Random Politics & Religion #29: Hypocrisy Edition

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Random Politics & Religion #29: Hypocrisy edition
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-11-03 07:18:31  
Phoenix.Xantavia said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
What does Papa Johns do with politics? We order them all the time and I've never seen or heard anything remotely political about it.
You been living in a bubble for the last 8 years or so? He was a huge vocal opponent of the ACA because it would bankrupt him or something. Even though somebody mathed it out and came up with the figure of raising his pizzas 25 cents would healthcare for his workers.

Umm reread


That is the part I was asking about. How the hell is he "using pizza" to push political beliefs? CEO's have been espousing leftist political views for years, that is part of their 1st amendment rights.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-11-03 08:09:58  
Oh P&R. We were almost having a productive discussion about the problem with "trickle-down" economics and what tax reform really does.

Then Papa John distracted you all by latching onto anything he could to explain to shareholders why sales were flagging and everyone lost their minds not realizing his comments are really just your standard businessman distraction from the business' actual problems so he can focus on those while everyone squabbles about "the thing he said."

It's not the worst tactic, but a better one would be acknowledging your restaurant's shortcomings and fixing them.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 08:10:45  
Anna Ruthven said: »
"Papa" John Schnatter is blaming his 1% rise in sales on the NFL protests. (5.5% was apparently expected)

I dunno about the other people not buying from Papa John's, but we don't buy from there because 1. Other places are cheaper and better and 2. *Grabs megaphone* HE'S THE CEO OF A MOTHERFUCKING PIZZA CHAIN WHO TRIES TO PUSH HIS OWN POLITICAL BELIEFS WITH PIZZA he also comes off as a slime ball.

I don't quite get people who see celebrities say something political and they instantly hate them but I also don't get people like John Schnatter who like to push their political views and it never crosses their mind that "Oh, maybe I'm sort of alienating some of my customers, I might lose sales for that."

Cool Story bro care to tell us what other pizza you don't eat ?
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-11-03 08:29:15  
Anna Ruthven said: »
You miss the point. I had a more detailed post typed out but trying to get one of you guys to understand logic is a waste of time.

"You guys"? Good to see a mod picking a team in here, but before making such statements you should check out your teammates....
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-11-03 08:29:48  
fonewear said: »
Cool Story bro care to tell us what other pizza you don't eat ?

I don't eat PJ's anymore. Not because of anything labor or politics related...but because they changed their pizza and drove their prices way up.

Apparently I preferred their pizza when it was cheap and "bad" vs. "better ingredients, better pizza" expensive.

I want my cheap college pizza experience back you gold-Corvette-posing sonofabitch!
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-11-03 08:34:32  
Ramyrez said: »
Oh P&R. We were almost having a productive discussion about the problem with "trickle-down" economics and what tax reform really does.

Then Papa John distracted you all by latching onto anything he could to explain to shareholders why sales were flagging and everyone lost their minds not realizing his comments are really just your standard businessman distraction from the business' actual problems so he can focus on those while everyone squabbles about "the thing he said."

It's not the worst tactic, but a better one would be acknowledging your restaurant's shortcomings and fixing them.



Pizza Hut, who has no affiliation with the NFL, saw 1 percent growth this quarter, higher than expected.

Papa John’s growth more than likely has peaked and can no longer realistically expect 5% growth in a quarter. They’re a big enough franchise and an old enough franchise that this is more than likely the case.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-11-03 08:38:52  
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
You miss the point. I had a more detailed post typed out but trying to get one of you guys to understand logic is a waste of time.

"You guys"? Good to see a mod picking a team in here, but before making such statements you should check out your teammates....

