Sup y'all- the Sortie group I've been running with has gone through a lot of personnel issues this summer- between the general mood of SE's choices and real life commitments, we've been in a constant state of "lfg". So we're opening things up to here in hopes of finding people interested in something more predictable.
Looking to fill 2 spots- we had a member become a 1st time dad, and that adjustment (for those who've done it) certainly takes a while; as well as a member who's home/work/game balance needed adjusting- can't ever fault a dude for taking care of his family^^
Our focus is primarily Sortie, but we do mix in some Odyssey now and then as folks desire RP or some clears. We run mage-styled Sortie, and primarily looking for folks who can fill 2+ roles among other job flexibility. (2 of RUN/COR/iGEO/SCH/BLM)
Goal is to run 4-5 nights/week, with Sortie likely still happening on off nights, but no need to commit 7 nights/week.
Start time is 8pm Mountain Time, with some nights where we do both Ody/Sortie going til around 11pm- but again, the focus is Sortie. if your schedule can't go that late, don't hesitate to still reach out if interested. Can hit me up in this thread, PM, Discord, or on Bahamut in-game.