ARME Weapons

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ARME Weapons
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-09-08 03:22:29  
Siren.Kiyara said: »
Each weapon has a good use. Also, a lot of weapons aren't even on that tier list. Depending on the situation, each weapon can be good. There is no "this weapon is good for every little thing/situation". If you want the best tier wise for your job, get everything so you have a wide variety of tools for your arsenal. That alone will make you better optimized for a situation.

Aeneas is that "this weapon is good for every little thing/situation". TP bonus is universal and significant for most THF ws.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Enceladus
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2016-09-08 03:23:38  
Sylph.Dravidian said: »
Maybe actual experience? I'm one of the only Paladins I know in game though that doesn't use an Ochain. I've never had complaints though and have never heard the ones with Ochain complaining they wish they had Priwen. If you can successfully use it also it gives larger hp boost, meva, DT 9% which allows other gearing options, and phalanx, which granted can be just used as s swap piece. Again though. Not saying not to get Ochain, but I'm a bit bothered by how many people actually think it is needed.

Now I do have to say a good phalanx build and Burt and spell interruption set may cover the glaringly huge difference, but can also prove why the shield is unnecessary while you can literally get destroyed without a shield like Aegis.
Don't need to have experience, just facts.

Since Aeonics is part of the discussion, I think fighting Aeonic NMs is quite relevant to evaluating RMEAs, so let's use that. Reisenjima T4 are level 150, approximately 761 combat skill. That puts Ochain at 41% without Reprisal, 61.5% with (both calculated and confirmed through parses). Calculated, it puts Priwen at -6%, which will floor at 5%. You'd need +11 block rate in gear just to reach that 5% before any more +block rate applies. Also, Reprisal doesn't include block gear; otherwise, it certainly would have made Priwen a much more viable, and potentially better, shield in certain scenarios (not to mention Srivatsa).

15% block rate Priwen vs. 60% block rate Ochain. That's 13.2% vs 40.5% damage mitigated by shield. And I'm being nice by not giving any +block gear to Ochain.

Sure, it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get "destroyed," and you might be able to get by depending on your group, but how many RMEAs are actually required in a group to successfully clear T4s? The number is definitely not more than 1.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-09-08 03:24:13  
I think we can all agree that Idris is the pinnacle of "this weapon is good for every little thing/situation."
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Eliseus
Posts: 465
By Sylph.Dravidian 2016-09-08 03:41:41  
Ragnarok.Flippant said: »
Sylph.Dravidian said: »
Maybe actual experience? I'm one of the only Paladins I know in game though that doesn't use an Ochain. I've never had complaints though and have never heard the ones with Ochain complaining they wish they had Priwen. If you can successfully use it also it gives larger hp boost, meva, DT 9% which allows other gearing options, and phalanx, which granted can be just used as s swap piece. Again though. Not saying not to get Ochain, but I'm a bit bothered by how many people actually think it is needed.

Now I do have to say a good phalanx build and Burt and spell interruption set may cover the glaringly huge difference, but can also prove why the shield is unnecessary while you can literally get destroyed without a shield like Aegis.
Don't need to have experience, just facts.

Since Aeonics is part of the discussion, I think fighting Aeonic NMs is quite relevant to evaluating RMEAs, so let's use that. Reisenjima T4 are level 150, approximately 761 combat skill. That puts Ochain at 41% without Reprisal, 61.5% with (both calculated and confirmed through parses). Calculated, it puts Priwen at -6%, which will floor at 5%. You'd need +11 block rate in gear just to reach that 5% before any more +block rate applies. Also, Reprisal doesn't include block gear; otherwise, it certainly would have made Priwen a much more viable, and potentially better, shield in certain scenarios (not to mention Srivatsa).

15% block rate Priwen vs. 60% block rate Ochain. That's 13.2% vs 40.5% damage mitigated by shield. And I'm being nice by not giving any +block gear to Ochain.

Sure, it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get "destroyed," and you might be able to get by depending on your group, but how many RMEAs are actually required in a group to successfully clear T4s? The number is definitely not more than 1.

