Cure Formula

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cure formula
Posts: 18
By botches 2021-04-24 08:19:44  
can someone explain me the cure formula
my cure (I) spell heal for 88 HP, and i don't undestand why

for example, i'm a mastered WHM, no Cure Potency gear, no Afflatus Solace, no day/weather bonus
my base stats are :
MND = 111+239
VIT = 100+101
healing skill = 506
my power is 175+50+506=731
after that, i'm lost
there are 6 tiers and i don't know which one i should take, so let's do it with the last one
my base is (731-600)/20+65=71
then my final cure should be 71+23=94 HP

my healing is only 88 HP, where is my error ?
Posts: 1,273
By FaeQueenCory 2021-04-24 11:14:20  
botches said: »
my power is 175+50+506=731
This looks correct so far.
botches said: »
there are 6 tiers and i don't know which one i should take, so let's do it with the last one
my base is (731-600)/20+65=71
The column labeled "Power Floor" is the floor of the power you've calculated... so if you have higher than the value in that column, that's the row you should be using.
botches said: »
then my final cure should be 71+23=94 HP
This should be correct.

First question would be to see if your target has more than 88 damage on them.
Second question would be to ask you to make an itemset here and post exactly the gear you were using.
Third question would be to make sure you're not swapping any pieces via a lua or something.
Finally, if there's nothing that arises from the first three questions, then it's fairly possible that there's a 700+ tier. The page is extremely old. (as in that table hasn't been touched since 2012.)
Posts: 1,484
By Chimerawizard 2021-04-24 11:33:34  
Cure 1 has a hard cap at 600. Yours is well over that.
w/o solace, it should just be 65+23=88

Your error was not assigning a rate of infinite or just skipping the (power-power floor)/rate portion.
Posts: 18
By botches 2021-04-24 13:11:43  
FaeQueenCory said: »
First question would be to see if your target has more than 88 damage on them.
yes, i test on myself
FaeQueenCory said: »
Second question would be to ask you to make an itemset here and post exactly the gear you were using.
kaja staff
reign grip
kalboron stone
inyanga +2 set
weike torque
lifestorm earring
static earring
sirona's ring
tamas ring
swith cape
penitent's rope
FaeQueenCory said: »
Third question would be to make sure you're not swapping any pieces via a lua or something.
no, the addon is down
FaeQueenCory said: »
Finally, if there's nothing that arises from the first three questions, then it's fairly possible that there's a 700+ tier. The page is extremely old. (as in that table hasn't been touched since 2012.)
i made 2 naked tests with cure I and cure III, so i'm not in the last tier
MND = 111
VIT = 100
healing skill = 476
my power is 55+25+476=556
cure I : my base is (556-200)/20+45=62, and my final cure should be 62+23=85 -> CORRECT
cure III : my base is (556-300)/5+260=311, and my final cure should be 311+23=334 -> CORRECT
i'm going to make a test with exactly the value of the last tier
Posts: 18
By botches 2021-04-24 13:15:45  
Chimerawizard said: »
Your error was not assigning a rate of infinite or just skipping the (power-power floor)/rate portion.
TY, i understand now
Posts: 1,171
By DaneBlood 2021-04-24 13:25:45  
If just Someonehad posted a Cure calculator in the WHM guide.

The facts that you cure power is above 700 mean you get capped based cure from the cure power. so you just take the hard cap from the spells

botches said: »
kaja staff
reign grip
kalboron stone
inyanga +2 set
weike torque
lifestorm earring
static earring
sirona's ring
tamas ring
swith cape
penitent's rope

Relly should look into the whm guide,
you have tons of stuff here that does nothing for you

on top of my head sironas and tammas does nothing for you cures
once you hit the 700 cure power more mnd vit and skill is worthless

Kaja staff ?
iridal staff is cheap off the AH and best in slot for cures in a good set and much better than you kaja stuff in your current set

kalboron stone ?
Again worthless for cures does nothing for your cure
You need to get the claurus stone cheap of the AH. it reduce mp cost. not boosting cures but at least id does something for the spell

Weike torqu reing grib?
both are uselsss in you current set. as you dont need the cure power it gives

it looks like you missed the point of cure power being capped and just kept adding mnd vit and skill for no effect

Looks into getting this below set
it pretty easy to get but very powerful and will do better then any other sets that are based on sub par and more difficult obtainable weapons ( queller rod daybrak etc)

ItemSet 360041

If you dont have janniston ring just skip it

or you can do this even faster set
ItemSet 379316

But currently nothing in your current set is done correctly
If you are on bismark hit me up and i can help farm out a cure set with you
Posts: 18
By botches 2021-04-24 13:45:19  
DaneBlood , thanks for the link, i missed that.
But you know, i have better gear than that, it was just a test to understand the formula
Posts: 1,171
By DaneBlood 2021-04-24 16:35:27  
botches said: »
DaneBlood , thanks for the link, i missed that.
But you know, i have better gear than that, it was just a test to understand the formula

My bad then. I missunderstood
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