The You're Banned Game |
The You're Banned Game
Banned for not being a g.
Banned for holding a bunny
Banned for being on the Banned Wagon
Banned for thug life.
I know you want to be banned for zelda dog, but this isn't about you. Banned for expectations.
Banned for naming your character after yourself.
O0o0o0oooh is that from that RWBY thingy? I probably got the acronym wrong, but if it is, you know what I'm talking about. Red girl with the gun-scythe? Then the snow white one?
Also, on topic, banned. Banned for posting without a ban.
banned for late night ban
Banned because it is early morning!
Banned cause I need coffee!
Banned because I only have tea.
Banned for trying to divide by 0.
Banned because it is over 9000
Banned for 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825
Banned for being Herp the Derp
Banned for 2021.
banned for 617
Banned for gag.
Banned for happy happy fun time.
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