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Dev Tracker - news, discussions
Bsts are fine. Spend some time farming a -dt set with a stack of remedies and its business as usual. Less bandwagon bsts means more chances for dedicated bsts to setup a 4 step fusion without the spam of readys from trigger happy bsts. This update has made playing bst even more fun for me.
Cerberus.Tidis said: » Supa said: » Pantafernando said: » Beastmaster The range in which certain abilities and pet commands can be used has been shortened. While this changes the style of play a bit, please try it out and let us know your feedback. Sure the beastmasters are already on this one Pre-nerf: "Distance doesn't need to be nerfed" Post-nerf: "Distance needed to be nerfed but you did it too much" It's very much Rudra's Storm v2, hell I'm sure I was guilty for over-defending Rudra's at the time but trying to bargain your way out of a nerf just weakens your argument. As a nerf, it doesn't work. BST is as good as ever in any fight where the target is static tanked. All this change achieved was to make the job annoying to play. It was horrifically misconceived from the get-go and is just going to cost SE subscriptions. Trying to forcibly change how people play their job of choice at this stage in the game's life is risky at best, but enforcing it by effectively disabling half their signature abilities based on a tight proximity check is basic stupidity. If damage output was simply scaled according to range, it'd be fine. But making it so that beyond a range smaller than the radius of a large mob the pet becomes unresponsive and unable to be healed is just irritating. Quote: The development team is considering a feature to reduce the refresh timer on Imprimaturs. Quote: We have no plans to allow guild items to be transferred between characters on the same account, or add guild items and crafting torques to the login campaigns. There already is a feature.
By doing quests and assignments, Reja in the library gives copper and silver shovel cordons. AND this past update added a Gold KI that reduces improbluhs even further... (Don't believe it's obtainable yet, what with having done every quest but GEO's mythic; and the previous two levels didn't require any RUN or GEO quests. Makes me think Amchuchu's Vegetable Vegetable line will get a finale next month. Which finishes all hanging quest lines.) REALLY hope they don't mean something dumb like RoV KI reduces the timer... Would MUCH rather it reduce conversion cost (HPB to 1:1k, coalition gear and items get a 50~80% cost down, SR simulacra for 1k, etc). Quote: Greetings, The effects given from the various cheers were designed specifically for your character and alter egos only. As such we do not have any plans to extend these effects to any kind of pet at the moment. Quote: I can confirm that all of the bonuses from Gifts do indeed stack. Quote: We’ve been receiving a lot of feedback about this. Since there are monsters with varying sizes, if we make adjustments so that the somewhat larger monsters are the benchmark, then the distance in which commands can be used will be no different than before. While we can’t make any promises at the time, we will be looking into changing the target of pet commands, shifting them from the master to the pet. We believe that the way it feels to play will become very different, so we would like to hear everyone’s feedback once it is implemented. *There is a possibility that commands cannot be accepted when pets are out of your field of vision. Quote: Greetings, The ability to make spike-type spells AoE through Manifestation was actually a bug that was fixed some time ago, and as such it is no longer possible to do this. Quote: Thanks for all the suggestions! We have an update I'd like to share regarding alter ego behavior. There's an issue where healer type alter ego's use Protectra or Shellra when players and other alter egos are not in range. The development team is looking into a possible resolution to this by expanding the range of Protectra and Shellra, making the behavior similar to automaton's white mage head. We've also received feedback where alter egos run off in different directions and get lost in their pathing. With the current system, the direction in which the alter ego travels is decided depending on the location of the target. We'd appreciate if you could provide us with feedback on the distance between the alter ego and the target when this issue occurs. Additionally, we are aware that the alter egos do not cast Erase when afflicted by magic songs. We're planning to address this in a future version update. Quote: In regards to the changes made to the F8 key, we received several requests on the forums from players who wanted NPC targeting to be prioritized before enemy targeting. For this reason, we implemented the behavior change during the September version update. However, because of this, now there are players who would like the behavior to be reverted back to how it was originally. Therefore, we're planning to make one of the following adjustments: Revert the behavior of the F8 key back to what it was before September 16, 2015 Set the previous behavior of the F8 key to either the F7 or F10 key Leave the current behavior as is We'd like to hear from