and gears.
This job is difficult to navigate and requires a constant check on buffs/debuffs/enemy hp/Player HP/Cooldown timers/Content timers... the list goes on.
You said its like a puzzle and I love that. Each fight is unique. Doesn't matter if you are with the same players or new ones for any specific fight, each time you join a fight it is new and based on how often and when a mob does a TP move or a spell which can change your cure flow.
It requires Professor Moody's Constant Vigilance approach. Even if you got the gear you and you aint got the skills, it could fall apart... Even if you got the skills and not the gear... same could be said... Even after all those are said and done. Sometimes a fight just *** goes sour. Being on point and choosing the right cures/Na spells makes or breaks a fight....
Not everyone wants to do that. Its *** hard but once you get used to it... it becomes second nature. Took me about 6 months of only whm play to fully understand what fights required what focus and that was back when Omen was new.
I wouldn't trade it for anything. I had So many omen fights succeed because I was able to tank the boss while folks recovered from death due to xyz. Healing alliances in Dynamis feels the same way... Keeping everyone alive makes it so we don't all waste our time. Odyssee and Sortie I'm relearning but each time we reach a new Venge clear while on Whm just *** feels good.
Anyone who is interested in Whm, check it out and try it. It has a low bar of entry and if you dont like the stress then push a bit farther. Its not that bad of a job and you will open doors to the rest of your job clearing desires.
Edit... I didnt even reply to the comment I wanted to - Hit reply and all. smh
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 456
By Asura.Karppa 2024-12-31 11:00:04
Rarely in these days..often back in the day during my HNMLS period..
By zixxer 2024-12-31 12:00:15
Sometimes a fight just *** goes sour.
We all know it's because of them front line with their fancy glass cannon TA/QA sets.
By Kasaioni 2024-12-31 12:31:25
This job is difficult to navigate and requires a constant check on buffs/debuffs/enemy hp/Player HP/Cooldown timers/Content timers... the list goes on.
It requires Professor Moody's Constant Vigilance approach. Even if you got the gear you and you aint got the skills, it could fall apart... Even if you got the skills and not the gear... same could be said... Even after all those are said and done. Sometimes a fight just *** goes sour. Being on point and choosing the right cures/Na spells makes or breaks a fight.... I've been playing WHM since about 2012 and I agree. There are a lot of situations (obviously there are exceptions) where you have to be extremely aware of what's going on, and what could potentially happen, at all times.
Every time I resub to XIV I think about how easy it is to heal in comparison.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1223
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2024-12-31 12:43:14
I don't want to be white mage because I don't want to be the reason everyone died and we lost.
Im far too sensitive for the yelling that would happen because of my poor play
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1851
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-31 15:09:15
Because SCH and PLD more easily flush out DDs that aren't in tough sets when they are doing tough content.
By Trillium 2024-12-31 16:34:38
This job is difficult to navigate and requires a constant check on buffs/debuffs/enemy hp/Player HP/Cooldown timers/Content timers... the list goes on.
It requires Professor Moody's Constant Vigilance approach. Even if you got the gear you and you aint got the skills, it could fall apart... Even if you got the skills and not the gear... same could be said... Even after all those are said and done. Sometimes a fight just *** goes sour. Being on point and choosing the right cures/Na spells makes or breaks a fight.... I've been playing WHM since about 2012 and I agree. There are a lot of situations (obviously there are exceptions) where you have to be extremely aware of what's going on, and what could potentially happen, at all times.
Every time I resub to XIV I think about how easy it is to heal in comparison.
100%. The attention you need to pull on RUN in dynamis or keep brd buffs up or keep people healed on rdm or whm is pretty significant. Compared to something like cor where you blast statues and hit your rolls every few minutes... just so much more relaxing. On Sam? Unless you are going to push your damage on a weaker hybrid or god forbid complete glass canon (as much as you can get these days...) there isn't the same anxiety lol.
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サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 184
By Bismarck.Johnb 2025-02-02 09:08:49
You can't solo with WHM well as it doesn't do much damage. Most people are looking for Scholar or Red Mage these days too instead like in Sortie.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 115
By Phoenix.Enochroot 2025-02-02 09:52:56
Why not main WHM? Well, I kinda tried. Made a character just to main WHM and its very first +2 earring from sortie was a maxed SCH earring.
SE basically TOLD me not to main WHM.
Simple enough. What's the primary reason you won't main WHM. Feel free to list secondary reasons also.
Is it the excessive debuffs and/or lack or desire to make a required yagrush? Would you be more inclined to play it if yagrush wasn't "required"
Is it the "now you're forever whm" mentality? Would you be more inclined to play it if you weren't whm4lyfe
Is it because you can't just mash savage blade? Can you not be bothered to pay that much attention
Is it because there is too much pressure on the healer? The party lives or dies solely in your hands.
Is healing just fucking boring? Not necessarily "boring" but uninteresting.
Would you be more inclined to play it if there were bonuses from content? Double bayld, double drops, double gil, double exmplar, something
Let everyone know exactly why you use a 2box bot and won't actually play it so we can stop talking about it.
MOST games do not have dedicated healers. Some games have no healer at all. Every character can heal anyone else. And/or use items.