Okay, but again, we are ranking the shields based off the OP criteria, which AGAIN Ochain is not S rank. I haven't disagreed with your info on Ochain once. And I have studied the data provided on Ochain extensively since my main is a Paladin. I'm not saying what you are saying is false. This isn't a thread on weather RMEs are needed or not. It is on where they would rank. Ochain is precisely where I put it because it is not necessary or critically impacts you as a Paladin in the current game. Aegis on the other hand does, and some would say does make or break you. It is not situational for basically any content you use it in. It is a must. As I have stated before. The damage I have taken without Ochain has been who cares. You are saying that is an S rank item? Basically, if you were do do Paladin, among gearing other stuff. Where would you put your list of priorities to getting Ochain knowing you can do all the content without it with the eventual intention of getting it?
Posts: 9
By Kiger 2016-09-08 04:03:11  
Lots of shield talk!

I was curious about the swords, it seems like everyone just says Burtgang is better 100% of the time, and I'm probably bias in that I have a 119 III Excalibur, but I wonder what the opinions are on this --

I wasn't able to find the post referenced, but it did seem like an interesting idea and I wonder how much weight there actually is to it.
MSPaint Winner
Posts: 1509
By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-09-08 04:15:15  
Nocki said: »
I peruse reddit as often as FFXIAH pretty much, and someone asked which RMEA were viable these days. So, I decided to make a tier list...

GEO: Idris

WAR: Ragnarok, Ukonvasara
THF: Twashtar
WHM: Yagrush
PLD: Aegis > Burtgang
DRK: Ragnarok, Liberator
BST: Aymur
BRD: Gjallarhorn > Marsyas
RNG: Gastrophedes
SAM: Masamune
NIN: Heishi Shorinken > Kannagi
DRG: Ryunohige > Trishula
SMN: Nirvana
BLU: Almace > Tizona
COR: Death Penalty
PUP: Kenkonken
DNC: Terpsichore > Twashtar
RUN: Epeolatry

WAR: Chango = Conqueror
THF: Vajra > Aeneas
MNK: Godhands > Verethragna
WHM: Gambanteinn
BLM: Laevatinn
PLD: Ochain
DRK: Anguta
BRD: Carnwenhan > Daurdabla
RNG: Gandiva > Yoichi, Fomalhaut > Annihilator
SAM: Dojikiri Yasutsuna > Kogarasumaru
NIN: Kikoku
BLU: Sequence
COR: Armageddon = Fomalhaut
PUP: Godhands
DNC: Aeneas
SCH: Tupsimati
RUN: Lionheart

WAR: Farsha
MNK: Spharai > Glanzfaust
RDM: Murgleis
BLM: Hvegelmir
PLD: Srivatsa
DRK: Caladbolg
RNG: Fail-Not
SAM: Amano
SMN: Claustrum
SCH: Hvegelmir

Everything else is pretty bleh... This list considers job usefulness in the current meta, along with how much the weapon contributes to the job itself. Idris is God-Tier because it affects literally the entire party and essentially delvls anything you're fighting. Anything that is S-Tier I would recommend having if you take the job seriously, anything A-Tier is situationally good, B-Tier will still beat out non-269 weapons in most cases, and anything else will lose to well augmented reisen weapon or is too situational to even matter.

If you disagree with the placement of anything, or think I forgot something I'm curious about other people's opinions of the weapons. Please avoid turning this thread into anything negative about other people or their individual weapon decisions, genuinely just curious what y'all think!

Things we don't need to consider: Difficulty of obtaining the weapon/price
Things we should consider: Overall usefulness of the weapon, if you have x weapon would you still aim to get something better?

With so few Ultimate weapons owned can or should you really be judging them all? :3

Also where is Mjollnir??!! ^o^

You misspelled Gastraphetes.

Priwen gets a lot more use than Aegis... Ochain doesn't seem necessary.

Shouldn't Arktoi be in the list as most BSTs dual-wield?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Enceladus
Posts: 660
By Ragnarok.Flippant 2016-09-08 04:39:31  
Sylph.Dravidian said: »
Okay, but again, we are ranking the shields based off the OP criteria, which AGAIN Ochain is not S rank. I haven't disagreed with your info on Ochain once. And I have studied the data provided on Ochain extensively since my main is a Paladin. I'm not saying what you are saying is false. This isn't a thread on weather RMEs are needed or not. It is on where they would rank. Ochain is precisely where I put it because it is not necessary or critically impacts you as a Paladin in the current game. Aegis on the other hand does, and some would say does make or break you. It is not situational for basically any content you use it in. It is a must. As I have stated before. The damage I have taken without Ochain has been who cares. You are saying that is an S rank item? Basically, if you were do do Paladin, among gearing other stuff. Where would you put your list of priorities to getting Ochain knowing you can do all the content without it with the eventual intention of getting it?

