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By Aeyela 2015-09-06 05:51:15  
Asura.Saevel said: »
I'm referring to nature, not actually saying reality is a living entity.

All life is the result of random mutations, themselves the result of cosmic radiation causing molecules to break and form new molecules. This was how the first single cell organists started to self organize. To this day that still happens.

My point was that it took a few billion years of trial and error for us to evolve higher order thinking.

Yes, we got that, you don't need to summarize evolution to us. We've clearly demonstrated our education on this topic, your disagreeing with our pretense doesn't make this any less the case.

We are a sentient species that has the technology and intelligence to make observations and ultimately learn from said trial and error. That is the key difference between us and 'mother nature'. We have intelligence and we're not simple random chance mutations taking billions of years to get anywhere. In saying "What is mother nature?", I was essentially dismissing your point as irrelevant. In the context you indulged in, mother nature is a whimsical, non-existent entity that neither proves your point or disproves mine. Why not bring up Jesus whilst you're at it, for all the substantial evidence that your mother nature example brings to the table. It has nothing to do with the topic, the post you quoted, nor the general discussion going on and only serves to prove you don't have anything more intelligent to contribute to this hypothetical discussion than to shoot down other people's suggestions with the feculent phrase "It'll never happen".

Rather than indulge yourself in this topic, you should use your clairvoyance to predict the next Lotto numbers.
Posts: 595
By charlo999 2015-09-06 05:53:02  
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Actually they proved it in a lab. Amino-acids self-assembled at the right conditions, one of which being the presence of water.
Not only that, but nucleic acids, lipids, they all formed through spontaneous means at the right's organic chemistry. Obviously it took forever to progress because enzymes didn't exist yet at the time, but as soon as RNA with its catalyctic function appeared that's probably when life as we call it began.

charlo999 said: »
I know I'll be waiting forever though as you give sweeping statements of fantasy.
Dude just open a book of genetics ffs, what do you want me to explain how mutations work? Positive mutations exist and are there for you to study, they come in the form of either a phenotype that is advantegeous or new proteins with better functions.
Example would require me to know which mutations occur by which of the many methods that exist(and that are different for example in bacteria from us), that would be a great strawman to latch onto cause I'm not a geneticist(and I bet you will latch onto it). But the concept exists: there are negative, neutral and positive mutations(lactose tolerance, AIDS resistance, immunity to certain radiations, and many more..). Mutation isn't synonym of bad. It never was, never will.

Now, I intend to keep this thread clean, therefore if you have nothing to say about the topic of AI or evolution of robotics please stop posting.

Your reaching. Here why don't you read some information about biology. You seem to want to pick and choose your facts.

Evolution Hopes You Don't Know Chemistry: The Problem with Chirality
by Charles McCombs, Ph.D. *
Download PDFDownload Evolution Hopes You Don't Know Chemistry: The Problem with Chirality

When the newspaper headline, "Life in a Test-tube," appeared in 1953, the evolutionary community became very excited because they viewed the work of Stanley Miller and Harold Urey as scientific proof that life could have been formed from chemicals by random chance natural processes. In that classic experiment, Miller and Urey combined a mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water vapor and passed the mixture through an electric discharge to simulate lightning. At the end of the experiment, the products were found to contain a few amino acids. Since amino acids are the individual links of long chain polymers called proteins, and proteins are important in our bodies, newspapers quickly reported there was laboratory evidence that now proved life came from chemicals.

As a Ph.D. Organic Chemist, I have to admit that the formation of amino acids under these conditions is fascinating, but there is a major problem. Life was never formed in that experiment. The product was amino acids, which are normal everyday chemicals that do not "live." Even unto this day, there is no known process that has ever converted amino acids into a life form, but this fact does not stop evolutionists from claiming that this experiment is proof that life came from chemicals. Evolutionists know that amino acids do not live, but they call this proof anyway because they claim that amino acids are the building blocks of life. This claim suggests that if enough building blocks are present, life would result, but this conclusion is only an assumption and has never been demonstrated. Amino acids may be the building blocks of proteins, and proteins are necessary for life, but that does not mean that amino acids are the building blocks of life. I could go to an auto parts store and buy every single part to construct a car, but that does not provide me with a functioning motor vehicle. Just as there had to be an assembler to make a moving vehicle from those auto parts, there had to be an assembler of those amino acids to make the proteins so that life could exist in our bodies.

