Torn On Jobs ~_~

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torn on jobs ~_~
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: freyavp
Posts: 83
By Asura.Iuno 2016-07-21 21:37:59  
help me pick a job please

1. summoner - love the avatar looks and damage of the blood pacts but the feel like they take forever in between uses and things i can actually do. it's gotten better after a few mid level delay reduction pieces, and feels like it has potential to be really cool. idea of making 119 mythic feels overwhelming though.

2. ranger - love the damage, weapon skill animations, and seeing a catgirl line up a shot feels great. dislike cost of bullets, and once again idea of needing relic feels insurmountable lol.

3. geomancer - the whole concept feels really cool, and finding geo spells has been an adventure. mushroom hat #1. hesitant at idea of being a bandwagon baddy, guide makes it look like you need 80/80 inventory for each set, and i dont know!

4. scholar - havent leveled yet, but adelheid trust makes it look cool. dont like idea of possibly curing though, dont like healing in MMOs.

5. blue mage - same as geo

6. dark knight/rune fencer - see a lot of them around, great swords look really cool, as does the concept of a mage knight. same relimpyreanythic weapon doubts though.

if possible id love to ideally be two of them, even if its just whoring one to gear a gimp dps to respectable states. is it possible to have 2 geared "mains" like FF14? is a mythic or relic a pipe dream for a noob? thanks for your imput and advice.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2016-07-21 21:47:43  
Of those you have mentioned I liked RNG best. YMMV.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: freyavp
Posts: 83
By Asura.Iuno 2016-07-21 21:53:16  
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Of those you have mentioned I liked RNG best. YMMV.
oh yeah its a barrel of monkies. it's just hearing "lolrng" at the thought of taking something not part of the cookie cutter brigade to try and get money for all its necessary stuff :[
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2016-07-21 21:57:18  
Inc 3 pages of "geo", "blu", "sch".
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3331
By Siren.Kyte 2016-07-21 22:09:38  
It's a good idea to have one mainstream job that fits into most strategies, but you can safely pick something you truly enjoy as the second.
By Verda 2016-07-21 22:09:38  
I play high end SMN RNG THF COR and now working on SCH. Play what you want and if you love it you'll get a reputation and get invites anyway. Besides ppl that repeat garbage like lolRNG... it's pretty easy to tell they aren't the kind of open minded ppl you wanna be playing with anyway. Most the endgame players I have met are actually pretty open minded in most play, they like to know what all jobs can do and watch someone on a non cookie cutter job with fascination rather than some sort of angry denoucement. 95% of the game is it doesn't matter what you play just how good you play it, and the last 5% that's probably true too but just harder to get groups for it b/c it's so hard people want to stick with what is known to work b/c it's hard enough to win even doing that sometimes. The job that got me invite to endgame LS was SMN, and one reason for that is there was a severe lack of SMN for Erinys. Going against the grain has its advantages too.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: freyavp
Posts: 83
By Asura.Iuno 2016-07-21 22:27:08  
guess the million dollar question is, how do i narrow down out of these. i thought i was going to be summoner, then watching people help me during fights made so many more jobs look fun too... picking is hard.

ADD at its best lol.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1325
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-07-21 22:40:09  
Depends on your end goals, what are they? using your list....

want to get an 'ez' in with aeonic ls? Pick SCH or GEO

want to solo stuff for people? SMN BLU SCH . Keep in mind each have certain mobs others cant solo.

Just want to hit 99 and afk in town? w/e you can glow the fastest :D

really at this point in the game things are pretty clear on what jobs are wanted for what (mage endgame, "pimped" blu everything else). If you like one of those jobs, enjoy the game and become one. No need to fight uphill when you like what downhill has to offer anyhow.

honestly from your list, lv geo, then lv a dd job you like (I have drk with rag, its really good DD and relics are ez to get). You will then be useful to a LS, and then gear up your dd for fun.

If you find you dislike one of the ez jobs, its cool you can abuse it to get gear for the job you do and once its good enough you can show the world what it can do. I play only semi popular jobs and I enjoy them. I cant outdo other jobs just by game mechanics, but i can do enough to win any fight we need just takes more effort for the group since im gimping it a bit. But if no one cares, why should I!
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2016-07-21 22:41:49  
Asura.Iuno said: »
guess the million dollar question is, how do i narrow down out of these. i thought i was going to be summoner, then watching people help me during fights made so many more jobs look fun too... picking is hard.

ADD at its best lol.

