June 2020 Version Update

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June 2020 Version Update
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サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-06-10 14:20:19  
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
edit** nothing in this game costs gil, it costs time. Stop trying to limit that. If you want nicer things, you gotta work for it.

This is pretty *** logic IMO. Moonlight Coral for instance drops from Ou, you're telling a new player 'getting ready for endgame' to go out and farm Ou to lot the coral to bring to a crafter to make a ring? That's not happening lol. You can't expect a newer player to be able to farm all their mats to get by, it's not logical.

Why on earth is a newly geared 99 seeking moonbeam rings to get ready for endgame?

Spend a day farming the content you can do to get the items in the content you cannot do.

fire clusters are 100k a stack. And sell like crazy. You're telling me you can't make significantly more money doing that? And that's just one example

thats easily more than 1M a day.... on content you can do as any level, with any gear
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1319
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-06-10 14:22:26  
Masunasu said: »
He's telling them to go kill Tojil a few times, sell the horns, and buy the coral.

He's also saying that you should be able to get to endgame on 2m/week, which is terribly low based on a few basic things that I listed. That's a lot of legwork to get Sealord skin/leather to get a crafter to make Wristbands.

IDK what you deem 'endgame' quality, so I'm just listing some basic items.
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-06-10 14:23:07  
So, anyone figured out what the cap is?
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 973
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2020-06-10 14:24:22  
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
If you can't get to endgame on 2M a week something is wrong.

2m/week is kinda *** if you think about it. I mean, if you consider items like Moonbean Ring and Staunch Tathlum as 'getting to endgame', that's 7m right there. Getting 150 items for JSE weapon puts you ~1m, Vexed Wristbands 2m, etc. All that stuff adds up pretty quickly to get yourself set up half decently.

If you farm the items and bring them to a crafter.. atleast on fenrir... I will craft for zero cost... on any of the shields.

The greater problem is non crafters want the simple profits that crafters get because they see nothing but AH sales.

Go out and actually farm the materials. Spend some time working for it.

Cehuetzi pelts are going for 19m a stack on fenrir and climbing.

People want a simple buck.

edit** nothing in this game costs gil, it costs time. Stop trying to limit that. If you want nicer things, you gotta work for it.
I disagree with this in the fact that crafters are just as greedy as everyone else. Crafters set prices stupid high and control items to make sure profit stays way over good. Dont make it seem like crafters are just innocent nuns because most aren't
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: rangler33
By Asura.Tsm 2020-06-10 14:24:28  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
So, anyone figured out what the cap is?
nah no one knows, SE themselves don't state it either.

wildly unknown. thanks for your post
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1707
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2020-06-10 14:25:16  
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Masunasu said: »
He's telling them to go kill Tojil a few times, sell the horns, and buy the coral.

He's also saying that you should be able to get to endgame on 2m/week, which is terribly low based on a few basic things that I listed. That's a lot of legwork to get Sealord skin/leather to get a crafter to make Wristbands.

ya dont' need Adhemar the moment you ding 99. Someone had to beat the content that drops the abjurations before they had the abjurations.

Gear as you can, increase your ability to farm higher value items either thru the steps in place in the game or teaming up, and improve over time. One aspect I do enjoy of this is maybe more people will realize they can win content with Skirmish gear, get better at their jobs, and as their gear improves with time, they get only stronger on their jobs.
By Shichishito 2020-06-10 14:25:26  
"you can't remove RMT from a online game" is a bold statement, i don't know a single game company that really tried.

they might advertise with agressive anti cheat and bans but thats all it is, advertising to convince potential customers its not going to become the same ***show like in the last online game they picked up.

in the end they just few the cost to combat RMT and bots as avoidable expenses and RMT as extra income (multiboxes/mules/repurchases after ban) because they only think short term.

just look at free to play games with agressive pay2win models, no RMT wants to compete with the game company, its a battle they couldn't win.
not saying thats a good solution to combat RMTing, just a example that its possible even if it wasn't the intended goal.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-06-10 14:26:21  
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
edit** nothing in this game costs gil, it costs time. Stop trying to limit that. If you want nicer things, you gotta work for it.

This is pretty *** logic IMO. Moonlight Coral for instance drops from Ou, you're telling a new player 'getting ready for endgame' to go out and farm Ou to lot the coral to bring to a crafter to make a ring? That's not happening lol. You can't expect a newer player to be able to farm all their mats to get by, it's not logical.

Why on earth is a newly geared 99 seeking moonbeam rings to get ready for endgame?

