Universal Healthcare - A Dane's Guide to WHM gear
By DaneBlood 2023-07-06 01:44:54
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »I've been using gearswap and spellcast for years so my memory might not server me well here.
But if you remove the wait and use and <stal> and <stpt> targets instead of <t> I believe the swap should come through.
Just tried it...A command error occurred. If I wait a second to hit enter on the <stpc> then it works, but if you cast it as quick as you can, it will error.
OK time for enlightenment then.
So for vanilla players is this only an issue for cures? What about other spells?
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,774
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-07-06 01:49:40
For the record I'm not saying the guide (or any guide) needs to be updated to have vanilla player specific sets, just pointing out that the boots are useful for people who need to cap cure FC and aren't doing so in a single packet with no concerns for DT or timing. Even if you are using GS, might be able to save inventory space by swapping 2 FC pieces for a single one, and the cure cast time comes without augments, so it's pretty much free.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,774
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-07-06 01:52:04
Oh no, this happens for all kinds of spells. I have a half FC set on sch, whm, and various other jobs and have to do routine testing to make sure my subjob or lack thereof doesn't affect casting times and thus potency sets.
How much time do you have? Lol.
Plenty of spells i don't bother with FC at all because they're too fast even with a small amount of FC. anything which casts in under a second (after FC is used) will cast in the wrong set, unless you made a non-equipset FC macro for it.
As I said, in my case I opt to just equip potency right away on those things instead of doing a half fc, 25% fc, etc for every damn spell for every job.
Things like barspells, na spells, phalanx, regen come to mind.
By Felgarr 2023-07-06 02:28:08
I love what you've done, but ....you have a Diamond Aspis (Rank 1 bonanza prize) in the Idle HQ set.
Correct HQ sets don't take anything into account whatever it is gil or super rare/difficult to get. H.Q. canbe argued stands for "High Quality" or just "Highly Questionable you are sane for doing this".
The none High sets are more reasonable/effective TBH
Starter sets only contains items that are cheap and not behind missions walls and other progressions locks
I think you should re-think this. In most (or all?) FFXI guides, HQ item sets are still obtainable by any player, given enough skill, time and/or money. If you want to include *anything*, including Bonanza items for the sake of it, I wouldn't call it HQ. I mean, call it "Insane Tier" but don't confuse the NQ/HQ tiers with something that is not obtainable by conventional in-game methods. (i.e. SE has to bless you with a winning bonanza marble).
By SimonSes 2023-07-06 05:53:04
I think you should re-think this. In most (or all?) FFXI guides, HQ item sets are still obtainable by any player, given enough skill, time and/or money. If you want to include *anything*, including Bonanza items for the sake of it, I wouldn't call it HQ. I mean, call it "Insane Tier" but don't confuse the NQ/HQ tiers with something that is not obtainable by conventional in-game methods. (i.e. SE has to bless you with a winning bonanza marble).
You can technically get rank 1 bonanza using enough $$ on new account/char, but I agree items like that shouldn't be in any sets. They can be mentioned in some extra section.
By Taint 2023-07-06 06:49:12
hey you're more likely to win bonanza than to get a specific +2 sortie earring.
Except WHM. Everyone has WHM+2. (our newest member just got it on his first Sortie run with us, the rest of us have it already)
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 321
By Asura.Hya 2023-07-06 07:17:21
Just a heads up for a potential tanky curing set i really wish i could get sird capped out as well I'm not too versed on WHM, but when you can easily have a long duration Aquaveil that's able to absorb 9 interruptions, is it really that necessary to have a SirD midcast set for cure casting?
Honest question. Like Serjero said, sometimes you are forced to be the tank for two adds in a V25 Gaol fight. Things can start to get very hectic and with two mobs trying to eat your ***, Aquaveil can come off before you realize it. There isn't always enough time to put it back on, so a quick swap to SIRD set can keep you going. All that said, I have used my SIRD Cure midcast set maybe three times total in V25 Gaol conent, but we may not have won those runs without it.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,774
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-07-06 08:05:07
Does anyone know if the JPs from Afflatus Solace and gifts count towards the 50% gear cure potency cap?
These aren't cure potency %, they're cure potency (like Raetic Rod). So no, they don't count towards that cap
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 52
By Ragnarok.Gennss 2023-07-06 10:22:30
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »I've been using gearswap and spellcast for years so my memory might not server me well here.
But if you remove the wait and use and <stal> and <stpt> targets instead of <t> I believe the swap should come through.