Ever since 1953, scientists have been asking if the formation of amino acids in those experiments proves the claim that life came from chemicals? Many have debated if this experiment validates evolution or does the evidence point to an Omnipotent Creator? For 50 years, scientists have been asking questions; for 50 years, the discussion ends in debate. Call it professional curiosity, but as a scientist, I always wondered why there are more debates on this issue than discussion of the facts. Then I realized that a discussion of the facts would inevitably lead to a discussion of the subject of chirality. Chirality is probably one of the best scientific evidences we have against random chance evolution and chirality totally destroys the claim that life came from chemicals. Obviously, this is one fact they do not even want to discuss.

Chirality is a chemical term that means handedness. Although two chemical molecules may appear to have the same elements and similar properties, they can still have different structures. When two molecules appear identical and their structures differ only by being mirror images of each other, those molecules are said to have chirality. Your left and right hands illustrate chirality. Your hands may appear to be identical, but in reality, they are only mirror images of each other, hence the term handedness. For this reason, chirality can exist as a right-handed or a left-handed molecule, and each individual molecule is called an optical isomer.

What is the problem of chirality? In our bodies, proteins and DNA possess a unique 3-dimensional shape, and it is because of this 3D shape that the biochemical processes within our bodies work as they do. It is chirality that provides the unique shape for proteins and DNA, and without chirality, the biochemical processes in our bodies would not do their job. In our body, every single amino acid of every protein is found with the same left-handed chirality. Although Miller and Urey formed amino acids in their experiments, all the amino acids that formed lacked chirality. It is a universally accepted fact of chemistry that chirality cannot be created in chemical molecules by a random process. When a random chemical reaction is used to prepare molecules having chirality, there is an equal opportunity to prepare the left-handed isomer as well as the right-handed isomer. It is a scientifically verifiable fact that a random chance process, which forms a chiral product, can only be a 50/50 mixture of the two optical isomers. There are no exceptions. Chirality is a property that only a few scientists would even recognize as a problem. The fact that chirality was missing in those amino acids is not just a problem to be debated, it points to a catastrophic failure that "life" cannot come from chemicals by natural processes.

Let's look at chirality in proteins and DNA. Proteins are polymers of amino acids and each one of the component amino acids exists as the "L" or left-handed optical isomer. Even though the "R" or right-handed optical isomers can be synthesized in the lab, this isomer does not exist in natural proteins. The DNA molecule is made up of billions of complicated chemical molecules called nucleotides, and these nucleotide molecules exist as the "R" or right-handed optical isomer. The "L" isomer of nucleotides can be prepared in the lab, but they do not exist in natural DNA. There is no way that a random chance process could have formed these proteins and DNA with their unique chirality.

If proteins and DNA were formed by chance, each and every one of the components would be a 50/50 mixture of the two optical isomers. This is not what we see in natural proteins or in natural DNA. How can a random chance natural process create proteins with thousands of "L" molecules, and then also create DNA with billions of "R" molecules? Does this sound like random chance or a product of design? Even if there were a magic process to introduce chirality, it would only create one isomer. If such a process existed, we do not know anything about it or how it would work. If it did exist, how were compounds with the other chirality ever formed? Even if there were two magical processes, one for each isomer, what determined which process was used and when it was used, if this was a random chance natural process? The idea of two processes requires a controlling mechanism, and this kind of control is not possible in a random chance natural process.