He's always been that way, him and one of the previous mods were pretty notorious for ensuring that "their team won" all discussions, until Rooks clamped down on that ***. Now they can only retaliate if someone actually breaks the rules, which is why those on the left constantly try to antagonize and bully people into breaking those rules.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 08:43:02  
I just learned Family Guy is still on the air...why ?
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-11-03 08:44:11  
AM's been flipflopping with trolling opinions for at least the past week...
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-11-03 08:44:26  
fonewear said: »
I just learned Family Guy is still on the air...why ?

The same reasons the Simpsons is.

Guaranteed advertising revenue.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-11-03 08:45:29  
Ramyrez said: »
fonewear said: »
Cool Story bro care to tell us what other pizza you don't eat ?

I don't eat PJ's anymore. Not because of anything labor or politics related...but because they changed their pizza and drove their prices way up.

Apparently I preferred their pizza when it was cheap and "bad" vs. "better ingredients, better pizza" expensive.

I want my cheap college pizza experience back you gold-Corvette-posing sonofabitch!

I have a specific delivery pizza I order that's pretty simple and tasty. The local domino's and pizza hut are both too greasy, and the much better mom and pop pizza joints don't like to deliver.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 08:47:44  
Ramyrez said: »
fonewear said: »
I just learned Family Guy is still on the air...why ?

The same reasons the Simpsons is.

Guaranteed advertising revenue.

I get that part but I'm truly shocked that it is on the air. It is worse than the new Simpsons.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 08:50:23  
The only time Family Guy was ever fun:

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Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 08:54:27  
Ramyrez said: »
Oh P&R. We were almost having a productive discussion about the problem with "trickle-down" economics and what tax reform really does.

Then Papa John distracted you all by latching onto anything he could to explain to shareholders why sales were flagging and everyone lost their minds not realizing his comments are really just your standard businessman distraction from the business' actual problems so he can focus on those while everyone squabbles about "the thing he said."

It's not the worst tactic, but a better one would be acknowledging your restaurant's shortcomings and fixing them.

No one but anime mod gives a ***about if Pizza and politics are getting too cozy.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 08:56:58  
I just read the Papa John's thing it has more to do with the NFL and isn't even political. He is upset cause he is losing profits with his deal with the NFL.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-11-03 08:58:57  
Ramyrez said: »
Oh P&R. We were almost having a productive discussion about the problem with "trickle-down" economics and what tax reform really does.

I'm all for giving business's more capital to work with, I'm also for giving more consumers more disposable income to work with. I'm against giving handouts and wasteful government service programs. All government programs are leaches to the economy, every last one of them. Some are necessary evils like the military, emergency services, others aren't necessary but do provide (in theory) beneficial functions, while others are straight up wasteful and only exist to expand their bureaucracy.

On the topic of the tax system, the current setup is far too complicated and that complication benefits the wealthy over the middle class while turning the lower class into permanent generational welfare recipients. The left likes to talk about "helping the working person" yet everything they do is to take more money from the middle class to buy votes from the permanent generational welfare recipients. Furthermore they only encourage and incentivize people to make poor life decisions that have negative long term consequences, and then blame shift it to the working middle class.

So if we're talking about using government money to train people to be electricians, plumbers, drivers, carpenters, welders, fishermen, and so forth, I'm 100% behind that. If we're talking about taking money from my wallet and giving it to a single mother with three kids from different fathers so she can stay at home and watch TV all day long, I'm completely against that. If we want to use government money for programs that teach and encourage healthy lifestyles, then I'll support that. If we want to take more money from my pocket (that's government money btw) to tell people to "live however you want", being "body positive", and encourage elbow tourettes then I'm against it.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 09:00:06  
Anna Ruthven said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
This week on "Why Do You Only Care About This Just Now?", after months of public figures staging left-wing protests, Kojo decides that the only one to get mad at is the CEO of a pizza chain who is concerned about how said protests are affecting his sales.
You miss the point. I had a more detailed post typed out but trying to get one of you guys to understand logic is a waste of time.