Just tried it...A command error occurred. If I wait a second to hit enter on the <stpc> then it works, but if you cast it as quick as you can, it will error.
OK time for enlightenment then.
So for vanilla players is this only an issue for cures? What about other spells?
So from my perspective most of the sets stay the same. They either cast fast enough or are cast before combat and aren’t as heavily impacted. Cures are where trying to hit the 80% time and 50% potency becomes a challenge.
I’m also seeing that in gearseap builds there are considerations for conserve mp. Not really something I’ve considered in my vanilla milkshake build
I’ll post my cure set when I’m not on my phone
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,774
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-07-06 11:10:06
RE: fast cast set, I would actively avoid using quick magic gear in FC set. Last I checked, even GS cannot swap your midcast gear in on a QM proc, obviously vanilla definitely can't. So you end up casting a spell which you will (in almost all situations) end up having to overwrite with another one.
You could have 2 FC sets, one for things like Arise, Reraise, teleports, or other spells with no (important) midcast set, and one for spells with a midcast set (almost all spells). It's also worth considering a third FC set, for healing magic specifically.
Also: I prefer to get capped FC in set with as few pieces as possible, then put DT in the other slots (to avoid getting your *** handed to you in the FC set). This is not a concern for GS users since they're only in it for a fraction of a second (or 0s) but for that 1% of players who aren't using GS, it can get you killed to wear 0% DT in your FC set.
By DaneBlood 2023-07-06 14:00:20
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »RE: fast cast set, I would actively avoid using quick magic gear in FC set. Last I checked, even GS cannot swap your midcast gear in on a QM proc,
This is incorrect.
gearswap handles it find as both fastcast and midtcast gets send out in the same packet (unless you got way to many swaps going on)
This is also why you dont need DT and SIRD in you fastcast set if you are using Gearswap.
if you are using vanilla whole different story though
By DaneBlood 2023-07-06 14:01:36
Does anyone know if the JPs from Afflatus Solace and gifts count towards the 50% gear cure potency cap?
There is no "Cure potency x%" from job points only "Cure potency X".
So not it doesn't since its doesn't affect that stat at all
By DaneBlood 2023-07-06 14:12:26
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »For the record I'm not saying the guide (or any guide) needs to be updated to have vanilla player specific sets, just pointing out that the boots are useful for people who need to cap cure FC and aren't doing so in a single packet with no concerns for DT or timing. Even if you are using GS, might be able to save inventory space by swapping 2 FC pieces for a single one, and the cure cast time comes without augments, so it's pretty much free.
not im with you here.
What I was trying to say is. maybe i'll consider a section for "alternatives medicin" for people that want their game to be free ranged, GMO free... aka vanilla ffxi
But I needed to get in how much a change it would be if i wanted to spend the time on crunching numbers
However the inventory saving situation for people using GS only really counts in if you are only duing cures. since you would stilll want to cap fastcast for other spell and curecast dont affect that.
Keeping cure cast gear around when you have a complete fastcast set. Is going to be extra inventory use for no benefits)
offcause if you watn to sacrifce fastcast for general spell and only worry about 80% for cure the would be beneficial
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Oh no, this happens for all kinds of spells. I have a half FC set on sch, whm, and various other jobs and have to do routine testing to make sure my subjob or lack thereof doesn't affect casting times and thus potency sets.
How much time do you have? Lol.
Plenty of spells i don't bother with FC at all because they're too fast even with a small amount of FC. anything which casts in under a second (after FC is used) will cast in the wrong set, unless you made a non-equipset FC macro for it.
As I said, in my case I opt to just equip potency right away on those things instead of doing a half fc, 25% fc, etc for every damn spell for every job.
Things like barspells, na spells, phalanx, regen come to mind.
Got it.
Tats what I was looking for trying to get the goals and sacrifices you do on vanilla FFXI.
Thank you.
its on the "maybe to do" list :D
By DaneBlood 2023-07-06 14:33:43
I think you should re-think this. In most (or all?) FFXI guides, HQ item sets are still obtainable by any player, given enough skill, time and/or money. If you want to include *anything*, including Bonanza items for the sake of it, I wouldn't call it HQ. I mean, call it "Insane Tier" but don't confuse the NQ/HQ tiers with something that is not obtainable by conventional in-game methods. (i.e. SE has to bless you with a winning bonanza marble).
I dont really see the importance, and i might have missed it
You are basically arguing labels here.
