Nqftw Posted On The OF

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Nqftw posted on the OF
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Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-05-04 03:07:22  
"dear se, i've accidentally dropped all my rema's could you help me undrop them?"
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2020-05-04 03:07:32  
Asura.Arico said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
ksoze said: »
Looks like i've missed something reading the last comments :p someone got cray?

Posted what may or may not have been the addon. So its out there in the wilds now, roaming the cities.

Or something that autoflags your character or makes you /yell something. Who knows.

You can easily see it doesn't make you yell...

That... wasnt serious. It was a comment on what happened last time, where someone released a joke "addon" that was claimed to be the exploit addon, and instead made you /yell something.
Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-05-04 03:08:44  
I guess it's time for some memes
Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-05-04 03:22:39  



Posts: 65
By Ashleyz 2020-05-04 03:30:29  
Or 4. All of the above.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Madrooter
Posts: 5
By Asura.Embee 2020-05-04 05:11:34  
gives me heartburn for all the mats i've watch explode.I've given up crafting for profit for the most part, just happy to have the shield done.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2890
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2020-05-04 06:06:33  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
ksoze said: »
Looks like i've missed something reading the last comments :p someone got cray?

Posted what may or may not have been the addon. So its out there in the wilds now, roaming the cities.

Or something that autoflags your character or makes you /yell something. Who knows.
If you have enough scripting intellect to edit your gearswap lua, you would know what he posted wont do that.

edit; sorry your post on the next page said it was in jest.
Posts: 363
By ksoze 2020-05-04 07:24:09  
YouTube Video Placeholder
By Shichishito 2020-05-04 07:41:15  
plot twist, one of the 6 remaining employee leave that kind of stuff unfixed to supplement their wage while RMTing the hell out of it at home.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: swordwiz
Posts: 216
By Asura.Lordoftheseven 2020-05-04 07:48:56  
ksoze said: »
"dear se, i've accidentally dropped all my rema's could you help me undrop them?"
would not be the first time they got that call can tell you that much
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tename
Posts: 535
By Asura.Arico 2020-05-04 09:14:44  
Asura.Lordoftheseven said: »
ksoze said: »
"dear se, i've accidentally dropped all my rema's could you help me undrop them?"
would not be the first time they got that call can tell you that much

Speaking from experience?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: swordwiz
Posts: 216
By Asura.Lordoftheseven 2020-05-04 11:27:09  
Asura.Arico said: »
Asura.Lordoftheseven said: »
ksoze said: »
"dear se, i've accidentally dropped all my rema's could you help me undrop them?"
would not be the first time they got that call can tell you that much

Speaking from experience?
You know dam well i am :p
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-05-04 13:18:22  
Can anyone give me a tl;dr update on the drama here?

I'm too lazy and give no shits to backread. Especially on such a stupid topic like this.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-05-04 13:22:09  
A lua to force hq got posted last night

Only up maybe 30 minutes before mods ate it
Posts: 92
By Masunasu 2020-05-04 13:24:57  
Dude posted an addon that he implied was the exploit. Seems legit from a quick glance, looks to force a mog house floor switch once your client verifies a non-HQ synth which presumably cancels the synth with 0 material loss for whatever reason. I don't know that this is the actual exploit but it makes sense.

It would be stupid to use at this point since SE has acknowledged they are aware of it. Though it's not difficult/even particularly time consuming to get a sock account to 110, I'm not sure how far they will pursue laundered gil/items if you tried to move things off of the "bad" account.
Posts: 13032
By Pantafernando 2020-05-04 14:11:14  
Not just to 110.

To actually HQ a Su5 weapon, you need the last KI, after creating the entire shield, unless they know another exploit to bypass KI requirement (what wouldnt be at all suprising).

As the OP posted 2 methods, we are not sure if SE acknowledge both. Acording to his reports, one of the methods were actually triggering a ban, the other one not yet.