You guys how dare you assume my gender !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 09:05:27  
Wealthy people like Trump etc don't pay taxes. So how exactly is taxing the rich going to benefit some poor sons of *** ?
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-11-03 09:06:42  
Leftist yesterday delighted for 11 minutes when they thought Twitter had intentionally shut down the president's account.

The phrase "hey maybe this goes too far" is never heard in the left's camp.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-11-03 09:16:10  
This is yet again a very bad day for the left.

Clinton is nothing but a toxic poison for them, she is corrupt, she colluded with Russia to fabricate the fake dossier on Trump. She rigged the DNC primary, and she refuses to let go of her loss and of her influence. The party cannot win until she does.

Conversely, if/once she is thrown overboard, the part will only move further left. As corrupt as she is, she is the only thing keeping the veil of "moderation" on their politics. They will go full on Sanders if she is tossed and that will be a total disaster for them.
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2017-11-03 09:18:26  
Someone let trump and nausi out of daycare early today. I blame fone.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-11-03 09:30:09  
fonewear said: »
Wealthy people like Trump etc don't pay taxes. So how exactly is taxing the rich going to benefit some poor sons of *** ?

"Wealthy" pay taxes, just not in the same way wage earners do. If a job paid you $1,000,000 a year, then you'd be taxed on that $1M USD the same as everyone else. Instead they get paid a nominal wage with a bunch of benefits and long term monetary incentives. The media then use's "paid experts" to try to figure out how much that package is worth, then say that's how much they "make" in a year. CEO "X" gets make $10,000,000 a year doesn't mean they get a check for $10,000,000 every year. Leftists are often too ignorant to figure this out.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 09:36:03  
Also of note is all your favorite companies don't pay taxes google facebook etc. I don't see people bashing them. They just put the money offshore.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 09:39:01  
I really don't see why anyone would complain about tax reform. It should have been done years ago.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-11-03 09:39:33  
Ramyrez said: »
We were almost having a productive discussion about the problem with "trickle-down" economics and what tax reform really does.

no we weren't...

before anyone even read the tax plan the cries of "trickle down!!" were being shouted from the peanut gallery... cue the ron jeremy portraying a wealthy business tycoon with an inflamed prostrate golden shower scene intermittently urinating on the huddled masses yearning to be free for newer versions of their free obama phones...

we need a lower corporate tax rate to keep companies like burger king from moving to freaking socialist canada to avoid paying too much taxes (let's think about that one for just a minute...)

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand done...

now at the same time if we drop the rate too low the corporations will seize on the opportunity and they will take their profits and they will not invest the money in anything but cocaine, blackjack and hookers because that's what they do.

but good luck finding, agreeing on, voting on and then passing this happy median with 535 jackasses all scrambling to get a big fat kickback from a corporation their brain damaged nephew will suddenly be the vice president of. .. off of some dumbass pork-barrel project while pretending to care about us wee little people out here the weeds because that's what they do...

you can't fix corporate corruption with government corruption...it's impossible!!!
it's one of those two wrongs don't make a right and an evil tree can bear no fuji apples type deal we're never going to find a work around for it without some sort of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE that will invariably decide we are the problem and swiftly move forward with a plan for human extinction...

everything else is smoke and mirrors.

you don't really care there has been a different budget/tax plan/proposal/hand out every stinking year for as long as you have been alive and YOU have not noticed any difference one way or another from any of it.

recessions, depressions, bull markets, stock rises, berserk profit taking, bizarre ponzi schemes, international monetary musical chairs, none of it. None of it has affected you. you still punch the clock every day until you're too old to punch it and then you bite the big one...

the end

death, taxes and people acting like a bunch of ***.

that's the only three things you can bank on.

Human beings, monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas and every other stinking one of our other 260 primate relatives can't appreciate what they have not earned and won't work without some sort of reward. it's encoded in our DNA along with selfishness, envy, and all the other deadly sins which is just another word for biological defect that we came up with before we were smart enough to realize that's what we should be calling it...

the real problem is people.... and good luck solving that one without some kind of giant meteor.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-11-03 09:41:26  
fonewear said: »
Also of note is all your favorite companies don't pay taxes google facebook etc. I don't see people bashing them. They just put the money offshore.

