Returning Player

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Returning Player
Posts: 5
By nizzi 2023-03-06 14:08:48  
HI! I am a returning player looking for a new linkshell. I have experience from endgame activities via lvl 75 era (old linkshell was MercuryX on both Diabolos/Phoenix servers.) My character is Tesalu on Bahamut. I play during evenings CST time. Just looking for a new linkshell with great people!
Posts: 185
By Manque 2023-03-06 17:56:20  
Welcome back to the game! Lots has changed since the 75 era. Lots of opinions about that but what’s certain is that there’s probably some content out there now that you haven’t experienced that you’ll have some fun with. Enjoy!

For linkshells, SE made some new npcs that distribute linkpearls for recruiting linkshells. The linkshell leaders put pearls on them to distribute to others. My recommendation would be to pick up a pearl or two from one of those npcs and ask around for people to play with. In my experience, people are not nearly as selective as they used to be during the era of 75 shell rivalries. In fact, you can equip multiple pearls on your char now.

In terms of stuff to do, why not start with getting to 99 and knocking out this list of record of eminence objectives.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: nizzi
Posts: 4
By Phoenix.Nizzi 2023-03-07 19:19:48  
Thank you for the input! I tried the linkshell NPC. The linkshells that are available are not friendly. I took a few different ones. Everyone in them are quiet as well have 5 people or less and one of them had only one person in it. Just trying to find somewhere that's cool to hang out in.
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