Random Politics & Religion #18 |
Random Politics & Religion #18
What if FFXI was only created so we could have a forum to talk about everything but FFXI think about it...
fonewear said: » What if FFXI was only created so we could have a forum to talk about everything but FFXI think about it... Bahamut.Kara said: » Ramyrez said: » Bahamut.Kara said: » Nothing you can do to stop what? Because I have no clue as to what you are talking about. I believe he is referencing the proverbial pendulum swinging right after several years of swinging left. He's right, in that regard. Unfortunately. You can't drag people kicking and screaming into something they don't believe in. It doesn't work that way. Even if that something is a largely positive ideal, some people aren't mentally ready for that change and will resist it and if you push, they're going to radicalize. The whole "nothing you can do about it" is odd phrasing to me. It's not so much that there's "nothing you can do about it" as much as it is "anything you think you can do about it is probably counterproductive". You could always move to North Korea and have things done to you instead !
Actually if Square Enix were smart (never going to happen) they would have used some resources to port FFXI to an epic offline RPG. But the fans want that so never going to happen !
Bahamut.Kara said: » The whole "nothing you can do about it" is odd phrasing to me. Nothing with immediate effect, anyhow. IE: punching fascists -- literally or otherwise -- may feel pretty cathartic, but in the end it really helps their cause, not yours. Speaking of counterproductive, you have articles like this one from Newsweek:
Eichenwald: Neil Gorsuch Is Supremely Qualified, and Must Not Be Confirmed To sum up the mindset here, Republicans are scumbags for doing something that Biden came up with, so it is our job to get really mad about it when it doesn't work in our favor. So even though we have a nominee now that's highly qualified, it's better for us to force Trump to use a sleazebag strategy that Harry Reid started so that the Senate can confirm the nominee anyway and put in someone less moderate the next time around. Shiva.Shruiken said: » the man who hit Spencer was an Antifa and quite frankly we need more of them. ![]() Antifa are a joke, they ARE the very fascists they pretend to fight against. Ramyrez said: » Ragnarok.Nausi said: » Any leftist politicians willing to condem these riots? Their silence may as well be approval. Assuming you mean left-leaning posters here, yes. I'll condemn them. Turning your alt right *** into martyrs is a terrible idea. Same as when that piece of ***Spencer got punched. I actually suspect that was a deliberate setup given we've had no ID on the "assaulters." More *** bully tactics. Goad people until they fight back and then blame them for fighting back. These rioters -- and the people who hit Spencer if, in fact, they weren't plants -- are both horribly wrong. The absolute last thing that we need is to make scumbag leaders martyrs for their scumbag causes. No I was actually referring to senators and representatives. They won't call for an end to it because they endorse such action. Bahamut.Kara said: » Ramyrez said: » Ragnarok.Nausi said: » Any leftist politicians willing to condem these riots? Their silence may as well be approval. Assuming you mean left-leaning posters here, yes. I'll condemn them. Turning your alt right *** into martyrs is a terrible idea. Same as when that piece of ***Spencer got punched. I actually suspect that was a deliberate setup given we've had no ID on the "assaulters." More *** bully tactics. Goad people until they fight back and then blame them for fighting back. These rioters -- and the people who hit Spencer if, in fact, they weren't plants -- are both horribly wrong. The absolute last thing that we need is to make scumbag leaders martyrs for their scumbag causes. The peaceful protest -from what I saw and according to the university officials- got high jacked by a few asshats, which sucks. The guy should get to say his speech others should be allowed to counter what he says with their opinions. Asura.Saevel said: » Wow we down to "The Sun" level stuff now. The amount of sheer hate being blasted from the "party of tolerance" is hilarious. Reminds me of all the "Obama is an evil muslim terrorist" that went on back in 2009. No not everyone agreed with the super PC rhetoric that they were being bludgeoned with. Yes the pendulum has started swinging the other direction. No there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. As each of you is crying and gnashing your teeth millions of Americans are cheering. Your voice is not the only voice nor do you have the right to "authorize" voices according to your own notions of PC. Nothing you can do to stop what? Because I have no clue as to what you are talking about. Ramyrez said: » Bahamut.Kara said: » Nothing you can do to stop what? Because I have no clue as to what you are talking about. I believe he is referencing the proverbial pendulum swinging right after several years of swinging left. He's right, in that regard. Unfortunately. You can't drag people kicking and screaming into something they don't believe in. It doesn't work that way. Even if that something is a largely positive ideal, some people aren't mentally ready for that change and will resist it and if you push, they're going to radicalize. Positive about what? Being told your inferior and should feel guilty for being born white or a male instead of a protected victim class. Being told that your expected to slave away the rest of your life to support those who hate and detest you, and that you should feel proud for being a mule. Being told your feelings, beliefs, needs and desires are not only unwanted but completely irrelevant. Being told you need to suffer to achieve the religious ideological ideals of others even if you don't share in those ideals. And if you happen to question any of this, your attacked and labeled a radical racist sexist homophobe islamophobe old-fashioned vile conservative. The momentum that got Trump elected didn't come out of nowhere. It's been building a long time in response to the hateful attitudes and discriminitive policies of the left. You can only by shited on, and ordered to like it, for so long before that ***bubbles up. The worst thing the Democrats did was get involved with the Global Progressive movement. That political ideology that nothing is more important then class identity and that the world worker class should revolt on the world owner class. Progressive ideology hijacked the liberal side and it's nothing but a ***show since. Interesting thing we learned yesterday Frederick Douglas is alive and well if you ask Donald Trump or Sean Spicer.
