2021-2022 BLU Hopes & Expectations |
2021-2022 BLU Hopes & Expectations
Oh I agree with you that n all those points. But one could hope. They could change how wisdom works to increase actual potency/duration specifically for unbridled spells. :(
I'm sure I could think of plenty more, this is just all of the reasonable-according-to-moi stuff on top of my head:
I agree with everyting but this one
Asura.Cordyfox said: » Give BLU cures the benefit of the Cure revamp BLU can do like 1300+ AoE cure that you can spam. Who beside WHM can do that? EDIT: I guess maybe PLD can? But what exactly would you like to buff for BLU? Being able to cure for 2000 AoE? 1300+ is usually more than enough. Make every single blu debuff scale with skill.
Have most blu buffs scale with skill. Exceptions being things like Erratic Flutter and Nat. Meditation. Feather Barrier, Warp Up, etc should all become better with our skill level. Blue magic duration gear. Retcon some onto existing af/relic/emp while we're at it. Buff diamondhide. Change it to 70 or 80% of skill and uncap it. Stoneskin gear should also work on it. Get rid of the deterioration on Saline Coat, or have it bottom out at a much higher number. Make Assimilation baseline, replace it with a new merit trait that increases the stat bonuses gained from setting spells by 100/150/200/250/300%. I totally forgot about Swift Blade. I used to be so angry that PLD could use it and BLU couldn't back in the 75 days. Still doesn't make sense now but at least now Swift Blade is kind of trash in comparison to our other WS so I don't care as much. The skillchain property would still be nice, though.
you don't need swift blade for the SC property, it only offers gravitation which you can already access with requiescat.
you can even access swift blade by equiping Hepatizon Sapara/+ 1. iirc i played around with it but the damage was disappointing, somewhere in the same ballpark as requiescat, although that could be caused by the weak weapon or i didn't bother to properly gear for it, idk. Shichishito said: » you don't need swift blade for the SC property, it only offers gravitation which you can already access with requiescat. you can even access swift blade by equiping Hepatizon Sapara/+ 1. iirc i played around with it but the damage was disappointing, somewhere in the same ballpark as requiescat, although that could be caused by the weak weapon or i didn't bother to properly gear for it, idk. Damage should be better than Requiescat. They have similar base fTP assuming DW and Fotia gorget/belt, but Swift Blade has better WSC and has better gains and potential from multi-hits. it might be a bit better but i wouldn't expect numbers to come anywhere near expi/savage or even chant. it's like a chant du cygne just with 50% str/mnd mod instead of 80% dex and without the crit chance, dmg doesn't scale with TP.
it's probably wishfull thinking cause SE is lazy but i'd also like BLU to have access to the full arsenal of their spells at all time. spells set should only affect + stat and job trait bonuses and switching spell sets around shouldn't block you from casting BLU spells for a minute or two but instead just prevent job traits and stat bonuses for that duration. BLUs DD and magic damage rely heavily on spell set traits and stats so they still have to make priorities but they'd get more utility. BLU has a ton of spells with additional effects but 95% of them never get used cause spell points are so scarce Shichishito said: » it might be a bit better but i wouldn't expect numbers to come anywhere near expi/savage or even chant For sure not, but it would be better opener for Darkness with Expi. yea kind of like a consensus we want duration +, also what would we get angel whisper from, arens if they rr on us? I mean generally angel whisper is a slight cure + a RR effect tho sometimes its a raise, but no monster does either >.>. Now what i want i know would be broken, BUT i want phalanx + to effect barrier tusk. Would like reactor cools def bonus to be 50% like cocoon, give glut dart its bind effect the monster version has, find a way for magic barrier and stone skin to not overwrite each other would be nice too and this is something i would just like for shadows and blinks, that if they cannot stop an attack they ignore it, and are not wiped.
ps and this one is impossible, but make refueling (even tho its from a spell) a form of non magical haste, would be amazing for blu, and for jobs that sub blu same as last topic. all I want is duration on things like cocoon and nat. med
Asura.Cordyfox said: » Give us Swift Blade. A Gravitation Weaponskill would couple perfectly with Expiacion that could theoretically be followed up with Requiescat for a Lv.4 Darkness, but with Requiescat as underwhelming as it is in 2021, it'd probably not be worth using. So... Requiescat buff, too? Pretty please? Make wsd trait that DRG has accessible for BLU. All physical spells should be able to skillchain by default. It's a dps loss to cast them anyway, so skillchain benefit should be there all the time. Same for MB and magic spells. Chain affinity and burst affinity should just be damage bonus and maybe cap macc/acc.
SimonSes said: » Make wsd trait that DRG has accessible for BLU. All physical spells should be able to skillchain by default. It's a dps loss to cast them anyway, so skillchain benefit should be there all the time. Same for MB and magic spells. Chain affinity and burst affinity should just be damage bonus and maybe cap macc/acc. I mean, just think about it, if every physical spell can skillchain and every magical spell can magic burst, you are looking at a possible 50k skillchain or 99k magic burst (or combo of the two) that a BLU can solo quite often. Can also set it up that a BLU can solo 6 step just by casting spells in a certain order. I think that would overpower BLU and make it the flavor-of-the-month bandwagon job. SimonSes said: » I agree with everyting but this one BLU can do like 1300+ AoE cure that you can spam. Who beside WHM can do that? SimonSes said: » For sure not, but it would be better opener for Darkness with Expi. Yep, this is the idea. Asura.Kingnobody said: » One problem. Most BLUs will have a Tizona as the main hand, so you can't make Umbra or Radiance. Who said anything about Umbra/Radiance? I haven't even bothered with Sequence. Sorry, I reread your post and I saw Lv. 4 Darkness and it first read to me Umbra.