When did I bring up Aegis? Why does it need to be either-or? In what way is quadruple the block rate "too situational to even matter" (Nocki's criteria for B-tier, which last I saw, is what you think Ochain should be). That's far more useful and significant than Burtgang, even in the T4 fights.

Nocki added hierarchies within the tiers, so nothing's stopping him from conveying the fact that multiple RMEAs are recommended for the "serious player," but that some are of higher priority than others.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Rezeak
Posts: 162
By Ragnarok.Rezeak 2016-09-08 06:53:07  
Why is Anguta an A List weapon ?
Where is Apoc (A LOT more acc and Cata access)?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Drayco
Posts: 347
By Cerberus.Drayco 2016-09-08 07:21:58  
Ragnarok.Rezeak said: »
Why is Anguta an A List weapon ?
Where is Apoc (A LOT more acc and Cata access)?

AG Apocalypse is amazing!

AG Apocalypse out shines Liberator in low haste situations. Especially if the mob is susceptible to skill chain damage. Full haste situations tho, Liberator dominates.
Posts: 95
By Morihei 2016-09-08 07:44:55  
I'd like to toss Guttler in there somewhere. 119 III Guttler is beastly, giving as much as 200-250 attack to the tigers, and allows some really decent melee damage. It also starts the Darkness SSC with the cricket, who gets around 150 attack from it.

JP Familiar, Spur, Run Wild, Box Step, Onslaught, Unleash, Claw spam has soloed an impressive amount of content for me.
Posts: 410
By Kodaijin 2016-09-08 08:37:55  
This list is fundamentally flawed. By putting tiers across all jobs into the equation, you are comparing weapons of 1 job class to weapons of another job class that actually have no comparison at all. You cant compare an Idris to an Aegis or to a yagrush. They are all useful. Weapons that help the whole alliance are obviously more useful, but thats actually the point of these types of weapons is that they all should help the alliance in 1 way or another. Your Idris is useless if your tank cant stay alive because they dont have aegis vs a magic heavy NM. (just an example)

I think a more useful list would list the weapons kinda like this:
Best - Idris
At a minimum - Dunna (Non-AREM)

Best - Aymur
At a minimum - Arktoi + Charmer's Merlin (both non-AREM)
For love of the job: Guttler, Tri-edge, Farsha

Best: Burt + Ochain + Aegis
Should have: Aegis + Ochain
At a minimum: Priwen (Non-AREM)
For love of the job: Almace,
Excal, Sequence

Best: Tupsimati
Dont play without: Akedemos (Non-AREM)

A list like this allows for people to choose which job they love and see whats worth making for that job. Then you can argue over which is essential and which is trophy status. haha
Edit: spelling
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-09-08 08:42:15  
Apocalypse for DRK and Excalibur for RDM are missing. Both great weapons that are situational but in there situations outshine any other options. Mainly Excalibur opening up Fusion for RDM solo and offering +30 regen is really no joke when soloing or low-manning content. Being able to close double light solo is a really big boon.

Other than that my only gripe is how it is presented. You sort of made a class tier > weapon tier list. If you just wanted to compare ARME weapons to their respective uses then it should just be a tier list going from 1-claustrum.

Also why are we using ARME shouldn't it be RMEA based on release order?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Rydal
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-09-08 09:02:07  
Almace and Excalibur (and Sequence) are about equal/better than Murgleis for RDM. Excalibur adds an extreme amount of Attack to an attack-starved job, as well as the benefits explained before. Almace is pretty much there for the same reasons it's good for BLU so I don't know why it'd be excluded when Murgleis is there.
Posts: 95
By Morihei 2016-09-08 09:03:03  
eliroo said: »
Apocalypse for DRK and Excalibur for RDM are missing. Both great weapons that are situational but in there situations outshine any other options. Mainly Excalibur opening up Fusion for RDM solo and offering +30 regen is really no joke when soloing or low-manning content. Being able to close double light solo is a really big boon.

