FFVII Remake... It's Official! (Discussion)

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FFVII Remake... It's official! (Discussion)
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サーバ: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Erics 2015-12-05 14:43:06  
I played through it when it came out but ive forgotten almost everything about it since then, its hard for me to get immersed in handhelds anymore. I cant even finish pokemon games without losing interest near endgame, beyond gen 3. So maybe it was a good game but i cant remember anything about it. Aside from doing squats.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 95
By Asura.Omnijuggernaut 2015-12-05 14:43:58  
Phoenix.Erics said: »
if they turn it into some always fighting *** it wont really feel like ff7.
They did.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
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By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-12-05 14:44:41  
It'll probably be like 12/13/15 in that you can see the enemies and avoid them if you want
サーバ: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
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By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-12-05 14:52:20  
Well if this is the future of Final Fantasy games then I hope a remake of VI turns out be an RTS style game.
サーバ: Cerberus
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user: Kylos
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2015-12-05 15:07:18  
For anyone crying over the battle system "not being turn-based", please just get over it already. I also wanted turn-based, but I also knew how difficult it would be to implement in a modern game. After seeing the trailer (and tearing up), I suddenly didn't care how the battle system is, all I care about is the fact they are remaking it for us; they didn't have to remake anything.

No one played FFVII and told their friends it has the best battle system of any game ever, they told their friends how VISUALLY and AUDIBLY awesome it was. C'mon guys .. we are Final Fantasy fans, we should be applauding this, not nitpicking the action. Personally the old FFVII is way too slow for younger gamers, I have a friend who is 20 (and I'm 28, so big difference), and he always has a *** for FFX and FFXII, and I tried so hard to get him to play FFVII, but the fact it looks and plays like such an outdated game (it would be like my Dad trying to get me to clear an Atari game), he never got into it. He didn't even know how to run, he essentially walked to the first boss and died.

That's how games are now, I accept that, and I hate change. I'm hoping this remake gives younger Final Fantasy fans a chance to experience how great the story and characters were, and perhaps they will play the original to see how it changed. I'm always going to love FFVII, Advent Children, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, anything FFVII related is gold, and FFVII easily beats any other FF because of the story, the music, and the characters, NOT because the battle system was turn-based.
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サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2015-12-05 15:19:50  
my problem is how they characterized Cloud in the trailer

Cloud is not a badass in FF7
he's weak
he's a dorky goober

maybe it's a fluke, but I hope they don't give Cloud the Advent Children treatment for this game.
サーバ: Excalibur
user: Enternius
Posts: 81
By Owari Monogatari 2015-12-05 15:25:30  
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
my problem is how they characterized Cloud in the trailer
The heck are you talking about? The first 3/4 of it was "Look How Cool This Character Is: The Game". He's an ex-mercenary that's too jaded to care about what happens to the world anymore. It's every action movie hero.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2015-12-05 15:27:20  
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
my problem is how they characterized Cloud in the trailer

Cloud is not a badass in FF7
he's weak
he's a dorky goober

maybe it's a fluke, but I hope they don't give Cloud the Advent Children treatment for this game.

If you know the story (SPOILERS)
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サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2015-12-05 15:38:58  
Owari Monogatari said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
my problem is how they characterized Cloud in the trailer
The heck are you talking about? The first 3/4 of it was "Look How Cool This Character Is: The Game". He's an ex-mercenary that's too jaded to care about what happens to the world anymore. It's every action movie hero.

Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
my problem is how they characterized Cloud in the trailer

Cloud is not a badass in FF7
he's weak
he's a dorky goober

maybe it's a fluke, but I hope they don't give Cloud the Advent Children treatment for this game.

If you know the story (SPOILERS)

Yes I've played the game and I don't disagree with that synopsis

but Cloud in the first three quarters of the game is way different from Cloud in Advent Children

I'm worried that they'll portray him as Advent Children Cloud when that is wrong and doesn't make sense
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Endoq
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-12-05 15:41:40  
I hope the graphics don't suck in the remake like they did in the original.

The crappy grainy looking graphics are what kept me away from ff7 in the first place.
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サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2015-12-05 15:43:33  
Valefor.Endoq said: »
I hope the graphics don't suck in the remake like they did in the original.

The crappy grainy looking graphics are what kept me away from ff7 in the first place.

grainy? I'd call it more 'blocky'
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Endoq
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-12-05 15:46:48  
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Valefor.Endoq said: »
I hope the graphics don't suck in the remake like they did in the original.