However, the problem with chirality goes even deeper. As nucleotide molecules come together to form the structure of DNA, they develop a twist that forms the double helix structure of DNA. DNA develops a twist in the chain because each component contains chirality or handedness. It is this handedness that gives DNA the spiral shaped helical structure. If one molecule in the DNA structure had the wrong chirality, DNA would not exist in the double helix form, and DNA would not function properly. The entire replication process would be derailed like a train on bad railroad tracks. In order for DNA evolution to work, billions of molecules within our body would have to be generated with the "R" configuration all at the same time, without error. If it is impossible for one nucleotide to be formed with chirality, how much less likely would it be for billions of nucleotides to come together exactly at the same time, and all of them be formed with the same chirality? If evolution cannot provide a mechanism that forms one product with chirality, how can it explain the formation of two products of opposite chirality?

Chirality is not just a major problem for evolution; it is a dilemma. According to evolution, natural processes must explain everything over long periods of time. However, the process that forms chirality cannot be explained by natural science in any amount of time. That is the dilemma, either natural processes cannot explain everything, or chirality doesn't exist.

If you're in doubt as to which is correct, you are a living example of the reality of chirality. Without chirality, proteins and enzymes could not do their job; DNA could not function at all. Without properly functioning proteins and DNA, there would be no life on this earth. The reality of chirality, more than any other evidence, did more to convince me of the reality of an all-powerful Creator. I hope it will do the same for you.

I find it interesting that when creationists start talking about God's supernatural creation, evolutionists usually counter by saying that everything must be explained by natural science and divine intervention is not science. I find this remark extremely amusing. When we show them that the laws of natural science cannot explain the existence of chirality, evolutionists say that the process happened a long time ago by some unknown method that they cannot explain. Now who's relying on a supernatural explanation? Although they would never call it divine intervention, they certainly are relying on faith and not on scientific facts. Evolution just hopes you don't know chemistry.

There is another problem with DNA and how it works in the human body. As part of the normal replication process for DNA, an enzyme travels down the DNA strand so that a copy strand of DNA can be produced. As the enzyme reads the sequence of molecules along the strand, and if an incorrect nucleotide is detected in the strand, there is a mechanism that uses other enzymes to cut out the bad nucleotide and insert the correct one, thus repairing the DNA.

Let's look at DNA and this repair mechanism, if indeed they were formed from random chance natural processes. If the repair mechanism evolved first, what use is a repair mechanism if DNA has not evolved yet? If DNA evolved first, how would the DNA even know it would be better off with a repair mechanism? Can molecules think? DNA is not a stable chemical molecule, and without a repair mechanism, it would easily deteriorate by chemical oxidation and other processes. There is no mechanism to explain how DNA could exist for millions of years while the repair mechanism evolved. DNA would just decompose back into pond scum before the alleged billions of random chance mutations could ever form the repair mechanism.

Once we realize that design does not happen by chance, then we realize that the entire universe is not the product of a random, chance process; it is the result of an omnipotent Creator who created everything by just His Word. I hope you are beginning to see the problem. Evolution can give you a theory that might on the surface seem possible, but when true science gets involved and scientists start asking questions, the problems and false logic of the theory become apparent. This is why evolution just hopes you don't know chemistry.

* Dr. Charles McCombs is a Ph.D. Organic Chemist trained in the methods of scientific investigation, and a scientist who has 20 chemical patents.

And I didn't say all mutations are bad. Stop putting words in my mouth. I said mutations only use information that's available and break it. Sometimes this break is bad sometimes it's benificial in adapting to the environment. Which is demonstrated in the examples you gave.
But it never gives new usable unique traits that evolution needs.
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サーバ: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-09-06 06:15:26  
Does it feel good to link the article of a creationist?
There was an interesting article about chirality on a mag I read last month, but I threw it away as I don't like hoarding so I can't find who wrote it to post it online.

Either way, please, creationism has no place in this thread(or in humanity for that matter). If you want to talk abuot that crap make your own thread in the religion subsection.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2015-09-06 08:33:59  
Needs more Philosophy and less religion.
Posts: 595
By charlo999 2015-09-06 08:46:36  
Read a mag. Thought you said this was your field?
Throw away facts that prove evolution impossible because it doesn't suit your bias. Ok
You have now turned away from factual science into make believe.
If the information can only be interpreted Two ways where do you expect people to go?