Other than that my only gripe is how it is presented. You sort of made a class tier > weapon tier list. If you just wanted to compare ARME weapons to their respective uses then it should just be a tier list going from 1-claustrum.

Also why are we using ARME shouldn't it be RMEA based on release order?

Because ARME sounds so much cooler than RMEA. Why didn't we make this a thing when Aeonic came out?
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-09-08 09:10:47  
Morihei said: »
eliroo said: »
Apocalypse for DRK and Excalibur for RDM are missing. Both great weapons that are situational but in there situations outshine any other options. Mainly Excalibur opening up Fusion for RDM solo and offering +30 regen is really no joke when soloing or low-manning content. Being able to close double light solo is a really big boon.

Other than that my only gripe is how it is presented. You sort of made a class tier > weapon tier list. If you just wanted to compare ARME weapons to their respective uses then it should just be a tier list going from 1-claustrum.

Also why are we using ARME shouldn't it be RMEA based on release order?

Because ARME sounds so much cooler than RMEA. Why didn't we make this a thing when Aeonic came out?

Why not just call them MARE or REAM weapons at that point since those are real words.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Stamos
Posts: 1239
By Leviathan.Stamos 2016-09-08 09:14:37  
In regards to Tizona, it really depends on your support. If you have awful support Tizona becomes god tier. But, from a pure DPS standpoint Almace is better.

Probably would move Yagrush up to god tier, and move KKK down a bit.

My Claustrum weeps.
By Verda 2016-09-08 09:15:18  
As far as RNG goes, I would switch Fail-Not and Fomalhaut on your list, and in situations where enmity control is paramount, Anni is the only S-Rank RNG has and when that isn't required it isn't even really something I want to use if you have other options though if it's your only ultimate weapon for ranger it's still a way better choice than anything else out there, for instance it was used on the Master Trial fight you can see them spamming coronach in the video. This just goes to what everyone's been saying stuff is situational. It is hard for me to think of a situation where Fomalhaut is more valuable to rng though than Fail-Not, at least if you also have a mythic. If the GEO uses their fury halfway between you and the DD, you can still be at trueshot distance on RNG longbow and getting fury. A lot of GEO don't know that though so sometimes I use Fomalhaut in those situations. If accuracy is the concern and you nee extremely high accuracy, Last Stand is better than Jishnu's, but it's hard to find those situations for ranger. Hmm, if for some reason you couldn't weaponskill often, and needed to do physical ws at high tp... nope Jishnu's still wins. Oh well. Gandiva has 50 dex, but lower delay and base damage, spreadsheets still show gandiva will do more damage though it is harder to make 3 hit for but still possible and you also get the ODT. Most RNG don't have a mythic, and that'd be the situation where Fomalhaut starts to look more useful than Fail-Not so that's again another situation :/
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Smasher
Posts: 874
By Lakshmi.Konvict 2016-09-08 09:19:35  
This is all opinion. ARME BRD is just as powerful PAIRED with an Idris GEO. Why isn't DP COR on the top either?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 9925
By Asura.Sechs 2016-09-08 09:23:24  
Lakshmi.Konvict said: »
This is all opinion. ARME BRD is just as powerful PAIRED with an Idris GEO. Why isn't DP COR on the top either?

I mean seriously, I'm not getting your post.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Primuris
Posts: 12
By Leviathan.Darthbane 2016-09-08 09:25:39  
I have excal3 for PLD and have to say when you can maintain the AM it is godly. You can also whiff the hit and still have the AM. I would love a Burt but atm I can't see making one with what this one does for me.
By Verda 2016-09-08 09:44:28  
It depends what you're tanking. Most things in the game don't need burt to effectively tank just optimally tank, a good whm can keep you up as long as you're not one shot and very little can one shot a pld. Some things, like the master trial for odin... it's required. The 18 PDT is too big to ignore. We tried doing it without burt pld and they die within the first 1.5 mins every time. I'd also pull hate, so the enmity is also very important. In that fight for example, 9 Valkyrie will be hitting on you skillchaining weaponskills, while you probably have both curse and from ofnir a def down on you.