the community on which option you'd like to be considered. Additionally, please note that when assigning the F8 key behavior to another key, it will be difficult to assign new functions to anything outside of the F7 or F10 key. (We believe the F7 and F10 key's function can be covered with the F1 key.) Quote: In regards to the changes made to the F8 key, we received several requests on the forums from players who wanted NPC targeting to be prioritized before enemy targeting. For this reason, we implemented the behavior change during the September version update. However, because of this, now there are players who would like the behavior to be reverted back to how it was originally. Therefore, we're planning to make one of the following adjustments: Revert the behavior of the F8 key back to what it was before September 16, 2015 Set the previous behavior of the F8 key to either the F7 or F10 key Leave the current behavior as is We'd like to hear from the community on which option you'd like to be considered. Additionally, please note that when assigning the F8 key behavior to another key, it will be difficult to assign new functions to anything outside of the F7 or F10 key. (We believe the F7 and F10 key's function can be covered with the F1 key.) Just put it back to F8 and make F7 or F10 the key that selects whatever is closest... Just give me back my F8 targets enemy! Valefor.Seranos said: » Quote: In regards to the changes made to the F8 key, we received several requests on the forums from players who wanted NPC targeting to be prioritized before enemy targeting. For this reason, we implemented the behavior change during the September version update. However, because of this, now there are players who would like the behavior to be reverted back to how it was originally. Therefore, we're planning to make one of the following adjustments: Revert the behavior of the F8 key back to what it was before September 16, 2015 Set the previous behavior of the F8 key to either the F7 or F10 key Leave the current behavior as is We'd like to hear from the community on which option you'd like to be considered. Additionally, please note that when assigning the F8 key behavior to another key, it will be difficult to assign new functions to anything outside of the F7 or F10 key. (We believe the F7 and F10 key's function can be covered with the F1 key.) Just put it back to F8 and make F7 or F10 the key that selects whatever is closest... Just give me back my F8 targets enemy! Yes please, or make it an option in the config to chose which is prioritized. Not being able to quickly target the nearest enemy has been annoying as all hell. Quote: I’d like to give a slightly deeper explanation as to how we will be adjusting beastmaster in the next version update. As mentioned previously, we will be changing the target of pet commands, and shifting the focus of the target to your pet. Up until now pet commands were focalized on yourself, and it’s been difficult to grasp the effective range. However, with this adjustment there will be a subtarget display over your pet, and you’ll be able to better judge the range by looking at its color. Many have been concerned about commands not being executed when pets are not in your field of vision; however, when using macros with the “me” pronoun, pet commands will be executed as you have been used to up until now. Using macros with this pronoun will not bring up a subtarget, so in the event you want this to happen, you can utilize “stnpc.” We realize there are many that have become very used to the way the current system works, and we’ve made adjustments to keep this option intact while adding another. We hope that you utilize the option that works best for your playstyle. This is actually fine as far as I am concerned.
The epic QQing to un-nerf BST is funny as hell to read. All those bandwagoners who were cheezing fights slammed into a brick wall.
They can still do it and I see them do it all the time. It's just the incredibly gimp bad players like that Olor guy. The rest were just inconvenienced. That guy is something else, he is just so bad and needy on a whole other level. Completely takes the BST stereotype and makes it his own.
Asura.Saevel said: » The epic QQing to un-nerf BST is funny as hell to read. All those bandwagoners who were cheezing fights slammed into a brick wall. Would you be surprised to learn that most of my LS(large majority career BST) also enjoy reading that thread for the same reason? Seriously, this whole range thing isn't a big deal. Git gud, scrubs. Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: » Asura.Saevel said: » The epic QQing to un-nerf BST is funny as hell to read. All those bandwagoners who were cheezing fights slammed into a brick wall. Would you be surprised to learn that most of my LS(large majority career BST) also enjoy reading that thread for the same reason? Seriously, this whole range thing isn't a big deal. Git gud, scrubs. Well I've never had an issue with dedicated BST players doing crazy good ***, only with large quantities of people quickly tossing gear onto BST and then abusing game mechanics to easily clear everything. BST is still broke as *** but at least this shakes the ultra noobs off the bandwagon. I have partied with BSTS and they do just fine.