The risk is SE patching one of them and consider the job done, leaving the second one intact
Posts: 92
By Masunasu 2020-05-04 14:29:01  
It's still helpful with SU5/Torques, but at least the addon posted only allows you to interrupt knowing HQ/NQ, not at the point of quality (i.e. HQ1 or HQ2), so you'd still end up with a bunch of +1 Necks/Weapons before getting some +2's. Though lack of shield also stops you from making SU5 armor (Kenda/etc).

A sock account at 110 can still make whatever rings they have available (20m+), HQ Abjuration gear (can be in the 40's for certain pieces like Amalric), and Augelmir Orb. So plenty of gain to be had without shield.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1717
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2020-05-04 14:35:07  
Masunasu said: »
It's still helpful with SU5/Torques, but at least the addon posted only allows you to interrupt knowing HQ/NQ, not at the point of quality (i.e. HQ1 or HQ2), so you'd still end up with a bunch of +1 Necks/Weapons before getting some +2's. Though lack of shield also stops you from making SU5 armor (Kenda/etc).

A sock account at 110 can still make whatever rings they have available (20m+), HQ Abjuration gear (can be in the 40's for certain pieces like Amalric), and Augelmir Orb. So plenty of gain to be had without shield.

There is no connection between the final form shields and the Su3 armors.
Posts: 13032
By Pantafernando 2020-05-04 14:35:43  
Yes, but just to point out that was the Su5 that made (more) evident the exploit, so those cheaters do invested quite a good amount of resources to enter this market. Most likely those guys arent dumb and have enough item to make up accounts that expended at least a billion gil.

Not wonder how fast Assura sell stacks of DM, kindred medals and any mat, amount that would be impossible to small server to supply.

Dont forget also if they had that much appetit to buy mats, removing them can possibly impact even on Assuran inflation.
Posts: 92
By Masunasu 2020-05-04 14:39:45  
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
Masunasu said: »
It's still helpful with SU5/Torques, but at least the addon posted only allows you to interrupt knowing HQ/NQ, not at the point of quality (i.e. HQ1 or HQ2), so you'd still end up with a bunch of +1 Necks/Weapons before getting some +2's. Though lack of shield also stops you from making SU5 armor (Kenda/etc).

A sock account at 110 can still make whatever rings they have available (20m+), HQ Abjuration gear (can be in the 40's for certain pieces like Amalric), and Augelmir Orb. So plenty of gain to be had without shield.

There is no connection between the final form shields and the Su3 armors.

You need Phase 3 shield which is still more effort than someone should be putting into an account that would be looking to abuse starting today.

Pantafernando said: »
Yes, but just to point out that was the Su5 that made (more) evident the exploit, so those cheaters do invested quite a good amount of resources to enter this market. Most likely those guys arent dumb and have enough item to make up accounts that expended at least a billion gil.

Not wonder how fast Assura sell stacks of DM, kindred medals and any mat, amount that would be impossible to small server to supply.

Dont forget also if they had that much appetit to buy mats, removing them can possibly impact even on Assuran inflation.

Sorry I think we're just on two different points here. Obviously the people who have been abusing prior to the cat getting out of the bag were abusing on SU5 as well. My note about 110-only was just if someone wanted to try to abuse as much as they could starting today before fixes come through (stupid to do at this point since the account would surely be banned and no guarantee you could properly launder the items/gil off of it without jeopardizing your main account, but low effort to make the actual throw away account).
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 78
By Asura.Okhryeny 2020-05-04 20:30:43  
its relativly easy to clean the gil/item and the people that are doing it already have the means to make a throw away account with a finished shield Your text to link here...
you guys act like this is a new thing or that its difficult
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-05-05 17:49:07  
Seeing Rostams already shoot from 100m to 200m in 5 days ish in pretty hilarious.

Someones stockpile doubled in value.

More Stikini rings sold this week than last year total lol.
Posts: 573
By lhova 2020-05-06 15:25:15  
Pantafernando said: »

If you want to have a better picture how said “crafters” understand market, just check that one guy selling synths attempts for 1~5m.