Yeah that ***is insane and shows how hypocritical they all are. Apple, a liberal darling if there ever was one, has billions of USD worth of profits sitting in offshore banks accounts. They used cost transferring to allocate profits made in the USD to another financial entity and then not repatriate it so as to avoid paying taxes on that money. All while the leaders of said company donate to Democrats and fight for the Democrat cause of "eat the rich".

The liberals only want to raise taxes on the wealthy they don't like. Shows the inherent problem with Socialism / Communism and why it fails every time it's implemented.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-11-03 09:52:03  
Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Ramyrez said: »
We were almost having a productive discussion about the problem with "trickle-down" economics and what tax reform really does.

no we weren't...

before anyone even read the tax plan the cries of "trickle down!!" were being shouted from the peanut gallery... cue the ron jeremy portraying a wealthy business tycoon with an inflamed prostrate golden shower scene intermittently urinating on the huddled masses yearning to be free for newer versions of their free obama phones...

we need a lower corporate tax rate to keep companies like burger king from moving to freaking socialist canada to avoid paying too much taxes (let's think about that one for just a minute...)

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand done...

now at the same time if we drop the rate too low the corporations will seize on the opportunity and they will take their profits and they will not invest the money in anything but cocaine, blackjack and hookers because that's what they do.

but good luck finding, agreeing on, voting on and then passing this happy median with 535 jackasses all scrambling to get a big fat kickback from a corporation their brain damaged nephew will suddenly be the vice president of. .. off of some dumbass pork-barrel project while pretending to care about us wee little people out here the weeds because that's what they do...

you can't fix corporate corruption with government corruption...it's impossible!!!
it's one of those two wrongs don't make a right and an evil tree can bear no fuji apples type deal we're never going to find a work around for it without some sort of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE that will invariably decide we are the problem and swiftly move forward with a plan for human extinction...

everything else is smoke and mirrors.

you don't really care there has been a different budget/tax plan/proposal/hand out every stinking year for as long as you have been alive and YOU have not noticed any difference one way or another from any of it.

recessions, depressions, bull markets, stock rises, berserk profit taking, bizarre ponzi schemes, international monetary musical chairs, none of it. None of it has affected you. you still punch the clock every day until you're too old to punch it and then you bite the big one...

the end

death, taxes and people acting like a bunch of ***.

that's the only three things you can bank on.

Human beings, monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas and every other stinking one of our other 260 primate relatives can't appreciate what they have not earned and won't work without some sort of reward. it's encoded in our DNA along with selfishness, envy, and all the other deadly sins which is just another word for biological defect that we came up with before we were smart enough to realize that's what we should be calling it...

the real problem is people.... and good luck solving that one without some kind of giant meteor.

Let's bust out the stock ticker:

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サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-11-03 10:03:27  
fonewear said: »
Let's bust out the stock ticker:

confederated slave holding lol...

let's watch old simpson clips while we wait for the next poster to race in wearing one of those dopey green accountant visors trying to explain the tax code

Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-11-03 10:10:54  
Here's how the income tax breaks down:

The top .1% (2 mil+) of earners pay 20.5% of the total bill.
The top 1% (500k+) pay 38% of the total bill
The top 4.5% (200k+) pay 58% of the total bill.
The top 16.8% (100k+) pay just about 80% of the total bill.
The top 38.6% (50k+) pay 95% of the bill.

Now, I'm open to the idea that some people at the top use more services than those at the bottom, but in the case of the 1%, what argument can be made that they use 38 times as much services than the rest of us? What argument can be made that the top .1% uses 205 times the services?

Conversely there are plenty of arguments that can be made that the poor need to have more skin in the game.
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