Asura.Saevel said: » Positive about what? Being told your inferior and should feel guilty for being born white or a male instead of a protected victim class. Being told that your expected to slave away the rest of your life to support those who hate and detest you, and that you should feel proud for being a mule. Being told your feelings, beliefs, needs and desires are not only unwanted but completely irrelevant. Being told you need to suffer to achieve the religious ideological ideals of others even if you don't share in those ideals. Ragnarok.Nausi said: » When your banner says "this is war" you aren't peaceful. Someone either 1) doesn't understand how words work or 2) understands exactly how words work and is trying to be insidious. Asura.Kingnobody said: » ... (New York Times is actually promoting violence against Republicans)... Quote: When people start shooting/stabbing/killing other people in the streets because they are Republicans, are they (democrats/liberals/media/celebrities) going to start condemning them for such actions? Or only when people start fighting back and we end up in Civil War II: This Time, With Nukes™ (btw, you owe me $.50 for reading that). I'm a white male and Ive never been told or been made to feel as I'm inferior to anyone or that I'm supposed to carry anyone else through life like a mule...
What's funny to me is you guys say this kinda stuff but you all seem to be in comfortable positions in life with no real day to day worries about surviving or putting food on the table or keeping a roof over your head and food in your bellies... but somehow you feel like your discriminated against to the point it's damaging... then... even feeling the way you do you dismiss others feelings on the topic that they feel discriminated against in favor of your own viewpoint... Lakshmi.Flavin said: » I'm a white male and Ive never been told or been made to feel as I'm inferior to anyone or that I'm supposed to carry anyone else through life like a mule... What's funny to me is you guys say this kinda stuff but you all seem to be in comfortable positions in life with no real day to day worries about surviving or putting food on the table or keeping a roof over your head and food in your bellies... but somehow you feel like your discriminated against to the point it's damaging... then... even feeling the way you do you dismiss others feelings on the topic that they feel discriminated against in favor of your own viewpoint... Ever see the show Black-ish? Where a rich doctor and ad executive complain about how hard it is to be black? I guess, according to you, you can be discriminated against if you're a minority and comfortable, but not if you're white and comfortable. Bahamut.Ravael said: » Where a rich doctor and ad executive complain about how hard it is to be black? I guess, according to you, you can be discriminated against if you're a minority and comfortable, but not if you're white and comfortable. It is not impossible to be discriminated against for being white. It's a lot harder than people pretend it is though. Can't think of a lot of professions you can be when you're a white guy. I speak to doctors, doctors offices, and to people about their doctors regularly. I'm a fairly left-leaning person as far as today's sensibilities go. I'm married to a woman who has more education and a better job than I do, in the sciences. I still have to catch myself sometimes when they say "I see Dr. So-and-so" and I go "Where do you see him...or her?" People don't understand exactly how deeply and unconsciously some biases are. To the point where they'll be in the act of doing something discriminatory and still be worried they're the ones being discriminated against. Don't know why I bothered to type this all out because I don't see my words swaying or bringing any sort of change of heart to anyone, but...wtf ever. Lakshmi.Flavin said: » I'm a white male and Ive never been told or been made to feel as I'm inferior to anyone Clearly you've never watched porn. Ramyrez said: » People don't understand exactly how deeply and unconsciously some biases are. To the point where they'll be in the act of doing something discriminatory and still be worried they're the ones being discriminated against. To follow my own posting trope (according to Zero), this goes both ways in so many cases. The problem is that you have culturally acceptable and culturally unacceptable discrimination. People have become hyper-aware of some forms of discrimination to the point where even minor, benign, unintentional offenses get blown out of proportion and can gain you a label of being racist. Meanwhile, not only is it acceptable to make fun of white people (doesn't matter the country of origin, just the skin color), it's actually encouraged to bring them down. Rather than raising the dialogue to a point where race is not an issue and thus true equality can thrive, we're exaggerating the issue so that race cannot be ignored in an attempt to artificially force equality. It's all backward. Tangentially related to this discussion.
