Dem Dems Aiming At 2020

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Dem Dems aiming at 2020
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サーバ: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2020-03-28 09:34:45  
kireek said: »
AOC was really mad yesterday in the house, she is really mad illegals aren't getting any Trump Bux.

wait wat
Well its not like illegals don't work, or pay taxes, or are immune to corona virus and can't possibly spread it or anything....
By 2020-03-28 10:19:02
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By Viciouss 2020-03-28 10:21:22  
Garuda.Chanti said: »
kireek said: »
AOC was really mad yesterday in the house, she is really mad illegals aren't getting any Trump Bux.

wait wat
Well its not like illegals don't work, or pay taxes, or are immune to corona virus and can't possibly spread it or anything....

She had 60 seconds to speak on the floor yesterday, and didn't mention illegals at all, instead choosing to accurately slam the GOP for fighting for corporate bailouts with as few restrictions as possible.
By 2020-03-28 16:52:20
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サーバ: Garuda
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user: Chanti
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By Garuda.Chanti 2020-03-28 20:45:38  
Yeah bizzaro...

We even have a mechanistic in place for the undocumented to file taxes, the. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

Lefty article that goes into the program.
CNN business
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-03-28 21:03:18  
"illegals" do all the shitty jobs we don't want to do anyway. They aren't taking jobs you want, they're doing ***we don't and won't do.

Not getting too deep into it in college our entire grinding dept was illegals, and no one bitched cause I sure as *** don't want to bench grind 8+ hours a day.
By 2020-03-29 01:54:09
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By 2020-03-29 04:40:59
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By Voren 2020-03-29 05:47:21  
Garuda.Chanti said: »
kireek said: »
AOC was really mad yesterday in the house, she is really mad illegals aren't getting any Trump Bux.

wait wat
Well its not like illegals don't work, or pay taxes, or are immune to corona virus and can't possibly spread it or anything....

It's federally illegal to for any illegal immigrant to receive federal assistance.

Most people don't fully understand that the assistance given to illegals is done through state and local agencies, not federal. Any of them living in federal housing I guarantee are doing so illegally via the landlord cooking the books. We had one busted a decade ago for reporting X Y Z person still living at the apartment, but they weren't and the landlord was taking cash under the table from the ones living there.

I don't pretend to have the answer how to fix this crap, just pointing out a portion people are either unaware of or overlook.

Illegal immigrants may pay taxes, but so do inmates in prison that earn a wage (lol $0.36/hr) and I'd be hard pressed to believe they're getting a stimulus check while also not being immune to COVID.
By 2020-03-29 06:40:53
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By 2020-03-29 07:40:46
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By 2020-04-02 03:29:51
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By Odinz 2020-04-02 04:46:28  
kireek said: »
The thing I find funny about the modern left is they have become the thing they fought against. They have become the monster.

What's that Nietzsche quote, be careful when you look into the abyss because the abyss looks back into you, and you could become the monster you fought against. Something like that.

Everything they said they hated and fought against they have become, and they don't even see it.

2face said it better
Posts: 969
By Voren 2020-04-02 05:29:32  
kireek said: »
The thing I find funny about the modern left is they have become the thing they fought against. They have become the monster.

What I find funny is that you think there's a difference between the left and the right other than the face value.

Both sides are in politics for themselves. Neither give a single solitary *** for any of us plebs. If you're not oil, pharma, or a special interest group with a large bank account you're nothing to them.
By 2020-04-02 05:37:01
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By 2020-04-02 06:15:29
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By 2020-04-02 06:22:46
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By Voren 2020-04-02 06:51:26  
kireek said: »
Voren said: »
kireek said: »
The thing I find funny about the modern left is they have become the thing they fought against. They have become the monster.

What I find funny is that you think there's a difference between the left and the right other than the face value.

Both sides are in politics for themselves. Neither give a single solitary *** for any of us plebs. If you're not oil, pharma, or a special interest group with a large bank account you're nothing to them.

Politicians are politicians, there is still a case of lesser of two evils though.

The modern left are the party of "green new deal (which is total insanity btw)" "perverted social justice" "near open borders" "learn to code" and "illegal immigrants are better than you"

The Trump party (and in the UK the Brexit party) are not even the normal right anymore so this isn't a party thing, they are "currently" the populist parties. As in they offering to address the things people have issues with. "bring back industries" "stop illegal immigration" "make legal immigration stricter to protect US workers"

If Trump and the party cared about illegal immigration then they'd spend less money to actually do more work in reducing it simply by enforcing current measures such as people overstaying visas as well as track current visa issues.

I'm not a fan of the green new deal, there were plenty of regulations already in place doing plenty to reduce the US's carbon footprint dramatically more than other nations, they can foot the bill or a change.

Bringing back industries, yeah tariffs aren't going to do that. American consumers have paid the price, farmers have been hit hardest, and no ones clamoring to get their businesses back in the US. And then the audacity to say there's a great new trade deal with China after months of raping the wallets of the US consumer, come on man, that's just being a narcissistic ***at its finest.

Social justice is funny to watch. I'm a 2A supporter, own several of the "evil black rifles", carry a pistol most places, and live in a state that has a law to arrest federal agents seizing firearms from a lawful owner, so SJW's are really fun to mess with when I start throwing out facts and figures backed by actual reports.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2020-04-02 07:02:49  
Voren said: »
kireek said: »
The thing I find funny about the modern left is they have become the thing they fought against. They have become the monster.

What I find funny is that you think there's a difference between the left and the right other than the face value.

Both sides are in politics for themselves. Neither give a single solitary *** for any of us plebs. If you're not oil, pharma, or a special interest group with a large bank account you're nothing to them.