Spend a day farming the content you can do to get the items in the content you cannot do.

fire clusters are 100k a stack. And sell like crazy. You're telling me you can't make significantly more money doing that? And that's just one example

thats easily more than 1M a day.... on content you can do as any level, with any gear

I can't speak for everyone. But ill go out on a limb to say these are all excuses for wanting to HAVE gil and be able to spend less time doing work in game. It should be relative...

example. 2 players.

Player A farms things daily and posts to the AH. Whatever hes comfortable farming. Crystals/delve/vagary/omen (sort of difficulty level tiered)

Player B spends his free time outside his house doing whatever activies he wishes... logs in for events or when it's "primetime"

Player A is quiet and makes his gil. Enjoys the game. Supplies the market.

Player B complains that sparks (3 quick set times a week) is nerfed and he cant make "easy gil"

Player B hasnt learned that his time investment is relevant to his earnings. Player B is playing the wrong game.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-06-10 14:27:50  
Don't go advertising the crystal hustle. You don't want them to nerf clusters.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 973
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2020-06-10 14:27:50  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
Gonna have to lower your standards on what is acceptable again. NQ ONRY!

At least morons won't be paying 50m for relic+3 anymore so that's good.
People on asura gonna have to lower standards on what they take to ambus lol.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-06-10 14:27:51  
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
If you can't get to endgame on 2M a week something is wrong.

2m/week is kinda *** if you think about it. I mean, if you consider items like Moonbean Ring and Staunch Tathlum as 'getting to endgame', that's 7m right there. Getting 150 items for JSE weapon puts you ~1m, Vexed Wristbands 2m, etc. All that stuff adds up pretty quickly to get yourself set up half decently.

If you farm the items and bring them to a crafter.. atleast on fenrir... I will craft for zero cost... on any of the shields.

The greater problem is non crafters want the simple profits that crafters get because they see nothing but AH sales.

Go out and actually farm the materials. Spend some time working for it.

Cehuetzi pelts are going for 19m a stack on fenrir and climbing.

People want a simple buck.

edit** nothing in this game costs gil, it costs time. Stop trying to limit that. If you want nicer things, you gotta work for it.
I disagree with this in the fact that crafters are just as greedy as everyone else. Crafters set prices stupid high and control items to make sure profit stays way over good. Dont make it seem like crafters are just innocent nuns because most aren't

Excuse me? If you were on my server(and i am one example).

I give WAY more away than I do keep. In fact at one point i shouted in Mhaura (before shields were invented) and literally gave away 72 Ioskeha belts for FREE that did not HQ.

Don't judge us all the same.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1707
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2020-06-10 14:28:09  
oh, and crafters don't over price everything. Right now the profit margins are so thin that unless you have a shield you really can't turn reliable profits, at least in the durable goods market dominated by HQs. When you're selling 80% of your NQs to an NPC at 8% of the cost it took to make it, one bad session of below average HQ rates can result in you being broke for weeks.

The smart crafters are actually pricing things below what non-shield owners can afford to craft at, to keep them out of the market. If it wasn't a "HQ or bust" market I'd call them the Walmarts of Vana'diel.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tallica
Posts: 73
By Odin.Kingofthenorth 2020-06-10 14:28:19  
So, just to be clear... this dump applies to ALL items under sparks? So rem's chapter, etched, capacity ring, etc? Not just the money items you sell?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-06-10 14:29:15  
Odin.Kingofthenorth said: »
So, just to be clear... this dump applies to ALL items under sparks? So rem's chapter, etched, capacity ring, etc? Not just the money items you sell?

サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1319
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-06-10 14:29:15  
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
ya dont' need Adhemar the moment you ding 99. Someone had to beat the content that drops the abjurations before they had the abjurations.

You're right, but you'll need it eventually. Start tallying up all the little things you need to get to endgame, just the basics, NQ ***. I'm not saying don't farm other things like crystals, I'm just saying that 2m/week to get to endgame is low. It would take you a month+ to get everything you need.
Posts: 258
By tallica 2020-06-10 14:30:02  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
Odin.Kingofthenorth said: »
So, just to be clear... this dump applies to ALL items under sparks? So rem's chapter, etched, capacity ring, etc? Not just the money items you sell?

They are suuuuuuuuuuper stupid.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1707
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2020-06-10 14:30:18  
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
ya dont' need Adhemar the moment you ding 99. Someone had to beat the content that drops the abjurations before they had the abjurations.

You're right, but you'll need it eventually. Start tallying up all the little things you need to get to endgame, just the basics, NQ ***. I'm not saying don't farm other things like crystals, I'm just saying that 2m/week to get to endgame is low. It would take you a month+ to get everything you need.


