Lilith HTBF |
Lilith HTBF
Getting all Lilith drops is the equivalent of beating FFXI. Nothing else matters after that, you win. Grats.
Quote: Nothing-wothing wrong with a little mad science now and again! So question,
Does anyone have any strats on solo'ing her on E while on THF? I've tried to just TP on the fetters and while that does work, she just ends up killing me. I usually go as thf/war and I have pretty good gear. I'm just not sure if it's my trusts that I'm using or what. Anyone have any pointers they can share? Thanks. If you want tips to improve, you need to be slightly more specific.
"maybe it's the trust" - Not listed trusts "good gear" - actually? or maybe? Good DPS gear works not so well on a corpse. Are you using a food to boost what you're lacking? What are you dying to? mp? magic damage? spikes? trust AI? Turn on a better Mog Garden cheer Based on the post, /run or maybe /mnk for more hp are the only things someone could give, until you provide more base line. Generalizing; If you aren't using Selh'teus, you should. AoE heal + mp is invaluable for bad trust mages. Just don't accidentally evis after his move if he doesn't rejuvenate. Trusts I usually use is sylvie, ulmia, and then just healing trusts (usually Ajido for dispel, Koru, Cherrukki).
TP gear is combo of Adhemar HQ/Pill +3/Plun +3. Got omen accessories. WS gear I usually just use Rudra's but I've just redid some for Evis to include some Crit + up so haven't tried that. I haven't used food (and honestly didn't think about it) And just dying to either main healing trusts running out of MP and then just the odd WS that lilith catches me with. And to be honest, never thought about mog garden cheer for it. Lakshmi.Buukki
Asura.Gregalen said: » Trusts I usually use is sylvie, ulmia, and then just healing trusts (usually Ajido for dispel, Koru, Cherrukki). I'm a sylvie user without Ygnas, and I will tell you that Cherukiki simply does not cut it for healing unless you have malignance to cut the strain on her. She's also an idiot, so she'll spend half the fight running around trying to find a good spot while you die. She prioritizes regen and has no native way to restore MP, so unless you have Monbro or less strain on her, she won't cut it. I managed to do it with her but I did lose a handful of fights. My advice would be to change Unity to Yoran for better heals, and use an extra support like Selt'heus (or AAEV). I honestly just kept banging my head against E on thf so much I gave up and found reliably crushing VE was just so much faster and more consistent, doing it on E just didnt seem worth it.
Ghesso + Selheteus +Yoran Oran + Ulmia + Koru Moru (Summoned in exactly that order!) Ghesso is the only tank you can spam Evisceration with and not accidently skillchain with. Aside from that the plan is very simple. 1. Run up and engage, hit once so ghessso vokes 2. Sidestep in a circle to place yourself behind Lilith, then back up about 8 steps or so 3. Disengage, then re-engage. This will make your trusts reposition such that Now you should be something like: You - Ghesso - Lillith - Selheteus - Yoran - Ulmia - Koru Moru 4. Hit again, this will make ghesso re-engage and yoran will run off, and Ulmia/Koru should be out of AoE range. Keep an eye on Yoran, if the dumbass runs off and stands in one of the outer fetters, he will die and you will prolly wipe 5. Feint, whack, Trick Attack melee from Ghesso, then Sneak attack melee from behind, for 2 shots at TH procs. 6. EVISCERATION SPAM. I try and stand such that Ghesso, Selheteus, and I are all about 90 degrees apart, her cone attack is a bit smaller than 90 degrees it seems at melee range, so she will rarely hit more than one of you with it. Keeps the AoE dmg to a minimum and makes the healers keep a handle on things. 7. When she hits 15%, pop Bully, she goes apeshit at 15% and spams her AoE, Bully helps lessen the burden on your mages and sometimes she'll intimidate whiff. At this point you 100% need to go ham and try to kill her, its a war of attrition here, kill her before she kills you. With good weapons and Ambu+1/+2 gear you should be able to zerg down VE in like 2 minutes tops. I pretty much never even get a shot at a second round of SATA, by the time SATA is back up she's nearly dead. Offline
Posts: 2
Got 5/5 malignance today! For my pieces it went something like this:
Started on VE spam on THF with TH8+: Got daybreak, malig sword/pole, earring and malignance pants within the first 50 or so runs From there I went over 120+ VE runs without seeing a single drop until finally malignance gloves dropped. I was almost about to take a break at this point but decided to keep pushing forward due to the drop. However, I was very hesitant to continue spamming VE because at that rate it might've taken 300+ more runs before I got all 5 pieces. I decided to give MNK/THF a try, with only TH2 from sub, on E. It took some getting used to but with monk's natural subtle blow and higher damage, I was able to consistently kill her within 3 minutes (ken+1 set and karambit). This is where I started to really see drops. I ended up getting malignance hat about 15-20 E runs in and then the tabard dropped maybe 10 runs after that. Then after another 20 runs, the last piece dropped for me. I am sure I got very lucky with this final set of drops, but I truly think the jump to E from VE was worth it, even though I had to give up a lot of TH (from TH8-9 to TH2), but it seems for sure E has a higher drop rate than VE. Here's a summary: First 50~ VE runs (THF /w TH8+) - polearm/sword/earring/club + 1 piece of malig armor Next 150~ VE runs (THF /w TH8+) - 2nd piece of malig armor Final 50 E runs (MNK/THF /w TH2) - last 3(!) pieces of malig armor Trusts: AAEV, Ajido-Morujido (necessity for E), Joachim, Koru-Moru, Yoran-Oran 158 runs to get 4/5 and all weapons.
Currently on run 322 trying to get the hat. Just about all runs are on E. I would just watch out for whenever I saw distortion and wait a little longer before wsing again. Sometimes Amchuchu will use dimidiation though, which will create fragmentation off of evis, that you can follow up with mandalic.
Subjugation slash and impact etc will do more damage if you're debuffed from moonlight veil or standing in a gyve. Keep in mind that she can still get TP from her attacks even when you're not hitting her, and that since she has Occult Acumen she gets a LOT of TP from Impact.
Asura.Memes said: » I also just got hit by S Slash for 3350 damage on MNK (Berserk up). GG SE. After a 30minute wait to get in too. Woo. How much HP do you have? Pretty sure it does -75% damage to the target. Offline
Posts: 9079
Lakshmi.Buukki said: » Asura.Memes said: » I also just got hit by S Slash for 3350 damage on MNK (Berserk up). GG SE. After a 30minute wait to get in too. Woo. How much HP do you have? Pretty sure it does -75% damage to the target. Code Subjugating Slash: Damage and Enmity Reset. Deals 37.5% of Max HP during "Very Easy" and "Easy" fights. Deals 75% of Max HP during "Normal", "Difficult", and "Very Difficult" fights. Bypasses reduction methods such as -Damage Taken, Sentinel's Scherzo, Perfect Defense, etc. Asura.Memes said: » she's not supposed to have any TP She has Occult Acumen. She will get TP from spells. Especially a lot from Impact. probably a different move, she has one physical move
I mean man, 45 pages and no one but you, shrug
If I got wrecked by a move for more hp than I had and the move has a set damage cap, call me crazy but I'd have a screen shot
To laugh about, and proof for a bug report. Lakshmi.Buukki
She has a couple of other super nasty debuffs. I'm not sure what would cause subjugating slash to deal more HP than you have, haven't seen that happen. Maybe it gets amplified bases on your defense. Was impact or any other defense down debuffs on? I never used warrior sub before so had not seen that kind of damage, but the damage I have seen was consistent with what Simon posted (for d/vd).
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