DOOMSDAY PREP FOR THE SUPER-RICH Quote: Some of the wealthiest people in America—in Silicon Valley, New York, and beyond—are getting ready for the crackup of civilization. Steve Huffman, the thirty-three-year-old co-founder and C.E.O. of Reddit, which is valued at six hundred million dollars, was nearsighted until November, 2015, when he arranged to have laser eye surgery. He underwent the procedure not for the sake of convenience or appearance but, rather, for a reason he doesn’t usually talk much about: he hopes that it will improve his odds of surviving a disaster, whether natural or man-made. “If the world ends—and not even if the world ends, but if we have trouble—getting contacts or glasses is going to be a huge pain in the ***,” he told me recently. “Without them, I’m ***.” Survivalism, the practice of preparing for a crackup of civilization, tends to evoke a certain picture: the woodsman in the tinfoil hat, the hysteric with the hoard of beans, the religious doomsayer. But in recent years survivalism has expanded to more affluent quarters, taking root in Silicon Valley and New York City, among technology executives, hedge-fund managers, and others in their economic cohort. .... One measure of survivalism’s spread is that some people are starting to speak out against it. Max Levchin, a founder of PayPal and of Affirm, a lending startup, told me, “It’s one of the few things about Silicon Valley that I actively dislike—the sense that we are superior giants who move the needle and, even if it’s our own failure, must be spared.” To Levchin, prepping for survival is a moral miscalculation; he prefers to “shut down party conversations” on the topic. “I typically ask people, ‘So you’re worried about the pitchforks. How much money have you donated to your local homeless shelter?’ This connects the most, in my mind, to the realities of the income gap. All the other forms of fear that people bring up are artificial.” In his view, this is the time to invest in solutions, not escape. “At the moment, we’re actually at a relatively benign point of the economy. When the economy heads south, you will have a bunch of people that are in really bad shape. What do we expect then?” ... On the opposite side of the country, similar awkward conversations have been unfolding in some financial circles. Robert H. Dugger worked as a lobbyist for the financial industry before he became a partner at the global hedge fund Tudor Investment Corporation, in 1993. After seventeen years, he retired to focus on philanthropy and his investments. “Anyone who’s in this community knows people who are worried that America is heading toward something like the Russian Revolution,” he told me recently. To manage that fear, Dugger said, he has seen two very different responses. “People know the only real answer is, Fix the problem,” he said. “It’s a reason most of them give a lot of money to good causes.” At the same time, though, they invest in the mechanics of escape. He recalled a dinner in New York City after 9/11 and the bursting of the dot-com bubble: “A group of centi-millionaires and a couple of billionaires were working through end-of-America scenarios and talking about what they’d do. Most said they’ll fire up their planes and take their families to Western ranches or homes in other countries.” One of the guests was skeptical, Dugger said. “He leaned forward and asked, ‘Are you taking your pilot’s family, too? And what about the maintenance guys? If revolutionaries are kicking in doors, how many of the people in your life will you have to take with you?’ The questioning continued. In the end, most agreed they couldn’t run.” Élite anxiety cuts across political lines. Even financiers who supported Trump for President, hoping that he would cut taxes and regulations, have been unnerved at the ways his insurgent campaign seems to have hastened a collapse of respect for established institutions. Dugger said, “The media is under attack now. They wonder, Is the court system next? Do we go from ‘facts I don't like’ to ‘fake evidence’? For people whose existence depends on enforceable contracts, this is life or death.” Long but interesting read Bahamut.Ravael said: » The problem is that you have culturally acceptable and culturally unacceptable discrimination. Asura.Kingnobody said: » Bahamut.Ravael said: » The problem is that you have culturally acceptable and culturally unacceptable discrimination. But I find this safe space crap to also be profoundly stupid, especially at universities Ramyrez said: » Bahamut.Ravael said: » Where a rich doctor and ad executive complain about how hard it is to be black? I guess, according to you, you can be discriminated against if you're a minority and comfortable, but not if you're white and comfortable. It is not impossible to be discriminated against for being white. It's a lot harder than people pretend it is though. Can't think of a lot of professions you can be when you're a white guy. I speak to doctors, doctors offices, and to people about their doctors regularly. I'm a fairly left-leaning person as far as today's sensibilities go. I'm married to a woman who has more education and a better job than I do, in the sciences. I still have to catch myself sometimes when they say "I see Dr. So-and-so" and I go "Where do you see him...or her?" People don't understand exactly how deeply and unconsciously some biases are. To the point where they'll be in the act of doing something discriminatory and still be worried they're the ones being discriminated against. Don't know why I bothered to type this all out because I don't see my words swaying or bringing any sort of change of heart to anyone, but...wtf ever. Quote: A father and son are in a horrible car crash that kills the dad. The son is rushed to the hospital; just as he’s about to go under the knife, the surgeon says, “I can’t operate—that boy is my son!” Many (most) in the room did not think it could his mom. Funny story.