Go talk to some of your old head friends about that ebody.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2020-06-10 14:32:03  
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
You're right, but you'll need it eventually. Start tallying up all the little things you need to get to endgame, just the basics, NQ ***. I'm not saying don't farm other things like crystals, I'm just saying that 2m/week to get to endgame is low. It would take you a month+ to get everything you need.

Again, it's not like 2M/week is your maximum allowance. It's trivially easy to farm classic Dyna or Salvage II once a day for extra spending money. You don't even have to go to Gain Exp anymore to cap out sparks/accos. It'll happen on its own as you farm other stuff and play the game, so the 2M is just a bonus.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-06-10 14:33:10  
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
ya dont' need Adhemar the moment you ding 99. Someone had to beat the content that drops the abjurations before they had the abjurations.

You're right, but you'll need it eventually. Start tallying up all the little things you need to get to endgame, just the basics, NQ ***. I'm not saying don't farm other things like crystals, I'm just saying that 2m/week to get to endgame is low. It would take you a month+ to get everything you need.

You're putting a singular event into a vacuum. You can make your 2m (99k sparks) a week... and then ALSO invest your time into farming one of the many other soloable things

All im seeing is the quick buck sparks people complaining.

Maybe the is SE way of getting you to actually DO the content they create.

Why cant you farm alexandrite the way we did before sparks was invented?

The answer is you got comfy with sparks and decreased your FFXI workload to do other things..
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1319
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2020-06-10 14:33:20  
Dude, he *** literally said 2m/week and now you guys are saying farm more. What side of the fence are you sitting on?? If you're farming more than 2m/week then I guess it's pretty safe to say you need more than 2m/week to get to endgame. Eschite Ores were also *** 10-50k when content was released, so there's inflation with everything.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-06-10 14:34:14  
Aerix said: »
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
You're right, but you'll need it eventually. Start tallying up all the little things you need to get to endgame, just the basics, NQ ***. I'm not saying don't farm other things like crystals, I'm just saying that 2m/week to get to endgame is low. It would take you a month+ to get everything you need.

Again, it's not like 2M/week is your maximum allowance. It's trivially easy to farm classic Dyna or Salvage II once a day for extra spending money. You don't even have to go to Gain Exp anymore to cap out sparks/accos. It'll happen on its own as you farm other stuff and play the game, so the 2M is just a bonus.

preach it. <3
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Botosi
Posts: 375
By Asura.Botosi 2020-06-10 14:34:33  
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
ya dont' need Adhemar the moment you ding 99. Someone had to beat the content that drops the abjurations before they had the abjurations.

You're right, but you'll need it eventually. Start tallying up all the little things you need to get to endgame, just the basics, NQ ***. I'm not saying don't farm other things like crystals, I'm just saying that 2m/week to get to endgame is low. It would take you a month+ to get everything you need.

You're putting a singular event into a vacuum. You can make your 2m (99k sparks) a week... and then ALSO invest your time into farming one of the many other soloable things

All im seeing is the quick buck sparks people complaining.

Maybe the is SE way of getting you to actually DO the content they create.

Why cant you farm alexandrite the way we did before sparks was invented?

The answer is you got comfy with sparks and decreased your FFXI workload to do other things..

Most people grew up and got a RL.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2873
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2020-06-10 14:35:01  
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Bismarck.Malewyb said: »
When my friends and I first started a year or two ago we spark farmed like crazy to get set up, can't imagine how we'd have managed now with the cap in place.

If you can't get to endgame on 2M a week something is wrong.
Thats *** and you know it my guy.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 973
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2020-06-10 14:35:53  
Shichishito said: »
"you can't remove RMT from a online game" is a bold statement, i don't know a single game company that really tried.

they might advertise with agressive anti cheat and bans but thats all it is, advertising to convince potential customers its not going to become the same ***show like in the last online game they picked up.

in the end they just few the cost to combat RMT and bots as avoidable expenses and RMT as extra income (multiboxes/mules/repurchases after ban) because they only think short term.

just look at free to play games with agressive pay2win models, no RMT wants to compete with the game company, its a battle they couldn't win.
not saying thats a good solution to combat RMTing, just a example that its possible even if it wasn't the intended goal.
Yea I don't count those are real games in a way. Companies don't try to because it wont hurt the non rmt players too bad in the long run. Players have gotten things changed and nerf over this games life. Blinkers is a good example of this. Slowing it down is better than trying to restrict everything under the sun.
By Shichishito 2020-06-10 14:36:01  
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
oh, and crafters don't over price everything. Right now the profit margins are so thin that unless you have a shield you really can't turn reliable profits, at least in the durable goods market dominated by HQs. When you're selling 80% of your NQs to an NPC at 8% of the cost it took to make it, one bad session of below average HQ rates can result in you being broke for weeks.