Why not just play all of them then decide?
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-07-21 22:43:53  
BLU is best job. You can trust me, I'm not biased at all.

Asura.Iuno said: »
is it possible to have 2 geared "mains" like FF14?
If anything, having only two jobs geared is unusually low in XI. Most players maintain a variety of jobs for different situations. There are a few oddballs like me that only maintain a couple jobs (BLU and RUN in my case), but there are a few things I should point out there:

1) I really love playing BLU. I've poured a lot of time and effort into gearing it for just about any possible scenario over the years, and it shows (RIP my inventory). It's unlikely that I'll ever care to gear another job to that level, so in many cases gearing another job simply wouldn't have much benefit for me. There are times where BLU isn't a great choice, but my RUN generally covers those situations well enough.

2) I have a pocket GEO (which technically counts as a third job I guess), and that GEO will soon have an Idris. I really can't overstate how useful this is. I should probably get her set up on a second job at some point, but I've been too busy with other things lately to even think about that.

3) I play with people who are generally willing to put up with my eccentricities.

4) I'm probably going to gear up a third job for kicks at some point, though I've no idea how much use I'll actually get out of it.

I would however say that two jobs is a pretty reasonable starting point so that you can focus on getting them up to speed and then gear other jobs as you see fit. Having high end gear makes going back to get more high end gear a whole lot easier.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: freyavp
Posts: 83
By Asura.Iuno 2016-07-21 22:45:39  
Afania said: »
Asura.Iuno said: »
guess the million dollar question is, how do i narrow down out of these. i thought i was going to be summoner, then watching people help me during fights made so many more jobs look fun too... picking is hard.

ADD at its best lol.

Why not just play all of them then decide?
because thats what got me in this mess :V

honestly from your list, lv geo, then lv a dd job you like

are aeonic things better than relic and mythic stuff? what damage dealer do you enjoy most out of the list?
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-07-21 22:50:57  
RMEA weapons are very much a situational matter. Sometimes there's one weapon that stands head and shoulders above the rest, sometimes the ideal answer is to use two or more of them as needed. Staff and club aeonics are the only ones among the jobs you listed that are straight garbage (staff is a neat lockstyle piece though), the others are usually upgrades over any non-269 skill weapons at the very least. Lionheart (RUN) is a bit of an exception since it has no stats for tanking, though it's a phenomenal DD weapon.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1325
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-07-21 22:59:41  
Honestly I am on Blu almost always, but have invest the most gil into DRK. I like DRK and have 2 relics for it, relics are ez to get dont worry about that (1 month farming you will have them).

What I like though and whats better isnt the same. BLU will normally be the better choice for most parties. Not that it outdoes other DD's in dmg, but because the ease of using it is very simple. People like BLU because they can be lazy with them in party. BLU cap their own haste, debuff the mobs if needed, can tank, cure themselves, Nuke, do crazy amounts of melee dmg - all at the same time.

BLU however, takes tons of inventory space to be good (if not your no better than any other dd), you really have to invest time into getting spells. Starting out I wouldn't suggest BLU, simply for the fact that you NEED Mighty Guard which requires a ton of time to get for a new player (tons of quests and missions to get access to fight). I was a noob BLU w/o it and now I feel ashamed when I look back haha.

Mages (whm, geo, rdm, sch) are very good first jobs in the sense that they are not gear intensive at start. For most content starting out your artifact gear will be enough. Not until you get to endgame will you really need to invest in lots of gear (but by then you will have tons). Skill is more important than gear on most mage jobs I feel (not including nuking) because a cure is a cure, and you just need to time them well, removing a status effect is the same. However a DD job is 100% useless if it cannot hit, and hit at very high accuracy rate 90%+. No amount of skill will change that fact and to get there you need the best gear you can get. For most DD's this means reisenjima gear, which is basically endgame content. So you get stuck doing 3 things - begging people to help you, joining a shout party where you will spend the day with equally gear people who will wipe continuously to them, or you will just pay someone to merc it for you (best option in my book, saves time, a lot of time).
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: freyavp
Posts: 83
By Asura.Iuno 2016-07-21 23:05:34  
can summoner or ranger be equally lazy in parties?

how long does getting through toau take for opening up mythics and odin/alex?

where does mighty guard come from?

does blu need any of those weapons?
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2016-07-21 23:11:57  
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
If anything, having only two jobs geared is unusually low in XI.