Shiva.Zykei said: » Enhancing magic duration to work on blue buffs is all I ask for. Asura.Kingnobody said: » That would break BLU though. I mean, just think about it, if every physical spell can skillchain and every magical spell can magic burst, you are looking at a possible 50k skillchain or 99k magic burst (or combo of the two) that a BLU can solo quite often. Can also set it up that a BLU can solo 6 step just by casting spells in a certain order. I think that would overpower BLU and make it the flavor-of-the-month bandwagon job. with support most magic jobs can hit the 99k cap. if that's OP then what is RDM? their nukes for sure spike higher than BLU's and their's already do MB by default. they wouldn't completely replace scholar either since most spells are rather short range with the exception of cannon ball (fusion) and glutinous dart (fragmentation, yay range light SC) [are there any others?]. Shichishito said: » BLUs nukes aren't super strong if you compare it to single target nukes. if your argument is based on making apples to oranges comparison it kinda looses its value as an argument. I don't think our magical spells need any help, they are already very strong, especially in terms of AoE and status effects clumped together. I do think our physical spells need a serious overhaul in damage and our buff durations need to be revisited though. Lowering JA timers and giving us Assimilation points without having to waste merits would be the biggest things I could see SE actually considering.
I want increased buff duration and 10wsd from empy head.
edit also swift blade cause req sucks. buff AND debuff durations are the bare minimum that need to be buffed. it's ridicules to design a melee mage, hand it lots of buffs and debuffs and then make the durations so short that you find yourself in reapplying limbo if you want to keep up 2-3 of each.
Asura.Kingnobody said: » SimonSes said: » Make wsd trait that DRG has accessible for BLU. All physical spells should be able to skillchain by default. It's a dps loss to cast them anyway, so skillchain benefit should be there all the time. Same for MB and magic spells. Chain affinity and burst affinity should just be damage bonus and maybe cap macc/acc. I mean, just think about it, if every physical spell can skillchain and every magical spell can magic burst, you are looking at a possible 50k skillchain or 99k magic burst (or combo of the two) that a BLU can solo quite often. Can also set it up that a BLU can solo 6 step just by casting spells in a certain order. I think that would overpower BLU and make it the flavor-of-the-month bandwagon job. First of all what 50k skillchain? physical spells in bis equip does like 10k at most and that like the strongest ones. Most do like 5-6k, so I dont see how would that can become OP in any sense. Magic nukes also arent that strong. Best ones are below 20k unbuffed. Also you are very limited by recast. BLU generally doesnt have much good spells of the same element and all the best ones has native 60-80s recast. 6 stepping with spells that does 3-10k damage would barely have any practical reason, beside doing some objective, but there is simple solution to limit it even further. Just make physical blu spells to only skillchain with weaponskills and not with each other, so you could do WS -> spell -> WS -> spell, but not spell -> spell -> WS -Put charges on CA/BA say 5~ each at 99
-Id like to buff phys spells but dont really see any amount that isnt broken being worthwhile, would rather see more with potent debuffs/good sc properties attached instead if we could even get more spells at this point -increased buff/debuff durations and general potency increase as stated already Personally only expecting maybe a buff duration increase and them shoving PDL and maaaaybe wsd traits in somehow Not just buff and debuff durations, we need addition effect potency increases. Most of our debuffs have become completely useless in comparison to alternatives.
SimonSes said: » First of all what 50k skillchain? physical spells in bis equip does like 10k at most and that like the strongest ones. I'm not saying each individual skillchain starts at 50k, but if you do it right, you can probably reach 50k at the end. That's if it is changed to have CA be a 1:30 duration instead of a 1:30 recast timer. In exchange for feeding the enemy a monstrous amount of TP, completely sacrificing your melee round damage and TP gain (and subsequently WS damage), and if you don't have a tizona, most of your MP pool.
If BLU were created in 2021, would anybody even object to physical and magical spells being able to SC+MB by default? The only reason people think it sounds broken is because they designed it in an era where it WOULD have been broken. Right now, it falls right in line with what every other job can already do
Asura.Kingnobody said: » SimonSes said: » First of all what 50k skillchain? physical spells in bis equip does like 10k at most and that like the strongest ones. I'm not saying each individual skillchain starts at 50k, but if you do it right, you can probably reach 50k at the end. That's if it is changed to have CA be a 1:30 duration instead of a 1:30 recast timer. It might sound op in your head, but reality is, you are casting every 4-5 sec which is barely faster or break even to how fast SAM can WS. The difference is you are doing 5-10k every cast and skillchain of that, while SAM is doing 20-40k WSs instead and few k melee damage between. It's not even close. You would do more damage 6 stepping with poor WS on BLU. Skillchain with just spells would only make sense as additional utility to set up magic burst in more controlled way or hit some sc objective in Omen or something, but it wouldnt be even close as dps efficient strategy. Remember BLU can do something like that already with it's SP now, except that spells are doing more like 15-25k instead because they are boosted by SP and none using it even with that much higher damage range, because it's a dps loss even then. There is also another drawback that you would need to set all those physical spells to even be able to 6 step and some of them wouldn't have any good trait points. Skillchaining with every physical spell would only be used as utility. You could use fusion or gravitation spells to skillchain more easily with you strong WSs or you could use sc property on something like Sudden Lunge to get something more out of it, than just stun. |
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