Also if you read it properly you will find that this evidence is what changed this mans mind over this issue. He was in the same camp as you before hand. So to cry 'creationist' doesn't really work. The only difference is he is level minded enough to see the reality of the evidence. You seem unable to, using forced ignorance for personal reasons.

The design is impossible not to see unless you force blindness in yourself through emotion.
This is more to do with your own hang ups and feelings based on misinformation and lack of understanding, and not about real science.

Unfortunately you've now backed yourself into a corner of, 'if it doesn't agree with my view I'm going to disregard it' fingers in ears. Making a rational/logical debate impossible.
Oh well good luck to you.
And be less angry, your alive aren't you?
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サーバ: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-09-06 08:48:51  
charlo999 said: »
facts that prove evolution impossible

edit: I see you edit posts after people respond to you. Either way I already know what chirality is, what I read was the specific study about the why so many molecules developed as lefthanded.
サーバ: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-09-06 09:41:50  
Why don't you just have him topic banned? Clearly will never contribute anything to the discussion
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Leneth 2015-09-06 11:41:59  
charlo999 said: »
Thought you said this was your field?
Your quoted Charles McCombs, who ,contrary to your statement, delivered only absence of research progress as proof, should read up Reza Ghadiri's discovery in 2001.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-09-06 11:46:44  
I have to wonder when an article became factual evidence.

I mean, most articles are lightly peppered with facts, or ideas/theories that are used to support an opinion. Scientific Journals are lightly peppered with opinions that are based off of tangible results.

Mutations don't cause information to break. Adaptation and mutations are caused by a series of changes in information processing, which is the basis of creating an interactive AI (which does exist to a certain extent already). Your genetic code stores and processes generations of information - most of which is utilized as beneficial, though through a communication error, can result in detrimental effects.

This is why there are recessive and dominant genes. A series of information exchanges, be it neutral, positive, or negative, will determine a lot of natural physical traits. Arguably certain mental/psychological traits as well.

Facts that evolution is impossible? None exist. Because every species goes through some kind of generational change which generates change out of necessity or by design as a whole. Sometimes humans will step in and speed up the process, such as with hybrid animals - and guess what, that's evolution in progress that we can see often times in less than 2 generations, and that's just with animals likes cats, dogs, horses, cattle, etc.

When two types of animals co-mingle and reproduce, a new type is born with the different traits of both parents to create the desired animal that exhibits the best parental traits in a single unit.

Edit: That's just a few examples of introducing or passing along new information to increase survivability, and quick adaptation for stronger offspring.
Posts: 595
By charlo999 2015-09-06 12:36:08  
This self replicating peptides created in artificial conditions that can't sustain themselves?
That also suffers from the problem given above.
サーバ: Bahamut
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user: Soraishin
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By Bahamut.Soraishin 2015-09-06 12:45:38  
I'm sure there's a creation vs evolution thread somewhere on this site, but can we get back to A.I. plz I was enjoying page 1 thru 2 then 3 turned to dookie.
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サーバ: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-09-06 12:56:12  
Yes, further disruption will be reported and people will be removed if necessary.
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2015-09-07 07:02:24  
It's never happened and doesn't happen to this day. Which is why there is a debate at all. They are still trying desperately to prove it.
Point is if you had all the elements in the world flying about crashing into each other for an infinite amount of time they are never going to assemble into complex systems that have a language, means to read said language and other systems being able to use that language to build and power life. These different cogs to the wheel all needing each other at the same time for the other to exist. Not only that these different parts also need the will/purpose to carry these tasks out anyway.
It's so far from logic it's laughable. And you need to be honest with yourself step back and see just how ridiculous it is.

Umm yes this did happen. Was experimentally proven even. Take the right chemistry with the required elements being present and two extremely important conditions.

Firstly, you can't have free oxygen roaming around. It impairs the process. When life first started on our planet, out atmosphere didn't have much free Oxygen yet. Secondly you need radiation and lots of it. Right now we have an ozone later in our atmosphere that blocks out most of the remaining gamma radiation from the sun that isn't already blocked by the magnetic shield, but during the genesis of life that Ozone layer didn't exist.