Just to offer some input about this statement. Only more hardcore player in FFXI community plays more than 3-5 jobs and gear them extremely well. I only know very, very few people that's really, really good at 5 jobs and they all have above avg playtime. Those people either play for a very long time or play more than a couple of hours a day, everyday.

Majority of player that's more casual either only gear 1-2 jobs at endgame lv, or play 5+ mediocre jobs and never get anywhere due to the lack of performance on every job.

Unless you have above avg playtime I would suggest sticking with 1-2 jobs, personally. It's much easier to make progress with 1-2 very well geared job, regardless of the job. On the other hand it's much harder with 5 mediocre jobs, even if you pick the most bandwagon job in this game.

Personally I play 5 jobs but I only ever bring 1 job to most group event, which happened to be my best geared job. I can kill most things solo or low man efficiently and contribute a huge portion of dps in pt on cor in almost every content because it's being geared at certain lv. IF I spread out my resources on every single job I would have a much harder time killing the same thing. The performance difference between a poorly geared job and extremely well geared job is quite huge in FFXI these days, IMO.
Posts: 420
By BlaTheTaru 2016-07-21 23:13:24  
Asura.Iuno said: »
can summoner or ranger be equally lazy in parties?

Smn is a pretty busy job depending on what set up you're doing. A good smn is almost always buffing/dding/curing and really contributes to the pt.

Asura.Iuno said: »
how long does getting through toau take for opening up mythics and odin/alex?

Not long with all the adjustments.

Asura.Iuno said: »
where does mighty guard come from?

Shinryu abyssea MB

Asura.Iuno said: »
does blu need any of those weapons?

No, you CAN be a pretty good blu without any special weapons, but maybe you will love the job enough to make one anyway.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-07-21 23:16:49  
A good SMN is always active. Sub SCH and help nuke or heal or buff or cure statuses.

I'm pretty sure you could clear all of ToAU in a day or two now that they removed the midnight waits.

Mighty Guard comes from Shinryu, the boss of the Abyssea story line.

BLU does not need RMEA weapons, but both Tizona and Almace are exceptionally powerful. Sequence is the weakest of the RMEAs for BLU, but still better than skill 242 weapons.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: freyavp
Posts: 83
By Asura.Iuno 2016-07-21 23:27:28  
what im getting is

1. find friends

2. be summoner, it can do a lot even though its not a bandwagon

3. play whatever i want on the side.

4. choose between rng and blu once i can get through stories and stuff.
Posts: 3
By phxx 2016-07-21 23:28:35  
You can also get Mighty Guard from the Shinryu type mob in Rhapsodies of Vanadiel missions.

It helps if you know someone on that mission though if you're on/past it.

I helped a LS mate get up to that mission and when we did it I just had them warp out after they brought me in and could retry it over and over again til I got it, then I helped them actually beat it after I had the spell.

Worked pretty well.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2016-07-22 00:25:02  
The great part of right now, is you can play just about any job you want and still be viable in a good 90% of content.

My ls just ran melee setup t3 in escha to help some new guys in ls get wins, went pld, whm, geo, rdm, blu, drk. Did perfectly fine.

I don't think with today's current dynamics you will be doing reisenjima t4 with melee, but can do just about everything else with whatever jobs you want.

That is 3 jobs on your list just in the group we ran today on t3 escha nm's.

Blu, can self buff, deal pretty decent dmg, AoE heal, AoE erase, AoE Mighty Guard which is a really nice buff for groups.

Geo is literally in just about any fight you will ever do or see. If you don't have a geo in the group, that group is doing what they can to see if they will still get win without a geo.

Sch, is a very highly demanded job. Not to mention will get you into t4 helm, just like geo will.

Rng can get you into a lot of content with solid trueflight and jishnu builds. Might take a little adjusting with your group, but as long as you have a decent group you are fine.

Smn is extremely strong and can MB capped dmg. (Not sure all the gear needed to pull that off, but I know any job you want to play seriously will take a decent amount of gear anyway.)

Rune Fencer is a God send when it comes to tanking lots of nm's. There are a lot of ls turning away from pld tanking and switching over to Rune.

I won't talk about drk as it is one of my more enjoyed jobs and it will seem biased. Just look around you will see what a drk can do now as of 5-10 years ago.

As for the 2 job limit, I play cor, sch, thf, rdm, and drk. About to start blm and war. With the current wardrobe system up to 4 + invent, + sack/satchel no reason you can't do more than two jobs.
By 2016-07-22 02:43:13
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Posts: 8833
By Afania 2016-07-22 02:46:54  
Armeth said: »
Keep in mind, however, that aeonic weapons are still untested as far as I know.