The crappy grainy looking graphics are what kept me away from ff7 in the first place.

grainy? I'd call it more 'blocky'

It's a bit of both hehe
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サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-12-05 15:52:22  
Bismarck.Dracondria said: »
I wanna see the summons in HD

With the god damn animations
The time for Kjata to finally be shown in more than a pile of cubes!
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2015-12-05 15:53:01  
Love the blocky graphics! Gives it substance. The true graphics in the game were in the backgrounds. I wish people could get past graphics and appreciate a game for the story, the music, the characters and the gameplay. Graphics do not make a great game, the Sega Mega Drive had many awesome games and the graphics were worse than original FFVII.
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サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tidis
Posts: 3927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2015-12-05 15:53:14  
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
my problem is how they characterized Cloud in the trailer

Cloud is not a badass in FF7
he's weak
he's a dorky goober

maybe it's a fluke, but I hope they don't give Cloud the Advent Children treatment for this game.

If you know the story (SPOILERS)
Do we really need to do spoilers for FF7? It's a remake but meh, anyway, there is some potential in Cloud, as seen when he overpowers Sephiroth and throws him into the Mako Reactor but I believe a lot of his strength as seen in FF7 comes from the experiments he underwent, he was infused with Mako energy and Jenova cells just like a member SOLDIER would be but unlike Zack who easily resisted it, Cloud went into a near catatonic state, pretty similar to how he goes after his Mako poisoning in the events of FF7.
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サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-12-05 15:54:58  
Aerith dies.

Yes, I did not spoiler that!
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2015-12-05 15:55:06  
Cerberus.Tidis said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
my problem is how they characterized Cloud in the trailer

Cloud is not a badass in FF7
he's weak
he's a dorky goober

maybe it's a fluke, but I hope they don't give Cloud the Advent Children treatment for this game.

If you know the story (SPOILERS)
Do we really need to do spoilers for FF7? It's a remake but meh, anyway, there is some potential in Cloud, as seen when he overpowers Sephiroth and throws him into the Mako Reactor but I believe a lot of his strength as seen in FF7 comes from the experiments he underwent, he was infused with Mako energy and Jenova cells just like a member SOLDIER would be but unlike Zack who easily resisted it, Cloud went into a near catatonic state, pretty similar to how he goes after his Mako poisoning in the events of FF7.

Yes, because believe it or not, many younger fans of Final Fantasy never (or simply refused) to play the original "because the graphics are too blocky!". Lame, I know, but I would rather not spoil it for them if they ever consider playing the remake. Also I got told off for accidently spoiling the RoV storyline, so just wanted to be sure.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Endoq
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-12-05 15:57:17  
I like blocky style also.
Usually because blocky style is also very crisp and well defined.
It's just the grainy backgrounds I don't like because it becomes very difficult to distinguish what I'm actually looking at...
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Zeig
Posts: 1589
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2015-12-05 16:00:18  
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Aerith dies.

Yes, I did not spoiler that!

EDIT: Actually, this raises the question: should we really bother spoilering story-related discussions for a nearly 20 year-old game? (Obviously you don't think so, and so do I, but others used the spoiler tag so I'm interested in knowing what others think).
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2015-12-05 16:01:00  
Valefor.Endoq said: »
I like blocky style also.
Usually because blocky style is also very crisp and well defined.
It's just the grainy backgrounds I don't like because it becomes very difficult to distinguish what I'm actually looking at...

Back in 1997, everyone was like "OMG LOOK AT THE GRAPHICS! SO REAL!" because we were used to typical 2D style Sonic games and Mario. This was a huge step forward in terms of a 3D world. Having a 3D World Map? Unbelievable. Sounds odd to say, but these "blocky and grainy graphics" were cutting edge in 1997. It's going to be really odd playing the remake and not having the blocky graphics, I cleared the game about 70 million times so it will take some time to get used to HD Cloud in HD Midgar. We didn't even have the internet back in 1997, and the game sold like hot cakes; everyone was talking about how great it was.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Endoq
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-12-05 16:02:31  
YouTube Video Placeholder

Looks good...

Also some people (like my self) have not played ff7 so that little tidbit about whoever died could ruin the story for newbies :/
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サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-12-05 16:02:51  
Ragnarok.Zeig said: »
Yissss!!! Screw her!

"Flower girl", everyone in Midgar knows she was a hooker!
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2015-12-05 16:04:05  
Valefor.Endoq said: »
YouTube Video Placeholder

Looks good...