Good BST are still good, just maybe a tad more careful on where they stand.
Bad BST die horribly as I laugh maniacally. win/win FaeQueenCory said: » There already is a feature. By doing quests and assignments, Reja in the library gives copper and silver shovel cordons. AND this past update added a Gold KI that reduces improbluhs even further... (Don't believe it's obtainable yet, what with having done every quest but GEO's mythic; and the previous two levels didn't require any RUN or GEO quests. Makes me think Amchuchu's Vegetable Vegetable line will get a finale next month. Which finishes all hanging quest lines.) REALLY hope they don't mean something dumb like RoV KI reduces the timer... Would MUCH rather it reduce conversion cost (HPB to 1:1k, coalition gear and items get a 50~80% cost down, SR simulacra for 1k, etc). Bahamut.Seekerstar said: » Good BST are still good, just maybe a tad more careful on where they stand. Bad BST die horribly as I laugh maniacally. win/win Bst is still easy to play. Attack run in ready, spur ready wait 1 secs ready again run out of range to let ready timer refill press ready attack ready run out of range. Easy as pie. Just we need more dedicated bst. I prob ran into 1 other 1200 JPs bst all this time. Bst is fine the way it is. If anything needs changed it's blu's AOE damage. I can 1-shot 15 IT mobs with ease on blu, and my blu sucks. I would rather other jobs are just made stronger, but instead SE is paying attention to inferior players that can't stop crying on the official forums. Blu's know they've gotten lucky, between Subduction and Specrtal Floe... Magic Hammer really? If you can't be strong on Blu it's time to play another game.
Titanfoo said: » Bst is fine the way it is. If anything needs changed it's blu's AOE damage. I can 1-shot 15 IT mobs with ease on blu, and my blu sucks. I would rather other jobs are just made stronger, but instead SE is paying attention to inferior players that can't stop crying on the official forums. Blu's know they've gotten lucky, between Subduction and Specrtal Floe... Magic Hammer really? If you can't be strong on Blu it's time to play another game. I been defending bst n now defending blue. Only way to one shot mass mobs is with burst affinity and even then some mobs might still have a sliver amount of life left so ur gear must be pretty good to be able to one shot 15 IT mobs. It takes good players to play blue good. Not mediocre player so ur opinions is a little wrong. Chyula said: » All 2-handers need a buff. Hell, if S-E even went back to the old 1:1 STR/DEX: ATK/ACC ratio, that would be a great start towards fixing our accuracy issues. Bahamut.Foreverj said: » Titanfoo said: » Bst is fine the way it is. If anything needs changed it's blu's AOE damage. I can 1-shot 15 IT mobs with ease on blu, and my blu sucks. I would rather other jobs are just made stronger, but instead SE is paying attention to inferior players that can't stop crying on the official forums. Blu's know they've gotten lucky, between Subduction and Specrtal Floe... Magic Hammer really? If you can't be strong on Blu it's time to play another game. I been defending bst n now defending blue. Only way to one shot mass mobs is with burst affinity and even then some mobs might still have a sliver amount of life left so ur gear must be pretty good to be able to one shot 15 IT mobs. It takes good players to play blue good. Not mediocre player so ur opinions is a little wrong. Even if only 20% of blue mages can perform at that level, it's still a bit unbalanced. There's no reason why one job should be able to do well in so many roles. BLU needs either an across-the-board nerf or a heavier nerf to a single facet of the job. A nerf to CDC might be a good start, or a nerf to their cleaving spells. SE needs to allow Accession > Haste already, so my 10+ minute Haste is also AoE.