The smart crafters are actually pricing things below what non-shield owners can afford to craft at, to keep them out of the market. If it wasn't a "HQ or bust" market I'd call them the Walmarts of Vana'diel.
i think this HQ focused crafting system produces way to many NQs to not sell to npc. there is not enough demand for NQ and only 7 AH slots per character.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1707
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2020-06-10 14:36:09  
economy-wide inflation is what happens when the volume of currency in an economy exceeds durable expendable goods to buy. There's less worth buying, but more money to spend, so more money gets spent on individual purchases- from HQ gear to NQ food.

Variances seen in this pattern happen when supplies of unique goods increases against the pattern established. Its why original Jinxed Adhemar gear could go for 300+mil and now goes for 45mil. But 6 months ago that 45 mil item was 35mil.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2020-06-10 14:36:42  
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Dude, he *** literally said 2m/week and now you guys are saying farm more. What side of the fence are you sitting on?? If you're farming more than 2m/week then I guess it's pretty safe to say you need more than 2m/week to get to endgame. Eschite Ores were also *** 10-50k when content was released, so there's inflation with everything.

2M/week was an example a different poster made. "Getting to endgame" is entirely relative anyway. You could be a completely naked COR with Barataria Ring who gets to run Omen/Dyna/Ambu with friends without needing even close to 2m/week. Connections are everything.

If you solo from zero to hero just gearing via Skirmish/DI/VE Ambu/Geas Fete then you're not going to need any gil until much later either.

Those "expensive" items you mentioned are just entry tickets to get into PUGs or the like.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-06-10 14:37:57  
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Bismarck.Malewyb said: »
When my friends and I first started a year or two ago we spark farmed like crazy to get set up, can't imagine how we'd have managed now with the cap in place.

If you can't get to endgame on 2M a week something is wrong.
Thats *** and you know it my guy.

You want the BEST, at the least investment.

Again this is a singular farming event. You're just butt hurt that your easy cash is nerfed. If you really want the BEST things, spend more time in the game doing things.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1707
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2020-06-10 14:39:07  
Shichishito said: »
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
oh, and crafters don't over price everything. Right now the profit margins are so thin that unless you have a shield you really can't turn reliable profits, at least in the durable goods market dominated by HQs. When you're selling 80% of your NQs to an NPC at 8% of the cost it took to make it, one bad session of below average HQ rates can result in you being broke for weeks.

The smart crafters are actually pricing things below what non-shield owners can afford to craft at, to keep them out of the market. If it wasn't a "HQ or bust" market I'd call them the Walmarts of Vana'diel.
i think this HQ focused crafting system produces way to many NQs to not sell to npc. there is not enough demand for NQ and only 7 AH slots per character.

Well of course. The numbers involved in HQ rates result in a number of NQ products produced that exceed server populations! And the mindset of "HQ onry" is what caused this. Now, recent new synths have changed this pattern, but for over 15 years HQs in this game were often 2-5% "better" than their NQ equivalents, but priced 500% or more of the NQ. Now at least with HQ set bonuses or Su5 that allows augments that grow further those HQs "sort of" justify such a price difference. But if people found out they can tank with a Moonbeam Ring almost as easy as a Moonlight Ring, then the price of the NQ would rise slightly and the HQ would drop, because crafters wouldn't have to make up so much loss with that single HQ sale.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 973
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2020-06-10 14:39:15  
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
ya dont' need Adhemar the moment you ding 99. Someone had to beat the content that drops the abjurations before they had the abjurations.

You're right, but you'll need it eventually. Start tallying up all the little things you need to get to endgame, just the basics, NQ ***. I'm not saying don't farm other things like crystals, I'm just saying that 2m/week to get to endgame is low. It would take you a month+ to get everything you need.

You're putting a singular event into a vacuum. You can make your 2m (99k sparks) a week... and then ALSO invest your time into farming one of the many other soloable things

All im seeing is the quick buck sparks people complaining.

Maybe the is SE way of getting you to actually DO the content they create.

Why cant you farm alexandrite the way we did before sparks was invented?

The answer is you got comfy with sparks and decreased your FFXI workload to do other things..
SE makes content? Like what LOLOdyssey if SE wanted people to do old content more they should take rema items from ambu if people are so hell bent on doing content
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