Random gamma rays will strike these organic molecules and the resulting energy input will cause them to react with others to form the building blocks of life. This happens often enough you get RNA forming. Most of these RNA formations will fail, but it only takes a few succeeding in order to kickstart evolution. Our planet is 4.7 billion years old, life started happening about 500 million years after it's formation. Things were much different back then and it took a very long time to create intelligence.

Anyhow us trying to create intelligence through programming is going to take giant leaps in computer design. We need to get off binary true / false logic since that's just too limiting. We also need to be extremely careful about reproducing the human thought process since we have a subconscious that acts like a governor and regulates our thinking. People who's governors are broke are known as clinical sociopaths an the last thing we need is sociopathic computers making decisions.
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2015-09-07 07:25:16  
IDK if anyone else here is a hard core scifi nut, but that author I referenced, Ian Douglas, really goes into this.

In the Star Carrier series, humans had evolved their technology to the point where virtually everyone in society had an implant AI in their heads. Nanotechnology enabled them to make this extremely small computers that are then connected to the brain-stem and allow virtual interface with the human. Almost all interaction in society took place in virtual calls and conferences in the head, we would still physically meet but that was often taken as a courtesy or extravagance. People would speak with words but also idea's, capable of sending entire volumes of data to be sent from one head to another, and these computers could analyze the data and put them directly into the memory. Basically "I Know KungFu". Now the computers couldn't create instinctual memory, so there is still a need for job specific training to that extend.

What is really cool is how he portrayed space combat, absolutely nothing like we think of it today. Since space is so vast, and communication limited to the speed of light, you end up fighting at such speeds that there is simply no way for a human to react fast enough. Instead the human creates a strike plan / battle plan and gives it to the AI, and then when the interceptor craft is within range it executes the program. Everything is controlled by AI since it's impossible for a human to process that much information simultaneously. The human is just there as a giant random number generator since their instincts and intuition enable them to come up with ideas and battle plans that the computer might not arrive at.

Then we get into Personal Assistant's. That built in computer can also act as a virtual avatar to take calls when the human is busy doing something else. It can schedule meetings and conduct limited conversation with other people, often without them knowing they are talking to a virtual avatar instead of the real person. It becomes an extension of that human, as integral and important as another arm or eye would be.
Posts: 595
By charlo999 2015-09-08 07:47:39  
Asura.Saevel said: »
It's never happened and doesn't happen to this day. Which is why there is a debate at all. They are still trying desperately to prove it.
Point is if you had all the elements in the world flying about crashing into each other for an infinite amount of time they are never going to assemble into complex systems that have a language, means to read said language and other systems being able to use that language to build and power life. These different cogs to the wheel all needing each other at the same time for the other to exist. Not only that these different parts also need the will/purpose to carry these tasks out anyway.
It's so far from logic it's laughable. And you need to be honest with yourself step back and see just how ridiculous it is.

Umm yes this did happen. Was experimentally proven even. Take the right chemistry with the required elements being present and two extremely important conditions.

Firstly, you can't have free oxygen roaming around. It impairs the process. When life first started on our planet, out atmosphere didn't have much free Oxygen yet. Secondly you need radiation and lots of it. Right now we have an ozone later in our atmosphere that blocks out most of the remaining gamma radiation from the sun that isn't already blocked by the magnetic shield, but during the genesis of life that Ozone layer didn't exist.

Random gamma rays will strike these organic molecules and the resulting energy input will cause them to react with others to form the building blocks of life. This happens often enough you get RNA forming. Most of these RNA formations will fail, but it only takes a few succeeding in order to kickstart evolution. Our planet is 4.7 billion years old, life started happening about 500 million years after it's formation. Things were much different back then and it took a very long time to create intelligence.

Anyhow us trying to create intelligence through programming is going to take giant leaps in computer design. We need to get off binary true / false logic since that's just too limiting. We also need to be extremely careful about reproducing the human thought process since we have a subconscious that acts like a governor and regulates our thinking. People who's governors are broke are known as clinical sociopaths an the last thing we need is sociopathic computers making decisions.