Also some people (like my self) have not played ff7 so that little tidbit about whoever died could ruin the story for newbies :/

Personally I knew that spoiler before I played the original, and it didn't detract from just how emotionally crippling it was. The end of the first disc was one of the saddest moments in gaming history, whether you knew it was going to happen or not. And to this day, people still talk about that moment.
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サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-12-05 16:05:07  
I'm first to be careful about spoilers about books, movies, and anything, but spoilers netiquette does not apply to something almost 20 years old. It's also referenced pretty much everywhere on internet.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Zeig
Posts: 1589
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2015-12-05 16:05:35  
Valefor.Endoq said: »
Also some people (like my self) have not played ff7 so that little tidbit about whoever died could ruin the story for newbies :/
Oh, here's the first victim.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2015-12-05 16:08:24  
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Owari Monogatari said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
my problem is how they characterized Cloud in the trailer
The heck are you talking about? The first 3/4 of it was "Look How Cool This Character Is: The Game". He's an ex-mercenary that's too jaded to care about what happens to the world anymore. It's every action movie hero.

Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
my problem is how they characterized Cloud in the trailer

Cloud is not a badass in FF7
he's weak
he's a dorky goober

maybe it's a fluke, but I hope they don't give Cloud the Advent Children treatment for this game.

If you know the story (SPOILERS)

Yes I've played the game and I don't disagree with that synopsis

but Cloud in the first three quarters of the game is way different from Cloud in Advent Children

I'm worried that they'll portray him as Advent Children Cloud when that is wrong and doesn't make sense

The way I see Cloud in the trailer is the exact way I saw him in the original. He doesn't care for AVALANCE, he doesn't care about saving the planet. The only thing he cares about is 1) getting paid, and 2) staying alive. So they have done right by portraying Cloud the way they have. Cloud is also much stronger compared to Biggs Wedge and Jessie, and stronger than Barrett, which gives him the cocky attitude. Cloud will be an arse in the beginning, for sure.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Endoq
Posts: 6906
By Valefor.Endoq 2015-12-05 16:09:00  
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Valefor.Endoq said: »
I like blocky style also.
Usually because blocky style is also very crisp and well defined.
It's just the grainy backgrounds I don't like because it becomes very difficult to distinguish what I'm actually looking at...

Back in 1997, everyone was like "OMG LOOK AT THE GRAPHICS! SO REAL!" because we were used to typical 2D style Sonic games and Mario. This was a huge step forward in terms of a 3D world. Having a 3D World Map? Unbelievable. Sounds odd to say, but these "blocky and grainy graphics" were cutting edge in 1997. It's going to be really odd playing the remake and not having the blocky graphics, I cleared the game about 70 million times so it will take some time to get used to HD Cloud in HD Midgar. We didn't even have the internet back in 1997, and the game sold like hot cakes; everyone was talking about how great it was.
The late 90s is when I quit playing video games for a while because the graphics were so awful hahaha. Clearly defined images of a 16 bit system are far better than grainy 3d images. It wasn't until the ps2/xbox that the game systems were able to produce 3d images that didn't look like sandpaper... (N64 had a few gems though)
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2015-12-05 16:10:40  
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
I'm first to be careful about spoilers about books, movies, and anything, but spoilers netiquette does not apply to something almost 20 years old. It's also referenced pretty much everywhere on internet.

It's because I went into intricate details about the underlying plot you don't find out about til later in the game .. or if you ever play Crisis Core. Obviously everyone knows about Aeris, but anyone who's not played FFVII in its entirety and tried to understand the back story, they might not want it spoiled. I know I wouldn't. Anyways, it's not about whether I posted it in a spoiler tag or not, that's not the focus here. The focus is the fact FFVII is being remade, and we obviously can't wait. And hopefully those who never played the original might share our enthusiasm for it in the future.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Zeig
Posts: 1589
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2015-12-05 16:12:27  
Am I the only one who was like "meh" when Eirisu-neechan died? I had just started using her in the party (since the temple of the ancients), but didn't really get that intense emotional shock that everybody keeps talking about.

I only felt that about Lavitz in Legend of Dragoon (even though they replace the character with another that has the same stats, abilities, and exp progress).
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2015-12-05 16:14:45  
Phoenix.Erics said: »
i hope they keep turn based combat.. if they turn it into some always fighting *** it wont really feel like ff7.

Now lets remove you from that and put you in the old combat system with bland static arenas that have absolutely no effect on how a battle would play out.

Also you have a single attack animation for each character now do this for 60+ hours.

Yeah, no thanks. It was cool in the original because you got improved character models and animations to look at when you went into a battle. That isn't the case here.
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