If I renamed the labels form H.Q. to unoptanium
and did the normal set to H.Q. it would satisfy your argument but do not really make change to the guide
Mechanically it make no difference.
If you can't get to the highest shown gear you go to the level below as it contains the next best option. That has more availability.
or you look into the alternatives section
There will always be a subjective line of what is obtainable.
Ive had people complain in cleric torque +2 because they consider that unobtainable or its to expensive etc. so what is the "Allowable" max set is going to be highly subjective. so instead of letting that subjectivity rule the sets i do it slightly different.
this is where next phase comes in of documenting all relative stats for each sets. this way you can easy see if a set is "Worth it" for you.
Most guides just tells you "get this" but not how much better it ccompared to the one below. this is going to be next phase.
Second I expanded on the sets (more to come) with alternative. so lets se you look at the HQ. set and you see 1 item that is not available to you ( bonanza. choice of rewards locks from missions etc) then under alternatives you can see what you can do next best, as long as the entire set does not have to be reworked.
this gives you IMHO better way to get as close as possible to "unobtanium" in away you can apply you own subjective limits.
so instead of just presenting you a few choice sets it will guide you as close as possible via
- stats information for effort evaluation
- Alternatives for down grades
There are still more work to do with alternatives though.
but if you dont like the H.Q. sets obtainable there is always the regular sets. There should be no H.Q. sets without a regular set
Basically just arguing for labels.
I used the unoptanium set and provide alternatives when possible to get as close as possible. to do so I do need the unobtanium in the guide.
I dont wish to apply my subjective evaluation of something being/not worth it to limit others ( if for some reason someone did have diamond aspis and thne dont use it because its not in the guide)
i am not disputing that the idle H.Q. definitely is more "un obtainable" then the rest of the H.Q. with both a bonanza win, mission rewards choice, and a super rare +2 earring drop)
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,774
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-07-06 14:49:45
For idle HQ, why Bunzi over Nyame? Nyame has better def, evasion, and HP with the same meva and DT
By DaneBlood 2023-07-06 14:55:16
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »For idle HQ, why Bunzi over Nyame? Nyame has better def, evasion, and HP with the same meva and DT
With nyame in this set the Moogle belt will boost you HP to much and get you idle into the yellow and boom blood aggro.
I have the same issue on my cor currently. when ever i disengage i drop to yellow because i have to much HP in my idle set.
There is not doubt nyame is better for physical than bunzi. but bunzi wins out in magic dmg (more MDB)
I am planning on a nyame idle sets for more phys defensive measure but i need to get the hp adjusted
HP is also the reason i did the fastcast sets as they are. Adding on some extra HP because the fastcast set itself is low on HP making you drop hp on each cast.
PLD had to deal with this for a long time. but odly enough it is never taking into account on whm, despite need for tanking cure set.
By Dodik 2023-07-06 15:03:27
Well, a bonanza rank 1 prize is a lot less obtainable than VR mission rewards.
Mission rewards are literally given out to everyone, it's just a matter of what priority you want to give to whm.
Can see a character that realistically has both VR ring and +1 sortie earring for whm but near zero realistic chance at a bonanza or maxed +2 earring.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,390
By Asura.Pergatory 2023-07-06 17:14:20
With nyame in this set the Moogle belt will boost you HP to much and get you idle into the yellow and boom blood aggro.
I have the same issue on my cor currently. when ever i disengage i drop to yellow because i have to much HP in my idle set.
There is not doubt nyame is better for physical than bunzi. but bunzi wins out in magic dmg (more MDB)
I am planning on a nyame idle sets for more phys defensive measure but i need to get the hp adjusted
HP is also the reason i did the fastcast sets as they are. Adding on some extra HP because the fastcast set itself is low on HP making you drop hp on each cast. You could solve all of these problems by not idling in the Moogle belt. Carrier's Sash gives you much needed light & dark resist anyway so you can get the full benefit of all the meva you've got stacked.
Personally I've never really viewed the Moogle belt as an idle belt, more of a precast/midcast belt. The stats look very idle-like but in practice it just leaves you making weird choices like Bunzi over Nyame so you aren't going yellow. And for what? 3% DT? DT is easy to get.
Honestly, IMHO, the whole HQ idle set looks pretty bad. Sure it has great defensive stats but only 7 refresh and that's assuming you have the VR Refresh+2 ring.