Real example: A stardiver skillchaining off 550 dmg vs a stardiver skillchaining off 451 damage, including whatever they open with, you're ahead about 300 HP from the chain (open, close, and skillchain), vs not having burt. Saying you have 3.3k hp, and 50% of that is gone due to curse, from that entire exchange burt paladin is 18.1% more survivable, this isn't even including other things going off at the same time, also being reduced or considering that it's easier to hold hate the less damage you take. At the same time stuff like that is going on you have to survive things like Ofnir for 1300 dmg, to Mega Holy by alexander for 1300 damage, with a 1300 dmg impaction attached, which with capped MDT, MDB and resists in spare slots and capped BDT is less otherwise you can't survive it but this trial tests the PLD probably more than any fight I've ever seen.

More PLD should put stock in burt, just a lot of the time it isn't required, just helpful, like a lot of gear tbh. One reason I like the master trials though is it doesn't really leave much room for non optimal gear or play. Aegis and Burt together are simply amazing for pld imo, and the most common used together.
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-09-08 09:46:56  
1st The way I wanted this list to be used:
I am ??? job and I don't know what weapon to make, let me see what is best a majority of the time for my job. (refers to S-Tier list) Ah, okay cool I'm going to put effort towards blah weapon. It is not meant to compare S-Tier weapons with eachother, which is specifically why I divided them by job.

2nd to those of you talking about Priwen and Dunna, Arktoi etc...
This is for ARME only, if you were arguing that I should lower ochain because aeonic shield was good then fine but Ochain statistically outpreforms Priwen and the latter shouldn't even be considered here. Also if you want to argue that because of the meta Ochain isn't as needed, then I should lower all PLD weapons to A-Tier because RUN is more useful in ~80% of situations.

There was one guy when Aeonics came out who proposed we say ARME because it means weapon in French, and if anyone has noticed my character names are in french. I just like french...

Lakshmi.Konvict said: »
This is all opinion. ARME BRD is just as powerful PAIRED with an Idris GEO. Why isn't DP COR on the top either?
You're the 2nd person to mention this, DP is in S-Tier o.o
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Rydal
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-09-08 09:57:46  
Nocki said: »
1st The way I wanted this list to be used:
I am ??? job and I don't know what weapon to make, let me see what is best a majority of the time for my job. (refers to S-Tier list) Ah, okay cool I'm going to put effort towards blah weapon. It is not meant to compare S-Tier weapons with eachother, which is specifically why I divided them by job.

I understand that but it definitely is misleading then by looking at it by job. If I'm a new RDM or PLD and I looked at this, I'd think only one weapon was worth my time (and by comparison to other jobs/weapons they're not good). It should be divided by Job and list every RMEA option available then ranking them. It's hard not to compare the weapons and jobs to each other when it's listed that way.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Kiger
Posts: 6
By Ragnarok.Kiger 2016-09-08 09:59:39  
Verda said: »
Real example: A stardiver skillchaining off 550 dmg vs a stardiver skillchaining off 451 damage, including whatever they open with, you're ahead about 300 HP from the chain (open, close, and skillchain), vs not having burt. Saying you have 3.3k hp, and 50% of that is gone due to curse, from that entire exchange burt paladin is 18.1% more survivable, this isn't even including other things going off at the same time, also being reduced or considering that it's easier to hold hate the less damage you take.

I feel like your example is that Burtgang has -18% PDT and Excalibur has nothing to offer. I'm not saying Burtgang is worse, or equal to Excalibur. I'm just curious about the math behind it. If you're taking 1300 damage hits, yeah, Burtgang's -18% PDT is going to shine, but if you're not taking huge hits, I think the Regen +30 from Excalibur may be able to offer more in terms of damage mitigation. I'm sure there's probably a way to look at this in terms of "if you take an average of X damage per minute, Excalibur with AMIII wins out."

Verda said: »
More PLD should put stock in burt, just a lot of the time it isn't required, just helpful, like a lot of gear tbh.