There have been no experiments that contain only left
handedness which is the point. Any experiments without this, scientifically, don't prove anything.

I'm not trying to derail the topic ether. Genetics and AI are very similar in application of information. Which is fundemental in understanding the flaws.
I bring up evolution in this topic because it suffers exactly the same flaws at its premise as AI.
You start with a base of information. That information then gets interpreted into a command. Evolution suffers here because although it can answer by explaining how different information can arise by mutation of the base information, that can cause random information based on a swap or deletion in the language(because it still limited to only using that language). It can't explain how down the line this can be read and understood and executed to form something absolutely new. The interpreter has be be able to know what the language means. A comupter works the same. If it can't understand then it's not going to do anything.
If I commanded you (only using the letters of the English alphabet) to 'surikgifi idfjsjaur jdkfbt'. Only knowing English how would that create a new command.
Or even more simplistic if I asked you to draw a 'triangle' you could. Now let's swap one letter. Build a 'griangle'. Theres no development only a nonsensical command. Unless there's intelligence to give it a meaning and function.
Never mind the intellenence to cone up with the language and give it meaning in the first place
But most of all, at the core, the various parts needs the purpose/will to do so in the first place.
Being able to build the foundations of a cell doesn't give it the will/purpose to do it. Even assembled perfectly. Nateral selection describes this but can't explain it. The will to live.

AI suffers this problem too.
Saevels problem in this understanding is that he thinks free will can just be expressed in more end chain commands in between 0 and 1. Ie; 0.1 0.2 0.3 etc.
But this can already be achieved with multiple flow link chains using just 0 and 1.
What is needed is the execution point to be able to go outside any limiting factors. And not only that, but a purpose/will to do so.

The so called breath of life.
It lives outside any information or chemical reaction.
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-09-08 09:05:20  
Asura.Saevel said: »
Then we get into Personal Assistant's.
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サーバ: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-09-08 09:07:45  
charlo999 said: »
It can't explain how down the line this can be read and understood and executed to form something absolutely new. The interpreter has be be able to know what the language means
charlo999 said: »
If I commanded you (only using the letters of the English alphabet) to 'surikgifi idfjsjaur jdkfbt'. Only knowing English how would that create a new command.
Or even more simplistic if I asked you to draw a 'triangle' you could. Now let's swap one letter. Build a 'griangle'. Theres no development only a nonsensical command. Unless there's intelligence to give it a meaning and function.
J *** C, that's not how proteins work, so you can stop using it as a reference for the discussion about computers.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2015-09-08 09:57:45  
Side tangent a bit:

I'm still perplexed by the ethics of possibly one day digitizing one's brain, say a paraplegic and put them in a digital world.

but more of the permanent type.

Posts: 595
By charlo999 2015-09-08 10:06:09  
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
charlo999 said: »
It can't explain how down the line this can be read and understood and executed to form something absolutely new. The interpreter has be be able to know what the language means
charlo999 said: »
If I commanded you (only using the letters of the English alphabet) to 'surikgifi idfjsjaur jdkfbt'. Only knowing English how would that create a new command.
Or even more simplistic if I asked you to draw a 'triangle' you could. Now let's swap one letter. Build a 'griangle'. Theres no development only a nonsensical command. Unless there's intelligence to give it a meaning and function.
J *** C, that's not how proteins work, so you can stop using it as a reference for the discussion about computers.

So data from the DNA isn't taken through a chain of sequences that involve other parts and systems, that need to interpret the data and are separate from the DNA source to produce proteins?
Please inform me of this other version of biology you seem to be following then.
It's exactly like computer at core. Data > read/interpret(computer gate) > command/execution that turns into data and looped on multiple stages.
You have all these different parts of the machine that apparently randomly formed separately through chemical reaction, but can understand and interpret each other, need each other to even function at the most basic level then have some sort of magic will/purpose to carry out the tasks they all do. It's nuts.
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サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-09-08 10:06:55  
Not in this thread.
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サーバ: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-09-15 10:50:17  
Taking a quote from another thread as excuse to bump this

Ramyrez said: »
Which means they programmed it knowing damn well people would try to pick her up.

