Dev Team Discuss About FFXI Post November Update

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Dev team discuss about FFXI post november update
Posts: 89
By Datass 2015-04-02 08:36:29  
Shiva.Kingmancat said: »
Say whatever you will about my opinion or your perception of my lack of a sense of humor, as you are entitled to do so, but as someone that personally HATES trolls, trolling, April Fools, and pranks in general, I'm going to side with Sephiran on this one. It all stems from the fact that I have a deeply seated and very strong hatred for people that get their jollies out of causing others torment, pain, or distress. Truthfully, hate isn't even a strong enough word to convey how I actually feel about this. Also, I've actually had arguments with LS mates about my feelings towards trolling. I believe people that enjoy trolling others and those that find pranks against others funny are *** douchebag *** that are a waste of human protoplasm. Seriously, what is it about schadenfreude that makes you people happy?

Apparently, unlike many others out there that play this, I have a lot of emotion tied into the years I have been on this game. This was my first and will be my last MMO. The friends I have made in all this time and the countless hours I've spent with them will forever mean something to me. This entire scenario of the game ending the way they are ending it has been a real thorn in my side, and this prank started to become a choke up moment until I realized what it actually was.

TLDR version - This games means a lot to me, I *** hate trolls, I wish April Fools didn't exist, and wish I could eternally curse the family of the person that created it.

Here's the thing- you are one of seven billion people on this planet. Your opinion counts for one. And when you so vehemently defend and justify your own opinion (because that's all it is...) you kind of miss the point that everyone else is entitled to that same right and just because you disagree with someone, it doesn't make them wrong. Forum mod said it correctly: you don't like it, try a different thread. But instead you're being emo and butthurt about a joke that other people are perfectly entitled to enjoy without your holier than thou (misguided) morality lecture. Most people outgrow that type of reaction by the 10th grade. Do us and especially yourself a favor- stop taking yourself and the world so seriously.
Posts: 2877
By leo 2015-04-02 10:26:08  
Pantafernando said: »
leo said: »
Shiva.Kingmancat said: »
Say whatever you will about my opinion or your perception of my lack of a sense of humor, as you are entitled to do so, but as someone that personally HATES trolls, trolling, April Fools, and pranks in general, I'm going to side with Sephiran on this one. It all stems from the fact that I have a deeply seated and very strong hatred for people that get their jollies out of causing others torment, pain, or distress. Truthfully, hate isn't even a strong enough to convey how I actually feel about this. Also, I've actually had arguments with LS mates about my feelings towards trolling.

Apparently, unlike many others out there that play this, I have a lot of emotion tied into the years I have been on this game. This was my first and will be my last MMO. The friends I have made in all this time and the countless hours I've spent with them will forever mean something to me. This entire scenario of the game ending the way they are ending it has been a real thorn in my side, and this prank started to become a choke up moment until I realized what it actually was.

TLDR version - This games means a lot to me, I *** hate trolls, I wish April Fools didn't exist, and wish I could eternally curse the family of the person that created it.

The whole point of this particular joke was exactly that. Joke with the feelings you just mentioned. I opened the thread past midnight, so I forgot about April 1st. But reading it and then discovering it was a travesty made it funny. I think that is the point you're missing here.

Take it in good sports. Just this time, ok ? :)

Ah, legal. Agora sou um travesti...

travesty (ˈtrævɪstɪ)
(plural) -ties
a farcical or grotesque imitation; mockery; parody

Se eu quisesse mesmo insultar eu usava "travestite"...
Mas somos todos amigos aqui. Eu jamais insultaria um conterrâneo. ;)

Hey folks sorry about the "bow-wow" language. Now back to normal programming.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Kerron
Posts: 999
By Leviathan.Syagin 2015-04-02 15:25:24  
Surprised this isn't locked yet.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hoshiku
Posts: 802
By Asura.Hoshiku 2015-04-02 15:52:48  
I'm not surprised at all. Something something XI hate.
Guildwork Premium
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Sephiran
Posts: 40
By Bahamut.Sephiran 2015-04-03 05:16:56  
leo said: »
The whole point of this particular joke was exactly that. Joke with the feelings you just mentioned. I opened the thread past midnight, so I forgot about April 1st. But reading it and then discovering it was a travesty made it funny. I think that is the point you're missing here.

