Random Politics & Religion #25 |
Random Politics & Religion #25
Mike Pence lawyered up. Coincidentally the guy is a godfather to one of Comey's daughters.
Garuda.Chanti said: » Hell, if you were going to go after "tyranny," wouldn't you go after the chief? Not some third rate politician and some aides.... Offline
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Lakshmi.Zerowone said: » Mike Pence lawyered up. Coincidentally the guy is a godfather to one of Comey's daughters. Asura.Kingnobody said: » Problem is, nobody attacked Trump (in this case). Hell, if you were going to go after "tyranny," wouldn't you go after the chief? Not some third rate politician and some aides.... Offline
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Garuda.Chanti said: » Did they use Russian salad dressing though ? I'm sure that Sessions will just say he doesn't remember.
Viciouss said: » I'm sure that Sessions will just say he doesn't remember. It worked for Comey. Bahamut.Ravael said: » Reaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyy got to stretch for that "tyrant" definition. Offline
Posts: 35422
Viciouss said: » I'm sure that Sessions will just say he doesn't remember. YouTube Video Placeholder
Caitsith.Shiroi said: » So Trump confirms he is under investigation. Happened recently and long after the Comey firing. Reading on what they are looking for, it's looking to be another political stunt. The Comey connection died off so they need another one to keep the negative news cycle going. And when this turns out to be, well, nothing again, you can guarantee there is going to be something to replace the obstruction narrative.
Bahamut.Ravael said: » And when this turns out to be, well, nothing again, you can guarantee there is going to be something to replace the obstruction narrative. Yep the political establishment (both left and right) are milking the *** out of this. What they aren't telling you is that this boils down to a conversation between Trump and senior government officials about what they thought of the Russian situation. Someone on the left said "well if you turn it sideways and read it in greek it might be sound like he's ordering them to od bad things, OBSTRUCTION!". Not to mention the fact that, typically, obstruction that is actually prosecuted involves repeated, direct, high-pressure attempts to shut an investigation down.
Right now they've got, what, a situation where the wittle feely-weelings of a timid manchild got offended by a sentence about the president's hopes? Bahamut.Ravael said: » Right now they've got, what, a situation where the wittle feely-weelings of a timid manchild got offended by a sentence about the president's hopes? The only manchild I see is the short fingered vulgarian in the white house.
Harry Truman: "The buck stops here." Donald Trump: "The buck doesn't even slow down here, who can I blame?" Seriously, search "Trump blames." Garuda.Chanti said: » The only manchild I see is the short fingered vulgarian in the white house. Harry Truman: "The buck stops here." Donald Trump: "The buck doesn't even slow down here, who can I blame?" Seriously, search "Trump blames." Your memory may be short. Blamer-In-Chief was an early nickname for Obama. The good news is that the person appointed is a universally unbiased individual and the appointment was done specifically to maintain impartiality of the whole situation.
From Rosenstein Quote: “Americans should exercise caution before accepting as true any stories attributed to anonymous ‘officials,’ particularly when they do not identify the country – let alone the branch or agency of government – with which the alleged sources supposedly are affiliated,” Quote: "My decision is not a finding that crimes have been committed or that any prosecution is warranted. I have made no such determination. What I have determined is that based upon the unique circumstances the public interest requires me to place this investigation under the authority of a person who exercises a degree of independence from the normal chain of command." This is done to clear (or not) the Presidents name and end the matter. Comey, who was obviously a loyal member of Team Blue, was forced to play politics due to his career concerns. Mueller has no such issues as he's already practically a legend from an era before insanity took over the nation. Neither the left or not right will be able to argue any findings or lack thereof. I expect to gear screeching liberals in a few months when the nothingburger has more nothingness. Garuda.Chanti said: » The only manchild I see you lead a charmed life then... downtown I'm beset on all sides by a bunch of skinnyjean wearing babyfaced weaklings... they can't even change a car tire... who are the straight women going to bang when the feminists turn all the rest of the dudes into pussies... Caitsith.Shiroi said: » Asura.Saevel said: » Caitsith.Shiroi said: » So Trump confirms he is under investigation. Happened recently and long after the Comey firing. Reading on what they are looking for, it's looking to be another political stunt. The Comey connection died off so they need another one to keep the negative news cycle going. Political stunt, from his own DoJ. Eventually you'll pull your head from your fourth point of contact and figure it out. Shiva.Nikolce said: » Garuda.Chanti said: » The only manchild I see you lead a charmed life then... downtown I'm beset on all sides by a bunch of skinnyjean wearing babyfaced weaklings... they can't even change a car tire... who are the straight women going to bang when the feminists turn all the rest of the dudes into pussies... There are actually studies out there showing trends that millennial women prefer older men, more so than in previous generations. Shiva.Nikolce said: » Garuda.Chanti said: » The only manchild I see you lead a charmed life then... downtown I'm beset on all sides by a bunch of skinnyjean wearing babyfaced weaklings... they can't even change a car tire... who are the straight women going to bang when the feminists turn all the rest of the dudes into pussies... Well there were with me, until I got married. |
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