I only ever seen Burtgang mentioned as the end-all-be-all for PLD. I'd like to see more people testing/questioning Burtgang's place at the top. I just haven't been able to find much comparing the two in an honest, unbiased way.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Eliseus
Posts: 465
By Sylph.Dravidian 2016-09-08 10:02:13  
Ragnarok.Flippant said: »
Sylph.Dravidian said: »
Okay, but again, we are ranking the shields based off the OP criteria, which AGAIN Ochain is not S rank. I haven't disagreed with your info on Ochain once. And I have studied the data provided on Ochain extensively since my main is a Paladin. I'm not saying what you are saying is false. This isn't a thread on weather RMEs are needed or not. It is on where they would rank. Ochain is precisely where I put it because it is not necessary or critically impacts you as a Paladin in the current game. Aegis on the other hand does, and some would say does make or break you. It is not situational for basically any content you use it in. It is a must. As I have stated before. The damage I have taken without Ochain has been who cares. You are saying that is an S rank item? Basically, if you were do do Paladin, among gearing other stuff. Where would you put your list of priorities to getting Ochain knowing you can do all the content without it with the eventual intention of getting it?

When did I bring up Aegis? Why does it need to be either-or? In what way is quadruple the block rate "too situational to even matter" (Nocki's criteria for B-tier, which last I saw, is what you think Ochain should be). That's far more useful and significant than Burtgang, even in the T4 fights.

Nocki added hierarchies within the tiers, so nothing's stopping him from conveying the fact that multiple RMEAs are recommended for the "serious player," but that some are of higher priority than others.

Ugh, the point keeps flying way over your head you are so fast to defend. It it was never a choice of one or the other. It was that Ochain doesn't hold as much importance as Aegis.
By Verda 2016-09-08 10:07:41  
There isn't much math to it. 550 * .82 = 451, so nearly 100 damage saved. 550 open ws + 550 close WS with 550 skillchain based off the WS closing damage vs 451 + 451 + 451. It's about 300 hp difference, if you have 3,300 hp and half is gone from curse you have 1650 hp, 300/1650 = 18.1%. Cumalitive hits will matter as much as single big hits, especially with 11 mobs hitting you with both physical and non physical abilities. We can realistically say there's about 4-5 seconds for that example skillchain to take place, regens tic every 3 seconds, so you'll get 30 to 60 hp (if we say it's 6 instead of 4-5) back with excal regen, where as just that example skillchain and ignoring the other 9 mobs doing stuff at the same time, you saved 297 hp with burt. You also don't dip as low with burt. For Excal to win you'd have to save less than 30 hp every 3 seconds on burt, which is technically possible but in such a situation, it's not very threatening anyway.
Posts: 265
By Nocki 2016-09-08 10:10:40  
Ragnarok.Rydal said: »
I understand that but it definitely is misleading then by looking at it by job. If I'm a new RDM or PLD and I looked at this, I'd think only one weapon was worth my time (and by comparison to other jobs/weapons they're not good). It should be divided by Job and list every RMEA option available then ranking them. It's hard not to compare the weapons and jobs to each other when it's listed that way.

I considered reformatting it last night, but if it's structured that way then there's no emphasis on what is wanted in the meta.
Idk D=

Ragnarok.Kiger said: »
If you're taking 1300 damage hits, yeah, Burtgang's -18% PDT is going to shine, but if you're not taking huge hits, I think the Regen +30 from Excalibur may be able to offer more in terms of damage mitigation. I'm sure there's probably a way to look at this in terms of "if you take an average of X damage per minute, Excalibur with AMIII wins out."

In a majority of situations, the PLD would only be getting TP from blocking and on high level mobs actually landing the WS to activate AM becomes a concern as well. Also for TP-gain + enmity gain it's worse than burt. It's not on the list because I wouldn't recommend it to someone. If I saw someone tanking in Excal over Brilliance or Nixxer I would be confused.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-09-08 10:17:49  
If excal wins damage mitigation, you should be using a DD sword anyway.

And burt isn't just '18% more', it's 18/50 less. It's effectively a 36% damage reduction if you already cap PDT.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-09-08 10:19:19  
*reads nothing*

DP is and will always be the best thing ever!
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Eliseus
Posts: 465
By Sylph.Dravidian 2016-09-08 10:19:37  
Burt also offers less enmity decay as much while offering an emity bonus itself. I will take anything I can get with how strong the melee I play with are.
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