Trump Talk™ |
Trump Talk™
fonewear said: » I ain't even mad at Trump he tells the truth. Sure he is crazy as *** but maybe that is what the country needs. Crazy as *** I can deal with. It's "rich greedy ***" part I take issue with. Yea but greed is what makes America works.
Q. "How would you deal with a cyber attack?"
A. "Well our navy is smaller and we have x amount of combat ready B-52's." Good answer. I think Trump the person isn't the same as Trump the Presidential candidate.
Ramyrez said: » It's "rich greedy ***" part I take issue with. You also don't know Trump's real personality. I say real personality because cameras will make a person do the stupidest ***. Hmm... so, apparently there was another debate earlier for the candidates that didn't get a spot in the 10. I barely even know who Carly Fiorina is, but apparently she destroyed everyone else. Might be someone to keep an eye on going forward.
The Republican core establishment really hates him. They won't flat out cut him off but they are doing their best to make sure he doesn't win the nomination. They didn't even give much effort to that fake *** "panel" that had such negative things to say about him. I wouldn't be surprised if they were holding little cards telling them what to do or say.
This is gonna get fun. They clearly don't know how to handle someone who has nothing to lose. The type of "gotcha" moments that would destroy other candidates are lost in the fact that he's Donald Trump and he just doesn't care.
Bahamut.Ravael said: » They clearly don't know how to handle someone who has nothing to lose. The type of "gotcha" moments that would destroy other candidates are lost in the fact that he's Donald Trump and he just doesn't care. What gets me is the sheer amount of institutional effort being made to discredit / tarnish him. That type of stuff might work on old people sitting at home swearing by Fox News, but it's so damn transparent to everyone else. They've only served to increase his popularity. The coached, orchestrated fake "Focus Group" is just mind bending. It really makes you wonder what hidden favors / instructions are being given to the institutionally supported candidates. Bahamut.Ravael said: » Hmm... so, apparently there was another debate earlier for the candidates that didn't get a spot in the 10. I barely even know who Carly Fiorina is, but apparently she destroyed everyone else. Might be someone to keep an eye on going forward. She was fired. Carly Fiorina From Wikipedia While I would like to see a woman on the GoP ticket, this particular one should be nowhere near it. I can hear glad Democratic cries of "Look! Its a Republican job creator!" When Trump is elected he will give Carly a job !
I wonder how many people are gonna vote for Trump simply out of irresistible curiousity of what would happen if he actually becomes president.
Ratings were off the charts:
Quote: A whopping 24 million watched the debate from 9 p.m. ET to just past 11 p.m. ET. FNC drew 7.9 million in the A25-54 demo. That's Trump. This is a huge win for him. The debate was pretty lame, i don't know why I expected something different.
Regardless, I hope to see this next year we're headed down this road anyway, might as well.... Asura.Kingnobody said: » Ramyrez said: » It's "rich greedy ***" part I take issue with. You also don't know Trump's real personality. I say real personality because cameras will make a person do the stupidest ***. There are plenty of rich people that aren't greedy as all get out. He isn't one of them and the way he treats his employees -- and, incidentally, abandons them -- is proof enough of that. Who cares about his real personality if it doesn't show through in his actions? If he treats this country like his businesses it would be a matter of him squeezing the country for all he can get out of it and then leaving it in a lurch. The whole thing is just odd. I've been checking out polls on who people thought won the debate. Obviously they're not "scientific", but it seems the about 50% of responders think that Trump won, usually with Rubio in second place at around 10-12%. How often is it that a candidate gets actively booed and still pulls off a huge win in the eyes of the public?
Bahamut.Ravael said: » The whole thing is just odd. I've been checking out polls on who people thought won the debate. Obviously they're not "scientific", but it seems the about 50% of responders think that Trump won, usually with Rubio in second place at around 10-12%. How often is it that a candidate gets actively booed and still pulls off a huge win in the eyes of the public? All I can think is that they're voluntary polls or something with people who like him actively seeking to vote. That or they're asking people not so much who they like, but simply who they think came out on top. That or the rest of the Republican field is just that *** weak. I mean, I don't like the guy at all, but he clearly won the debate. He's made himself a living avatar of narcissism. I think it's because people can relate to his personality to be honest. He doesn't hide behind words and tells it like it is. As a candidate w/ no governing experience people already knew he wasn't a politician so they never expected him to be politically correct from the start and seeing him go in on Megyn Kelly prob helped his case as well.