Posts: 194
By Gruknor 2016-07-22 04:02:08  
Armeth said: »
As daunting as it may be, you should probably resign yourself to at least getting a relic weapon for your job. Things like GEO and SCH are almost guaranteed to be used in Geas Fete, so an aeonic weapon isn't quite as daunting as you might think. Keep in mind, however, that aeonic weapons are still untested as far as I know.

I'd personally make sure to have scythe sets as a DRK if you go that route, and don't overlook your magic. SMN is great, but requires a lot of gear (so do BLU & SCH) unless you're just doing the bare necessities of what the job's used for. As a GEO, you can just cap skills, get the Dunna, and find another 32 skill somewhere from gear after mastering the job (which is easy, apex parties don't care about your skill).

I haven't actually seen anyone play RNG on my World, but I love the concept. The only reason I don't bother is because I'm an Elvaan, already have my heart set on DRG, and don't like the cost of ammo when I can't even make gil to save my life. I would guess that it would be cheaper to make your own ammo if you can.

You can get ammo with sparks. Buy it with gil, from a curio moogle, if you have the Rhapsodies key item.
Posts: 4028
By Blazed1979 2016-07-22 04:22:05  
RUN is a good choice. I would say its onpar with PLD for fun. High return on investment if you gear it also. Getting your ultimate weapon is going to take at least 3 months though.

DRK is very fun, decent return on investment, can get your relics in 1 month and mythic in about 6 weeks if you have access and support.

GEO no comment on fun. extremely high return on investment, but will also take you 3 months at least to get your Idris.

Blu is as fun as you want it to be. return on investment is extremely high, can get your mythic in 6 weeks as well with support.

If you want to be crazy hardcore become a mythic RDM. Those mofos are str8 up legit one-man-armies.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Lenus
Posts: 517
By Lakshmi.Lenus 2016-07-22 04:49:17  
DNC, BLM, SCH and GEO are the only jobs you really need
Posts: 312
By nyheen 2016-07-22 08:07:57  
just go and pick a job that fun and you would like. the best job is what skills,& how well you gear up that. like i seen deck out rdm/nin dding like hell, pup tanking NMs that even give other tanks a hard time. a dnc dding/curing and taking off debuffs better then most of these slow whm, so so imo try them all out and see what best for you
By 2016-07-22 08:12:30
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サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2016-07-22 09:57:19  
Summoner is extremely fun and it's a uniquely pet-focused job. That and beastmaster are both very pet-focused compared to the other pet jobs, but SMN is even more so. Summoner can do a lot solo, too, compared to many other jobs. I'd recommend it. Do something bandwagon on the side like GEO or BLU, but I think you'll be happy with summoner if you invest the time into gear and jp. Honestly, making a mythic isn't that bad anymore. You should aim for Nirvana. The return on investment is tremendous there.
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-07-22 10:44:08  
From my take is that you don't really need Idris on Geo to get invited to lower tier events. You can easily bring a NQ Geo to Reisinjima and get some results.

My honest recommendation is to level GEO and gear it to the minimum to get you into parties and then try every other job out and figure out which one you like better.

You can then use your Geo to gear up those other jobs until they are ready to take on events themselves.

GEO is very easy to gear up to be "good-enough". Though the difference between a decently geared GEO and a fully geared GEO is pretty astronomical. All of the other jobs you listed have several mountains they must climb before they will be invited to events and some of those mountains are items obtained from said events.

SMN is a pretty interesting job but for events you may have to help heal quite a bit and you specifically said that is something you aren't interested in.

SCH does a variety of things, healing is one of them but they are useful for many things that aren't healing.

RNG, according to a lot of people here, actually isn't that bad. If you go with Guns/Crossbow Trueflight seems to be really strong with the right gear especially now that Reisenjima augments will give you MAB +AGI on all of the herculean pieces (Though a pain to get). I've also heard things about Bow RNG with Jishnu's Spam. There is a soft spot in my heart for RNG. It isn't my main but the class just has so much to love about it.

I actually have the same problem as you - I can't really decide what I want to main. I have the field pretty narrow but there are tons of jobs out there that interest me and focusing on one just seems painful. Remember to play the game for enjoyment and just level up whatever you want/need.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: freyavp
Posts: 83
By Asura.Iuno 2016-07-22 17:11:13  
how is corsair looking these days? thinking maybe a better choice than ranger, since i still get to use a gun.
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