I'm coming back from a long hiatus and I'm trying to gear up my WHM with better gear.
The problem is I can't seem to find the information I'm looking for.
I know cure potency caps out at 50%, what does cure spellcasting cap at?
I have the Ababinill +1 which gives Cure Potency +24% and based on Unity ranking, between +6 ~ +10%, does that mean that the total Cure Potency for this staff is +30 ~ +34%?
If that's the case, I can dump some of my other CP gear. Right now, I'm at 56% CP, not including the Unity Ranking bonus.
As far as my Cure Spellcasting goes, I'm at -41% and I don't want to keep stacking it if it caps out low.
I've also been trying to see what other WHM gear sets people have been going with and I just don't seem to see many WHM out there anymore. Does anyone have any good suggestions? I remember this information used to be available in abundance, lately it seems to be getting harder and harder to find.