Which is all sorts of disturbing on all kinds of levels, but also very expected.
yet right here you liked this post

Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
if we do give em complex personalities and the ability to empathize with humans, then people might fall in love with them, which is an ethical problem.
Why is this an ethical problem and what's wrong with it?
Enlighten us on your stance mr. Ramyrez.
サーバ: Fenrir
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user: Temptaru
Posts: 1665
By Fenrir.Atheryn 2015-09-15 11:28:44  
Speaking of love bots:

By 2015-09-15 11:30:21
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サーバ: Bahamut
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user: Soraishin
Posts: 1155
By Bahamut.Soraishin 2015-09-15 11:45:16  
Asura.Floppyseconds said: »

People already love irrationally unethically.

I mean, look at me.

Who's your unethical irrational love interest?
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2015-09-15 12:17:07  
You don't want to... too late.
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サーバ: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-09-24 06:30:56  
First part is a bit funny, second part though is interesting and relates to the topic of loving robots we spoke about before already
A Japanese-based company Softbank, which has created Pepper the robot, has forced customers to sign a document forbidding its owners from using the humanoid for sexual purposes, as well as creating sexy apps.

Even after having paid nearly $2,000 US dollars for the robot, users may have to return Pepper to its makers should they get too personal with the emotional artificial being.

The clause reads that Pepper must not be used “for sexual activity and actions for the purpose of indecent acts, or acts for the purpose of meeting and dating and making acquaintance of the opposite sex.”

Incidentally the child-sized robot has already fallen victim to a hacker prank receiving a pair of virtual breasts on its touch screen. The female developer who reprogrammed the robot to shake its hips and moan when its “breasts” are touched and called it Peppai – a mix of the brand name and Japanese word for breasts “oopai” – said she has done it “for the purpose of testing sexual harassment”.

Pepper has been created by Aldebaran Robotics and Softbank Mobile, one of the largest mobile phone operators in Japan. It is already greeting and interacting with customers in stores.

Pepper is now available for use at home, though people have found that communication is really her only asset, as her domestic skills, such as cleaning or cooking are severely lacking.

“Pepper is a social robot able to converse with you, recognize and react to your emotions, move and live autonomously,” the developer’s website states.

Experts warn that with creations that are more advanced than Pepper, humanity will enter an entirely new territory regarding ethics and legal issues.

“Soon there will be realistic humanoid robots with AI [artificial intelligence],” Professor Adrian David Cheok, who teaches Robotics at the London City University, told the Daily Mail.

“For example, does sex with a robot, when you are married, mean you are cheating?’, he stated.

Cheok believes it is pointless to try and stop humans from falling in love with robots and claims that 60 per cent of people could in fact love an artificial being.

He told the Daily Mail that “We can fall in love with robots and we will think it is alive because we have that empathy that is often extended to non-human things like animals and even teddy bears.”

While SoftBank has banned its customers from any kind of sexual interaction with Pepper, it is believed a whole new generation of robots that will be designed specifically for sexual purposes.

“Sex robots seem to be a growing focus in the robotics industry and the models that they draw on, how they will look, what roles they would play, are very disturbing indeed,” robot ethicist Dr. Kathleen Richardson told the BBC.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Zeig
Posts: 1598
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2015-09-24 06:41:36  
I read that yesterday and thought about posting it here, lol.

This article is better than the one I read though (CNET).
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Temptaru
Posts: 1665
By Fenrir.Atheryn 2015-09-24 15:48:13  
They should just program Pepper to say "Not tonight, I have a headache", and voila - problem solved.
By 2015-09-24 15:54:36
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サーバ: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-09-24 15:56:15  
Josiahkf said: »
Not necessarily. If you can upload memories and also scan behavioural patterns then the machine will easily keep on acting like the real you.
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