Soraishin said: » He doesn't hide behind words and tells it like it is. He tells it as he sees it. There's a difference. Sometimes it is like it is, and sometimes he's a ![]() Well, if you know any politicians that aren't mostly separated from reality, make them known.
Bahamut.Ravael said: » Well, if you know any politicians that aren't mostly separated from reality, make them known. That's really not much of a defense. I guess I just feel like while, yes, he might be a breath of fresh air in his seeming honesty, I think he's still a terrible candidate. That's your choice no doubt, is he perfect? Far from it. Is he going to make everything better again in the sense it was better at some point to begin with? Not a chance. Is he better than the rest of the politicians who plan to get in office and do nothing they promise? Absolutely.
The Trump drinking game. Every time he mentions how he can a better deal, take a shot.
Valefor.Sehachan said: » I wonder how many people are gonna vote for Trump simply out of irresistible curiousity of what would happen if he actually becomes president. Trump fever is real. I understand why he's popular, but I waffle on if he's really just a troll/plant or not. Currently I'm split on if donating to liberals (and conservatives) is something that just comes along with being a billion dollar guy, buying immunity from political targeting and whatnot, or if it's really signals some secret agenda. Either way I can't imagine voting for Bush or Clinton over Trump. Asura.Saevel said: » The Republican core establishment really hates him. They won't flat out cut him off but they are doing their best to make sure he doesn't win the nomination. They didn't even give much effort to that fake *** "panel" that had such negative things to say about him. I wouldn't be surprised if they were holding little cards telling them what to do or say. This is gonna get fun. Do you think it's the real deal or is he just a plant from the Clintons? Ramyrez said: » Bahamut.Ravael said: » The whole thing is just odd. I've been checking out polls on who people thought won the debate. Obviously they're not "scientific", but it seems the about 50% of responders think that Trump won, usually with Rubio in second place at around 10-12%. How often is it that a candidate gets actively booed and still pulls off a huge win in the eyes of the public? All I can think is that they're voluntary polls or something with people who like him actively seeking to vote. That or they're asking people not so much who they like, but simply who they think came out on top. That or the rest of the Republican field is just that *** weak. I mean, I don't like the guy at all, but he clearly won the debate. He's made himself a living avatar of narcissism. I'd go with 50% of respondents have never participated in an actual debate and conflate theatrics with persuasive arguments. Ragnarok.Nausi said: » Valefor.Sehachan said: » I wonder how many people are gonna vote for Trump simply out of irresistible curiousity of what would happen if he actually becomes president. Trump fever is real. I understand why he's popular, but I waffle on if he's really just a troll/plant or not. Currently I'm split on if donating to liberals (and conservatives) is something that just comes along with being a billion dollar guy, buying immunity from political targeting and whatnot, or if it's really signals some secret agenda. Either way I can't imagine voting for Bush or Clinton over Trump. It goes with the territory, he flat out told everyone during the debate that he buys politicians so that they owe him favors in the future. He was like "I donate to them and later if I need something they are there for me". Everyone does this and all career politicians are "bought" because it's virtually impossible to advance their careers without doing so. There are previous few politicians that don't owe big favors to people, and those are usually sidelined or carefully handled. You guys have got to understand by now that Trump is playing a madman's game, he's basically challenging the shadow government that runs the political establishment and making all his moves extremely public. They can't shut him down out of fear of openly exposing their own existence to the public in a manor that would incite that same public to expel them. I don't know if he'll win but by god's it's an insane thing to try. Though to be frank, only someone with as bizarre and open a personality as Donald Trump would have a snowballs chance in hell of beating those power brokers and deal makers. Anyone who watched that "debate" could instantly see how hostile the moderates were towards Trump, they were obviously under orders to make him look bad and beat him on national TV. He handled it masterfully by not playing by their rules, instead he just said what he wanted to say and ignored the baits and traps. Ragnarok.Nausi said: » Valefor.Sehachan said: » I wonder how many people are gonna vote for Trump simply out of irresistible curiousity of what would happen if he actually becomes president. Either way I can't imagine voting for Bush or Clinton over Trump. Its like buttering your toast on both sides. When it hits the floor it will always land butter side up. Its |
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