I have essentially maxed out gear (only missing the Bonanza shield, +2 earring, and chose a different VR ring) and my main idle set looks closer to your "starter" idle set than any of the other ones you've posted. Inyanga+2 is truly awesome idle gear with the ideal combo of refresh & high meva.
I think the sets you've posted might make a lot of sense for multiboxers whose WHM is just permanently on follow mode standing on top of the party, running a cure bot, getting hit by every AOE, and literally always has ballads up because you multibox a BRD too. If that's your scenario then these sets make perfect sense. Otherwise I don't think they're particularly good besides the starter set.
Again, that's just my opinion. Opinions vary wildly on WHM idle sets.
By DaneBlood 2023-07-06 19:11:29
With nyame in this set the Moogle belt will boost you HP to much and get you idle into the yellow and boom blood aggro.
I have the same issue on my cor currently. when ever i disengage i drop to yellow because i have to much HP in my idle set.
There is not doubt nyame is better for physical than bunzi. but bunzi wins out in magic dmg (more MDB)
I am planning on a nyame idle sets for more phys defensive measure but i need to get the hp adjusted
HP is also the reason i did the fastcast sets as they are. Adding on some extra HP because the fastcast set itself is low on HP making you drop hp on each cast. You could solve all of these problems by not idling in the Moogle belt. Carrier's Sash gives you much needed light & dark resist anyway so you can get the full benefit of all the meva you've got stacked.
Personally I've never really viewed the Moogle belt as an idle belt, more of a precast/midcast belt. The stats look very idle-like but in practice it just leaves you making weird choices like Bunzi over Nyame so you aren't going yellow. And for what? 3% DT? DT is easy to get.
Honestly, IMHO, the whole HQ idle set looks pretty bad. Sure it has great defensive stats but only 7 refresh and that's assuming you have the VR Refresh+2 ring.
I have essentially maxed out gear (only missing the Bonanza shield, +2 earring, and chose a different VR ring) and my main idle set looks closer to your "starter" idle set than any of the other ones you've posted. Inyanga+2 is truly awesome idle gear with the ideal combo of refresh & high meva.
I think the sets you've posted might make a lot of sense for multiboxers whose WHM is just permanently on follow mode standing on top of the party, running a cure bot, getting hit by every AOE, and literally always has ballads up because you multibox a BRD too. If that's your scenario then these sets make perfect sense. Otherwise I don't think they're particularly good besides the starter set.
Again, that's just my opinion. Opinions vary wildly on WHM idle sets.
you are not wrong. but moogle belt also provides some dt.
For the H.Q sets that doesnt matter as its 3% over anyway but for The more obtianable set we go below 50% PDT.
and I want to ensure if that is really the best option so still some math to do
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2023-07-06 20:49:43
- Regarding your hot takes, blinking absolutely does matter at the highest level of play unless you're using DressUp (and while it's an option, I'd never presume to demand someone use it). <stpt> and <stal> macros do not allow direct targeting of party members using function keys the way <stpc> macros do, which is a big deal for quickly targeting party members, especially in fights with knockback and finicky positioning (think Kalunga).
You are right. F-key targeting does get impacted by targeting. but (and correct me if im wrong) F-key targeting is a windower thing so at this point i believe a person should just install dressup over limiting other from switching weapons. (lock style alone wont help on weapon switching)
Windower is only required for F-key targeting alliance members outside the party. Inside your own party it works with the vanilla client.
By Felgarr 2023-07-06 22:56:07
I think you should re-think this. In most (or all?) FFXI guides, HQ item sets are still obtainable by any player, given enough skill, time and/or money. If you want to include *anything*, including Bonanza items for the sake of it, I wouldn't call it HQ. I mean, call it "Insane Tier" but don't confuse the NQ/HQ tiers with something that is not obtainable by conventional in-game methods. (i.e. SE has to bless you with a winning bonanza marble).
You can technically get rank 1 bonanza using enough $$ on new account/char, but I agree items like that shouldn't be in any sets. They can be mentioned in some extra section.
I was hoping someone wouldn't say that, but yes, you are right. However, you can only guarantee 1 out of 500 of your characters gets the rank 1 prize, in which case, you would have to then turn that character in a White Mage, and use the guide. And we all should be in agreement, that those steps just aren't in the spirit or intent of this guide.
I though I would go over a lot of the current White Mage gear sets and optimize them a bit
Any constructive comments are welcome in this thread.
also I'm still needed a few "jokes" in the section title lines.