I was actually considering using that exact riddle instead of my own anecdote about doctors. Bahamut.Kara said: » Ramyrez said: » Bahamut.Ravael said: » Where a rich doctor and ad executive complain about how hard it is to be black? I guess, according to you, you can be discriminated against if you're a minority and comfortable, but not if you're white and comfortable. It is not impossible to be discriminated against for being white. It's a lot harder than people pretend it is though. Can't think of a lot of professions you can be when you're a white guy. I speak to doctors, doctors offices, and to people about their doctors regularly. I'm a fairly left-leaning person as far as today's sensibilities go. I'm married to a woman who has more education and a better job than I do, in the sciences. I still have to catch myself sometimes when they say "I see Dr. So-and-so" and I go "Where do you see him...or her?" People don't understand exactly how deeply and unconsciously some biases are. To the point where they'll be in the act of doing something discriminatory and still be worried they're the ones being discriminated against. Don't know why I bothered to type this all out because I don't see my words swaying or bringing any sort of change of heart to anyone, but...wtf ever. Quote: A father and son are in a horrible car crash that kills the dad. The son is rushed to the hospital; just as he’s about to go under the knife, the surgeon says, “I can’t operate—that boy is my son!” Many (most) in the room did not think it could his mom. What if it's a man and they're a gay couple that adopted? DUN DUN DUUUUN Bismarck.Dracondria said: » Bahamut.Kara said: » Ramyrez said: » Bahamut.Ravael said: » Where a rich doctor and ad executive complain about how hard it is to be black? I guess, according to you, you can be discriminated against if you're a minority and comfortable, but not if you're white and comfortable. It is not impossible to be discriminated against for being white. It's a lot harder than people pretend it is though. Can't think of a lot of professions you can be when you're a white guy. I speak to doctors, doctors offices, and to people about their doctors regularly. I'm a fairly left-leaning person as far as today's sensibilities go. I'm married to a woman who has more education and a better job than I do, in the sciences. I still have to catch myself sometimes when they say "I see Dr. So-and-so" and I go "Where do you see him...or her?" People don't understand exactly how deeply and unconsciously some biases are. To the point where they'll be in the act of doing something discriminatory and still be worried they're the ones being discriminated against. Don't know why I bothered to type this all out because I don't see my words swaying or bringing any sort of change of heart to anyone, but...wtf ever. Quote: A father and son are in a horrible car crash that kills the dad. The son is rushed to the hospital; just as he’s about to go under the knife, the surgeon says, “I can’t operate—that boy is my son!” Many (most) in the room did not think it could his mom. What if it's a man and they're a gay couple that adopted? DUN DUN DUUUUN So is step-dad Bahamut.Ravael said: » Lakshmi.Flavin said: » I'm a white male and Ive never been told or been made to feel as I'm inferior to anyone or that I'm supposed to carry anyone else through life like a mule... What's funny to me is you guys say this kinda stuff but you all seem to be in comfortable positions in life with no real day to day worries about surviving or putting food on the table or keeping a roof over your head and food in your bellies... but somehow you feel like your discriminated against to the point it's damaging... then... even feeling the way you do you dismiss others feelings on the topic that they feel discriminated against in favor of your own viewpoint... Ever see the show Black-ish? Where a rich doctor and ad executive complain about how hard it is to be black? I guess, according to you, you can be discriminated against if you're a minority and comfortable, but not if you're white and comfortable. To me from everything they talk about, which I readily admit doesn't encompass the entirety of their experiences, seems more to do with they don't like being called names... you're not going to stop that any time soon but that's common among any person of any race can lot or creed... is there any negative effect on their life other than their feelings being hurt or just angry that they don't hear the things they want to? most of the time when people are really being affected by it people doing aren't that overt anymore... I had an epl claim come in the other day where the company was found liable because they found emails where the head of hr stated to his employees that they weren't to hire any blacks women or Jews... I'm not saying this is the standard as it's just one example but this is the type of discrimination I'm talking about... ones that effect people's livelyhoods.... not people whining about being called racist... This trumps of discrimination is not limited to minorities alone but it does disproportionately affect them... Another thing I wonder about often enough is all these people claims my they've been called a racist... do they actually direct it towards you or do you take it personally as a general taunt towards conservatives or republicans? I've live my whole life as a white man and haven't ever been called a racist not have I been referred to as the things some of you claim you are... I'm not saying it doesn't happen but what am I doing differently.. |
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