Take it in good sports. Just this time, ok ? :)

For a lot of us, the "feelings" are still fresh. Not only that, but part of the reason this decision on part of SE pissed off so many people is because the entire course of actions laid out in the Vana'diel Project seem both financially unsound as well in addition to shafting the game we've all come to care about.

Shiva.Kingmancat said: »
Apparently, unlike many others out there that play this, I have a lot of emotion tied into the years I have been on this game. This was my first and will be my last MMO. The friends I have made in all this time and the countless hours I've spent with them will forever mean something to me. This entire scenario of the game ending the way they are ending it has been a real thorn in my side, and this prank started to become a choke up moment until I realized what it actually was.

I agree entirely. The foolishly optimistic part of me wants to believe that a message from Matsui translated by Camate will come out saying, "Oh, we just meant we would cease major updates on the consoles and not on Windows," giving players the unbound experience they'd held out a long time for.
Posts: 113
By caseyanthony 2015-04-03 06:28:36  
Oh you're still in tears over this Sephrian it was pathetic reading what you wrote on bg about it, everyone thought it would be Draylo reaching for the nearest bridge but he maned up and is acting rather rational about it. You on the other hand I fear for you come November because you really have it bad.

This topic was obviously a joke but you can't help been all hyper sensitve can you? Grow up get a back bone and i'm sure you're over 21 an adult. Act like it instead of crying and been almost suicidal over a damn game that reached its peak a long time ago.

Stop your dreaming now, it's done.
Guildwork Premium
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Sephiran
Posts: 40
By Bahamut.Sephiran 2015-04-03 07:38:11  
caseyanthony said: »
...everyone thought it would be Draylo reaching for the nearest bridge but he maned up and is acting rather rational about it.

Actually, I don't know what's more sad now. The fact that the game is going into maintenance mode or the fact that biggest attraction in the community attempting to get a rise out of Draylo.

Because that's a shining portrait of maturity, is it not?

Almost as mature as your comment, right?
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: evovenom
By Bahamut.Evovenom 2015-04-03 10:45:43  
caseyanthony said: »
Oh you're still in tears over this Sephrian it was pathetic reading what you wrote on bg about it, everyone thought it would be Draylo reaching for the nearest bridge but he maned up and is acting rather rational about it. You on the other hand I fear for you come November because you really have it bad.

This topic was obviously a joke but you can't help been all hyper sensitve can you? Grow up get a back bone and i'm sure you're over 21 an adult. Act like it instead of crying and been almost suicidal over a damn game that reached its peak a long time ago.

Stop your dreaming now, it's done.

Aren't you suppose to be quitting XI? Going by all of this garbage I'd say practice what you preach.
Posts: 14045
By Pantafernando 2015-04-03 15:58:38  
Actually, what i think funny is that nothing i wrote is something too further from reality. Sure its a lie the "final day" and the means to shut down, but aside that, anything else was just similar what was said in OF in the digest of Freshly Picked Vanadiel: one of the reasons to stop major updates is because it belongs to "a plan to reduce spending" as they literally said, so they can reduce the dev team to bare minimum to keep game going on while focusing others projects.

While the final end isnt planned, let me write the words as they are:

"...we would like to continue operation as long as all the players continue to log into vana'diel"

Whats implicit is the obvious. If the underline conditions does not meet, the first sentence will be false. So, though we dont know if in 1, 10 or 100 years, at some point not "all players" will log, so SE wont "like to continue operation". And btw, people leaving the game is pretty much normal at this point, thinking at some moment the population wont diminish below the minimum is the same as closing the eyes to truth.

TL;DR: yes, its a prank. Pretending to be Matsui and seting a final day and final event is a lie, but if people are hurted by that lie, i believe thats because that lie isnt too far from the truth. If i had writed "i saw ovnis yesterday" none would make such fuss, but when the lie is more close to truth than actual lie, that can piss some person - not because it was a lie, but because it could be the truth...
Forum Moderator
サーバ: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2015-04-03 16:26:15  
Gonna go ahead and lock this before too much BS breaks out.
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