[ Ballista / Brenner ] Is There Still Ppl In Unicorn That Are Interested?

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[ Ballista / Brenner ] Is there still ppl in Unicorn that are interested?
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: NoNameGod
Posts: 18
By Unicorn.Nonamegod 2009-09-12 05:48:11  
Hello, Everyone!

To all those reading this, I wonder how many of you enjoy PvP in FFXI...

I can't vouch for everyone, but personally, I love it. I always have fun playing with friends in events like Ballista and Brenner. It is not much about winning or losing, or even showing off gear / skill. It is just plain simple fun~ holding a great axe and chasing that poor little tarutaru whm; sneak attack and hide to assassinate the blm in the back; lullaby those DDs and dance around them; ... etc. evil, horrible deeds (which I shouldn't mention in the public forum)...

I know... 500gil and some experience point for an hour long party isn't much of a reward compare to the worst exp/merit party you ever join.
But once in a while, I would like to give those poor monster a break. (It is amazing that they aren't extinct already.)

I miss the old days where the Ballista is enjoy by everyone. I still remember my newbi PLD getting murder by RNG and BLM in a 20+ players ballista.
Now, it is lucky to see even 6 random people show up for an official run, so it can start.

Diorama - Ghelsba Outpost is an great improvement I guess. (although it cost ballista points which I eventually run out.)

Brenner is also an fun alternative, (If I can just learn how to turn those detector off.)

-------- That's a piece of my mind~ ---------

Here's the million dollar question:

Is there still anyone interested in big scale PvP events? LS ballista / or just official runs~

If you are interested, please leave a message or /tell in game.

feel free to share your thoughts below. Thank You and Enjoy!
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Garuda.Retin 2009-09-12 05:59:02
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Fenrir is still a ok ballista server afaik:) Unicorn; idk;
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1932
By Unicorn.Excesspain 2009-09-14 14:04:03  
No one does it on Unicorn I don't think.

At least I can't remember the last Ballista fight I have seen. My LS will Diorama every once in a while but that's about it.
サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Galactus
Posts: 550
By Diabolos.Sovereign 2009-09-14 14:56:32  
I always wanted to do some Ballista, but it's a dead event on Diabolos. Can't recall having EVER seen a match take place in the few years i've been on the server. Maybe I'm just never in the right zone at the right time, I dunno...
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: NoNameGod
Posts: 18
By Unicorn.Nonamegod 2009-09-30 03:01:42  
I'm going to start hosting Brenner/ Diorama - Ghelsba Outpost Event at Saturday Evening (EST).

If anyone are interested, please /tell in game. =)

Hope to see you there. Good luck and have fun!
サーバ: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Chster
Posts: 1251
By Titan.Chster 2009-09-30 03:05:59  
Titan still has ballista but only 75 caps and in jp times, so i have to stay up til 2am pst to play jugner forest then the next day i wake up at 7am for the next jugner
but its one of my favorite things to do in the game, hence my title
Only like a max of about 5 NA players still play on titan, if there was more NA attending I bet we could do 75 caps everyday
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [32 days between previous and next post]
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: NoNameGod
Posts: 18
By Unicorn.Nonamegod 2009-10-31 18:29:49  
(late post)

Halloween Linkshell Event:

{When?}: Brenner 9pm EST / 10am JST
{Where?}: Upper Jeuno

Style: Lv75 Uncap
- 1 vs 1 tournament
- nonameshell vs teams of challengers

- 50,000 Gil to winner of the 1v1 tournament
- special item for all members of the winning team in team VS.

Next event?
maybe next Saturday. /tell Nonamegod if you wish to join.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 213
By Fenrir.Parak 2009-10-31 18:43:06  
Yeah, Fenrir ballista is still going pretty strong. We have some SERIOUS ballista players. It's almost insane
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: NoNameGod
Posts: 18
By Unicorn.Nonamegod 2009-11-04 02:46:04  
(random thoughts)

I'm happy to know that posting here lead me to meet a few hardcore PvP players who are still fighting everyday in Unicorn.

They are specialize in Lv60 Cap fights. Everyone is very well gear and skill for that level. (As for their details, I will leave out at public thread. You'll know who they are once you face them in battle.)

Most of the battle I done are in uncap environment. So tonight, We did a test run for Level60 cap fight in Diorama.
( Needless to say, I was beaten to purple and black. =P )

Realizing how much I still have to improve, I got to rethink my battle plan and get some major skill up before the next encounter. (+.+)"
(guarding 120/200 I'm going to have to skill up the old fashion way~ )

After checking with NPC, Lv60 cap seems to be differ each day. It'll be troublesome getting a fix time for the events. But I'll leave that for tomorrow...

If anyone out there in Unicorn that are interested in Uncap or Lv60 PvP please /tell in game or feel free to leave a message~ thank you!


11/7/09 (Saturday Event 9pm EST) PvP event
I'm sorry guys~ I'm a bit under the weather today. the cold? the flu? (I hope not...) maybe I'm just tired after the midterms.

Please contact Finaldestiny /Nili / Joemanor for tonight's event.

Good Luck & Have Fun!
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: NoNameGod
Posts: 18
By Unicorn.Nonamegod 2009-11-27 04:10:57  
A friendly Open Challenge to Unicorn!

Time: 12/05/2009 (21:00 EST)(13:00 JST) *updated*
Location: Jeuno
Event: Diorama - Ghelsba Outpost
Reward: 250,000 Gil

I may have mention this before, a few friends and I are currently trying to revive Ballista in Unicorn. To get people interested in doing battle together~ what better way than some hands on experience!

We are offering 250k reward for any team that can defect us!
If you lose, come and try again. we won't charge you a single gil. =)

PvP will be Lv60 cap, and following Ballista Royal rules.
(why lvl60? for fairness and game balance.)

(side note)
to all those who came last time, thank you!
and I hope you enjoy play together!
Posts: 2
By Dake 2009-11-27 08:34:38  
hellz yea, sign me up on ur team, maybe SE should have the ballista tournament again. that was bad ***. ballista was my favorite thing to do in game, uncapped can suck, especially if ur fighting guys that have the uber rare gear that many just dream to get. 60 cap is nice because, well u can only get a certain cap in gear that almost everyone is able to get there hands on. plus lvl 60 cap is fun with rngs and sidewinder war and rampage pld and vorpal etc. either i would like to join ur LS for ballista, or maybe ill work on getting an LS together (team) so we can win that 250k lol. yea uncapped cant beat a pld even as rdm. but in 60cap, rdm pwns
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