5/5 empy is terribad, because you're likely not hitting 900.
And gimping yourself just to get a 25% chance at a free spell, dumb.
And that also ignores any +indi duration too.
The set bonus goes: 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%.
So just using two (namely head for skill and feet for indi-duration and set bonus proc), gives you a large boost to MP conservation.
So gear: skill to reach 900.
Then fill in indi-duration. Which is literally three pieces, one of them skill and FC so you're already using that. Empy feet to get 10% free bubbles, a boon even on geo-spells. And you can swap between different pant for indi- and geo- castings.
Then after that, fill in conserve MP.
Skill is the most important because that's the whole reason you're even there.
Chimerawizard's posted sets are good, but only apply to someone who has 1200 JP on GEO.
Though I would use empy head, body, and feet in both sets, since that's a rather robust 15% chance at a free spell.
But that's just personal taste.
And if you don't have the JPs, you're gonna need more gear to compensate.
Now you have multiple replies with depth.