Very strange thing is happening to me. I was playing on FFXI last night, and it just happened today for no apparent reason.
At first I thought Playonline was corrupted. What happens is, I tell Playonline to load (tried it from normal and from Windower), it shows the splash screen, then half the splash screen gets greyed out. Playonline continues to run, but it doesn't show up. It has Playonline in my windows tab bar at the bottom, but no window is shown whatsoever. Windows Task Manager says it is running. I can hear myself going through the menu as well. So the first step I did was to uninstall playonline, and get a fresh copy from SE. It did not help the cause.
I thought maybe I have some kind of virus, but I don't, because my computer is acting fine and I have done all my scans. I am able to play other games like GTA V and Fifa 15 just fine, so nothing wrong with my graphics. Then I thought ok.. if it's somehow running, maybe I can bypass Playonline and log in using my keyboard. I used another computer to run Playonline, and then I did step-by-step keys to log in. For some reason it did not copy my movements, and it refused to get me past the log in stage .. instead it decided to restart itself twice.
Has anyone had this problem? It's really killing my mood. I'll try to provide some screenshots.