Thats a better picture of those guys than some justice hero trying to correct the market

Still talking ***huh? I’m pretty sure by the end of that thread I offered crafting for a fixed amount and not per attempt. But please continue to talk ***when you have no clue.
Posts: 13032
By Pantafernando 2020-05-06 15:30:45  

And you can continue with your shitty service
Posts: 573
By lhova 2020-05-06 15:35:01  
Pantafernando said: »

If you want to have a better picture how said “crafters” understand market, just check that one guy selling synths attempts for 1~5m.

Thats a better picture of those guys than some justice hero trying to correct the market

Still talking ***huh? I’m pretty sure by the end of that thread I offered crafting for a fixed amount and not per attempt. But please continue to talk ***when you have no clue.
Asura.Genosync said: »
Pantafernando said: »
Asura.Genosync said: »
Those of you that think crafters are EVER screwing you on price don’t have the means to craft to begin with and thus probably don’t understand the full costs and average returns. Costs on everything are extremely reasonable compared to their material costs and average HQ rate when you factor in the investment of a shield.

Yeah sure. I agree most people dont even think 100m+ cant even pay the mats costs of a rostam, but now pretending crafters are corrects and fair on average, thats just silly.

Both sides (crafters and buyers) are subjects to supply and demand. But high lv crafter has an advantageous position because supply on certain hard to make crafts tend to be more susceptible to market control as just a few people produce most of those items.

So, bitching about the exploit is correct, because its unfair, but also, there are those that are bitching just because they cant control market like the cheaters do. Because they need an overprice to “cover” shields investment even if they just botted 90% of the spheres, reducing a lot the total costs (most *** explanation those guys pull just to justify unreasonable profit).

Plus who never got a tell from some angry crafter complaining you sold an item very cheap?

Gimme a break.

Here’s some math for you then since you’re spouting off like you know the numbers when you don’t. Let’s take Chirich Rings for now since they’re one of the things I usually supply:

Stack of Materials Cost: 25m (Dark Matter), 15m (Defiant Sweat), 3m (Macuil Plating), 500k (Plovid Effluvium) = 43.5m
Sell Price of HQs: 22m
Average Return per Stack of Materials: 2 HQ
Average/Expected Return: 44m

MOST (read: almost all) items on the market go this same exact way now. Dynamis synths, while having different numbers, are around the same average/expected return compared to their materials. When great runs happen, they offset bad runs and finally provide some profitability. To give you some more data, I haven’t had a decent run on Chirich Rings in the last 16 stacks of materials I’ve gone through—I’ve made maybe 10mil in total while risking over 600m gil. That also takes into account that I’ve spent over 4 hours running synths on separate 30 minute intervals, and my time spent prepping to run the synths. And yes, I’m going to factor the cost of the shield into it, which cost me approximately 600m at the time I made it (and I completely bought spheres, no farming) and about 150 hours of work.

The reason few people produce certain items is just because the break even point is already set badly.

Lhova selling synth attempts with the structure he provided is just wrong and you can see most of us other crafters calling him out.

There was nothing “wrong” with me suggesting a commission based crafting system, the only thing I had to reconsider is that there probably wasn’t a large market for it so I re-evaluated. It’s funny how people throw stones who live in glass house. You craft and play purely vanilla Geno? Cause that’s not what I hear.

But I’m happy that there are plenty of unjaded players on Asura who’ve contracted me to make them signed gear and I even make a player a jinxed doublet without a -1 cursed body. He spent 10m in mats, paid me 10m to make it and he saved 30m off the ah price. As I said before their is a market.
Posts: 573
By lhova 2020-05-06 15:35:58  
Pantafernando said: »

And you can continue with your shitty service

Nothing shitty about it, just because you can’t comprehend the value.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2020-05-06 16:08:55  
Some of us used to sell DROP ATTEMPTS in Salvage. People would pay 500k to 3M just to participate in the run and hopefully get the item to drop.

I don't see anything wrong in selling synth attempts if people are willing to pay whatever it's sold for. We sold Salvage attempts at low price because people were often like "eh, that's only 500k". We paid our Salvage gear this way.

As long as you're clear that you're selling attempts and nothing else, if people want to pay, why the *** wouldn't you accept their money.
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