There is most certainly a difference. For one the left is absolutely insane these days, they lost their marbles when Orange Man defeated her Highness in 2016. They were already calling everyone evil racist sexist homophobes for disagreeing with them, that's only gotten ratcheted even higher. The list goes on but it's pretty damn clear to someone who's been in the center since highschool that the left has shifted so far to the left that I now look like a conservative.

I mean which party supports armed men in black masks throwing concrete and beating up people?
Posts: 969
By Voren 2020-04-02 07:23:09  
Asura.Saevel said: »
Voren said: »
kireek said: »
The thing I find funny about the modern left is they have become the thing they fought against. They have become the monster.

What I find funny is that you think there's a difference between the left and the right other than the face value.

Both sides are in politics for themselves. Neither give a single solitary *** for any of us plebs. If you're not oil, pharma, or a special interest group with a large bank account you're nothing to them.

There is most certainly a difference. For one the left is absolutely insane these days, they lost their marbles when Orange Man defeated her Highness in 2016. They were already calling everyone evil racist sexist homophobes for disagreeing with them, that's only gotten ratcheted even higher. The list goes on but it's pretty damn clear to someone who's been in the center since highschool that the left has shifted so far to the left that I now look like a conservative.

I mean which party supports armed men in black masks throwing concrete and beating up people?

I get called a weak cuck snowflake for disagreeing with Trump. He's supported by white supremacist groups and was even rallies thrown by WSG's not too long ago.

Everything you said about the left applies to the right, just with a different spin.

And before anyone goes full libtard repukican on me I voted Johnson last time and more than likely voting Trump this time. I couldn't vote for Clinton last time because reasons should be obvious. This time DNC is giving us a geriatric dementia patient with a bad case of sun downers during the day to vote for. I'll pass on that mess.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2020-04-02 07:54:16  
Everything you said about the left applies to the right, just with a different spin.

Um no it doesn't. The radical right was kicked the curb years ago during the Obama time frame and this was put to rest in 2016 when non-Republican Trump beat the other candidates.

Its interesting that you find being "white supremacist" a bad thing while ignoring the "black supremacists" that are opening encouraged by those elected on the left. On the right, racist *** are told to GTFO, on the left they are openly embraced and celebrated. And do we really need to get into the left hiding the pedo rape island, though that's more of an elite thing (who are overwhelmingly Democrat now).

You sound like a moderate leftist who doesn't like the Democrat party, really doesn't like Trump but can't quite bring themselves to not view the Republicans as "evil". So instead you brand both as "equally evil" to not feel bad.

Thing is, they aren't equally evil, not anymore. During the Bush years of "get dem ewil terrorists" the Republicans were definitely off their rocker, and that attitude is why I ended siding with the Democrats more often then not. Then halfway through the Obama presidency the Democrats thought it was a good idea to go as far into their Socialist, Utopian, Politically Correct dreams as possible and just expected that everyone else would agree with them. When we didn't, circa Trump getting elected, the Democrats went nuclear stupid to show the rest of the USA how bad we were for not agreeing with their ideas.

Once the Democrats kicks their radicals to the curb instead of giving them control over the party, then we'll see a return to sanity in the USA.
By 2020-04-02 07:57:22
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By Viciouss 2020-04-02 08:01:38  
Oh hey, the coward Saevel taking another opportunity to falsely link the left with Epstein. Truly shocking.

As far as this fantasy that the radical right has been "kicked to the curb," in real news, Dr. Fauci has had to have his personal security greatly increased because of death threats from the alt right. Yep.
By volkom 2020-04-02 10:07:04  
didn't clinton go to the island and didn't epstein donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to democrat campaigns? ~ sounds like a link between epstein and the left
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2020-04-02 10:32:26  
volkom said: »
didn't clinton go to the island and didn't epstein donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to democrat campaigns? ~ sounds like a link between epstein and the left

What about Trump and Epstein regularly eating dinner together and getting their party on throughout the 90s? Saevel is selectively omitting Trump's long running friendship (and ignoring the fact one of his Cabinet members gave him the deal of a lifetime and had to resign because of it) with Epstein just to try to exclusively label the left supporters of Epstein. And no, despite the coward Saevel's past allegations, I do not support Epstein.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: ozment
Posts: 1114
By Ragnarok.Ozment 2020-04-02 10:35:26  
volkom said: »
didn't clinton go to the island and didn't epstein donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to democrat campaigns? ~ sounds like a link between epstein and the left

No, you're getting that confused with Trump. He visited pedo island quite a lot, often bringing Ivanka with him which pleased Epstein. Wasn't it just a few years after that he bragged about wanting to date his daughter. EW! Who know what poor Ivanka had to endure during those trips.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: ozment
Posts: 1114
By Ragnarok.Ozment 2020-04-02 10:36:26  
By 2020-04-02 10:51:22
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By Viciouss 2020-04-02 10:57:17  
holy ***not reading that nonsense.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Leosin
By Lakshmi.Leosin 2020-04-02 11:02:39  
DirectX said: »
The funny thing about the far right is that anyone who disagrees with them is labelled far left.

Voren said: »
Everything you said about the left applies to the right, just with a different spin.

Asura.Saevel said: »
You sound like a moderate leftist who doesn't like the Democrat party, really doesn't like Trump but can't quite bring themselves to not view the Republicans as "evil". So instead you brand both as "equally evil" to not feel bad.

Not surprised that happened.

Viciouss said: »
And no, despite the coward Saevel's past allegations, I do not support Epstein.

NO ONE does.
Just more tired, regurgitated crap as if repeating it all makes any difference whatsoever.

Democrats: Good
Republicans: Bad
Orange Man: VERY VERY BAD!


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