Sylph.Safiyyah said: » Chyula said: » All 2-handers need a buff. Hell, if S-E even went back to the old 1:1 STR/DEX: ATK/ACC ratio, that would be a great start towards fixing our accuracy issues. Bahamut.Foreverj said: » Titanfoo said: » Bst is fine the way it is. If anything needs changed it's blu's AOE damage. I can 1-shot 15 IT mobs with ease on blu, and my blu sucks. I would rather other jobs are just made stronger, but instead SE is paying attention to inferior players that can't stop crying on the official forums. Blu's know they've gotten lucky, between Subduction and Specrtal Floe... Magic Hammer really? If you can't be strong on Blu it's time to play another game. I been defending bst n now defending blue. Only way to one shot mass mobs is with burst affinity and even then some mobs might still have a sliver amount of life left so ur gear must be pretty good to be able to one shot 15 IT mobs. It takes good players to play blue good. Not mediocre player so ur opinions is a little wrong. Even if only 20% of blue mages can perform at that level, it's still a bit unbalanced. There's no reason why one job should be able to do well in so many roles. BLU needs either an across-the-board nerf or a heavier nerf to a single facet of the job. A nerf to CDC might be a good start, or a nerf to their cleaving spells. Let's not nerf anymore jobs pls. Bismarck.Snprphnx said: » SE needs to allow Accession > Haste already, so my 10+ minute Haste is also AoE. That's summoner's thing, though. That's not likely to happen. Sylph.Safiyyah said: » Bismarck.Snprphnx said: » SE needs to allow Accession > Haste already, so my 10+ minute Haste is also AoE. That's summoner's thing, though. That's not likely to happen. Bahamut.Foreverj said: » Titanfoo said: » Bst is fine the way it is. If anything needs changed it's blu's AOE damage. I can 1-shot 15 IT mobs with ease on blu, and my blu sucks. I would rather other jobs are just made stronger, but instead SE is paying attention to inferior players that can't stop crying on the official forums. Blu's know they've gotten lucky, between Subduction and Specrtal Floe... Magic Hammer really? If you can't be strong on Blu it's time to play another game. I been defending bst n now defending blue. Only way to one shot mass mobs is with burst affinity and even then some mobs might still have a sliver amount of life left so ur gear must be pretty good to be able to one shot 15 IT mobs. It takes good players to play blue good. Not mediocre player so ur opinions is a little wrong. He's exaggerating big time. Probably talking about Accuex's which take extra damage from certain elements, then using BA and having really good Helios or Abjuration MAB gear with Nibiru clubs. BLU's nuking sets are nearly identical to what a SCH / BLM / RDM / GEO would use so someone with one of those jobs already geared has some really nice nuke gear. Now BLU can one shot VT dragons / puks in escha, well most of them, with good gear and BA Tenebral. BLM could of done the same except magic spell damage is divided up among targets while weapon skill damage isn't. BLU magic spells are considered weapon skills, so you have cataclysm, aeolian edge, and fell cleave on a 20~25 second cool down. Prior to the last JP update BLU was balanced just right. It has a really high skill vs power curve, which is how all jobs should be balanced. There is no gimmicky "push B to win" mechanic to the job due to it's complexity. Unfortunately that last 1200JP was too much and pushed BLU over the edge into OP territory. The issue with jobs like MNK, SAM, BST and Rag-Reso DRK, is that they had virtually all their power front-loaded onto the job with practically zero skill requirement. So while there was some room for power-through-skill growth, it was fairly small and a bandwagon player could gather the requisite gear, download someone else's gearswap file, and within a week be capable of exploiting whatever gimmick is in vogue. This leads to everyone and their mother jumping on that job and thus pushing out anyone not doing the bandwagon. Try that on BLU (or DNC which almost as powerful as post-1200JP BLU) and the player will fail miserably. We saw this already years ago when there were so many bad BLU's that the job got a huge amount of discrimination. I remember having to convince shell mates to let me bring it to various events because everyone thought it sucked due the sheer number of bad BLU's who had zero idea how the jobs mechanics worked. Quote: Version Update (10/16/2015) ![]() A new, content-packed version update is set to land early this November! Along with the concluding chapter to Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, the November version update will conclude the Seekers of Adoulin "Vegetable Vegetable Revolution" quest series. That's not all! Fearsome notorious monsters await in Geas Fete, Wanted battles, and Domain Invasion, each guarding a horde of resplendent spoils. Rank 7 monster rearing will also be introduced along with a hefty expansion to job points and gifts -- a veritable cornucopia of improvements and additions! |
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